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"Central Banks VS. The QFS, Time To Let It Happen" by Ron Giles 12-29-2020

"Central Banks vs. the QFS, Time to Let it Happen" by Ron Giles - 12.29.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 1:58 AM EST on December 29, 2020

As the Central Banks (CB) make their last stand, it becomes glaringly obvious which one to choose…gold-backed VS fiat currencies.

The dye is cast, the opponents are in their respective corners. The announcer is spouting the benefits and history of each contestant. “In this corner,” he begins, “is the Central Banking system. This is the system that has taken the value of the USD, from 100 cents in buying power in 1972, to less than 1 Cent today.

The USD was taken off the gold standard and replaced in 1972 with the supposed backing of oil, called the petrodollar. Its use would make billions for the CB financial system while destroying the world economy on purpose.”

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“In the other corner,” he says, “is the Quantum Financial System (QFS) with its worldwide economic system of gold-backed currencies. While its history has yet to be written, it has been created as a safety net to catch humanity from the fall of the CB system. This gold-backed system using digital gold certificates requires a Quantum Computer that tracks and secures all financial transactions in the worldwide economic system.”

“OK, contestants come to the center of the ring where the referee will check your gloves to see if you have any concealed metal objects in your gloves.” Upon checking, the referee finds the CB gloves contain many weights.

After removing the weights, the embarrassed CB boxer cowers back to his corner knowing he has little to defend against the onslaught that faces him. “Let’s have a fair fight,” the announcer says, and the bell rings to begin the fight. It turns out to be a slaughter as the QFS, represented by the Alliance, toys with the older CB boxer in this uneven fight against the younger QFS boxer.

So, which one are you going to bet on – the QFS or the CB? Is the old CB guy going to just go away or will there be some relevancy for the old banking system in the new?

The transition from the old to the new could be seamless or it could be chaotic, or maybe, some of both. It depends on how the NPTB (New Powers That Be) work out the transition detail.

Although it is really useless, if I had a rat’s arss, I wouldn’t give it for a chance that the CB will even survive past the first year. There will be no way for the CB to make any money to support their gluttonous ways. They will go into forced receivership where we will buy their assets and begin the Financial Services Industry.

Why would you give them money for the "privilege" of using their archaic system when the QFS is free, safe, and, secure?

o, if you want to pay your last respects to your bank manager before he becomes obsolete, give him a fiver as a token of your appreciation. He may find new employment in the New Financial Services Industry, we will need thousands of good people to operate the Service Centers for society.

The Financial Services Industry will be supported by the QFS to fill in the old things a bank used to do; IE, Loans, cash deposits from a business, refinancing homes, and so forth.

We are the point of the spear as it pierces into the darkness. Our beam of light will light our way into every darkened crevice of the Cabal. We will use the QFS as a tool to flood the earth with money that cannot be shared with the Cabal operatives.

They will find us to be impenetrable and fully prepared to fulfill our callings as we use our money skillfully to bring relief to the needy and the left-behind in society. We will have support to avoid Charities and NGO (Non-Government Organization) that have been used for money laundering and an income source for foundations of ill-repute.

I know our time has not yet come, but we will be released at the right time to effectuate our plans in the weeks, or perhaps months, to come. Get into the details of your project plans and be prepared for any contingencies that are hard to see coming.

Our time is given for such preparations as these - before we are set loose. God really is with us, we have never been left alone. Feel the personal power of our Sovereignty, as we rise up to the mantle of authority as it molds gently around our shoulders.

We are the ones the world has waited for, to be the blessings of the Father to His children. What a privilege to serve with the Grace and the love of the Father. Peace be unto us all.

Love and Light
Ron Giles


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