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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-1-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 9-1-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday September 1st  and you’re listening to The Big Call –  I’m excited even though this journey is going longer than we all thought -  I am still excited and can’t wait to let  you know all about it - Thanks for tuning in everybody

Let’s get into where we stand on intel – Today is Tuesday September 1st where we thought 3 -4 days ago we would be today – it is to a point where the QFS would be fully operational – which I understand it is – where we would have the Swift system fully NOT operational or out of the loops – so to speak or the use of sending bank wires domestically and globally -  now – we believe the Swift is gone for the very most part we have to confirm this but I believe it is –

What that means is 2 things – as far as sending money like wiring funds from one account to another – one bank to another – I use the term instead of bank wire - ledger to ledger transfer – because in the QF System it happens much much quicker – just like you’re doing a transfer within your own bank from one account to another – it happens instantaneously and that is really what’s happening in the QF System is that wires – especially international wires – they use to take up to 10 – 12 days to go through – in some cases the intermediate banks would hold these funds and trade on them and finally release them to the proper end –

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The case of the QFS there is NO middle man – the sending bank would send the ledger to ledger through the system and the receiving bank on the other end would pick it up in approximately less than 1 minute – In domestic transfers the time is between 25 – 30 seconds to do a domestic transfer – which is phenomenal – and this could happen 24 x 7 x 365

So the speed of transactions is so much faster than it has ever been and like I said internationally sending funds and they have tested all of this so many times now in different transactions can be done in 45 – 58 seconds but let’s just say less than a minute

 That is going to make a huge difference when everybody starts using this for commerce as far as sending funds from one place to another - Now when it comes to the QF System  - one thing that I think is important to realize – that system  allows each transaction that we do or anyone does  has a digital footprint – it allows to have an actual signature to take place that stamps that transaction to where it’s uniquely different from anything else that’s out there – like a fingerprint or thumb print – or like a snowflake – no two alike –

The beauty of this because of that unique digital signature – that is made in the QF System through the Blockchain technology that we have an unhackable situation – we’ve got a system that is functioning without the ability of it being hacked that is a very positive thing for us moving forward -  and I know that’s going to be very valuable

Now let’s cut to for a minute the mother lode account that we would have especially if you are holding Zim and you’ve redeemed your Zim - you have a mother lode account in the main bank that you want to work with – that mother lode account or master account – you access by yourself at the bank – not from your home- your phone or laptop -  it is accessible  with 2 things – you personally the rightful owner – is going to be giving a thumb print on a biometric reader -  and if you do not have a right thumb they will go to the right index finger -  this is true not a joke –

You take that thumb print and your titanium account access card – this is NOT a credit card – it is designed for access to the mother lode account – so you  use that and it would read that card and your thumb print – and give you access to that account information – If you do not want anyone else to see it you do not give them access to the card –

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Bank personnel will not be able to see into the account unless you give permission – and it’s true about anyone else you would want to see it – it is up to you to give permission –

Now here is the other thing about that – You know I have talked to you about the idea of a mother lode account – which I just leave in the bank in its entirety so that when interest is earned by that account -  that it pays out every 90 days and the interest spills over into a secondary account –

I will do this within the “same” bank – I believe that the access titanium card and thumb print reader will give you access to both accounts – obviously you will have to enter an account number somewhere – for that to happen – or it may bring both accounts up at the same time – I don’t know –

When you do that – the theory is the bank obviously would love it if you would keep most of your money in with the original bank – right – and that’s why they are willing to pay you a very high interest per year – I am taking it quarterly – you do it however you want - that gives me a goal - I have XXX dollars under the USN – that I would like to get out and get into my projects – into the hands of people and into ministry and everything I can possibly do - because I know in 90 more days I am going to have the same ole problem all over again - I have more coming in – and that I want to get rid of – I mean that responsibly – I don’t mean taking it and dropping in bales from an airplane – I’m talking about feeding projects and people’s lives as a good trustee of all these funds  not only in the US also globally - Surely you could find good places for this to go

What else? Beyond that the idea of the security of this QF System – there will no longer be FDIC insurance - $250.000 insurance would not do a whole lot – My understanding is that we will have protection basically from the US Treasury  starting at 500 million Dollars – I don’t believe there is a real way for any company to insure all of these funds – it’s just not feasible – so our insurance essentially is coming from the fact that our funds are being mirrored in the US Treasury and because the fact that the digital version of our money that is visible on the screen actually backed by the physical assets of the USN which are not only held by the bank but by the treasury – and that is really the big difference –

The beauty is I don’t want to worry about it – I’m not planning on worrying about it – Once we understand the deal and we get the whole thing from the banks – the banks roles will change somewhat – ok to us – they are a service center in a very real sense – for our transactions – and for everything we need – where we are going to be is NOT at the retail bank locations – we are going to be working directly with a wealth management offices or Abbott Downing – in the case of Wells Fargo – and other private banking institutions – that are tied to these banks – that is a different way of banking –

That is more of a situation where you agree to meet your banker if you need to for any reason – at a place for dinner -  and he picks  up the tab – This is more of what it will be like – you are going to be working with the wealth management group at the bank you are also working with your family office - we talked a little bit about that – you want to look up what the family offices are all about - go to for example – many banks have them – go to Wells Fargo – and look up family office – under their website - I remember it was about 4 pages of information – maybe more – about how that relationship works –I want you to realize that banking for us is going to be different than it has ever been before

Let’s talk about where we are right now – with the timing of everything – Now because of the change over -  to the new system – all bank screens went dark on the banks at 4 or 5 PM Eastern yesterday – on the 31st of August and they were going to stay dark until around 11 pm last night when the rates would be coming in  and repopulating as all new rates for us front and back screens –

Now that period of time 4-11 PM – 6-7 hours of time – allowed the banks to have a final video conference call – a meeting – from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Eastern – and this happened last night (Monday) I know for one of the major tier 1 banks – my assumption is that many of the banks had this same tele conference going on -  individually for their bankers and redemption center personnel –

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All of them were on it - were supposed to be on it in North America – 6:30 – 9:00 to go over – what? The structured payouts for Zim holders - more detail about that - to talk about the follow up appointment – which is supposed to occur in 3-7 days after our initial redemption appointment – People that need to go to that appointment - for 1-2 or more reasons:

Look into the rate received – may want adjusted – based on projects - the other reason would be – when we do our presentation – they will scan in any material that we leave behind for them – which we should have for them – typed up - that they can scan in and then the computer will match that against the other presentations to see if there are duplicates or projects that seem too similar to be different –

They will look for that with an algorithm and spit it out and then they will contact you for a second appointment to discuss the fact that that might be the case –

I want to say this for Big Call listeners – that I’ve asked to do the same thing that I’m going to do with Rebuild America – With my leadership team with Rebuild – I remember asking maybe a couple years now - I have asked for 5,000 people that are listeners to the Big Call – over the last several years to help me rebuild America by doing the same basic things in your cities towns and communities that I am doing – in cities and towns and communities that I’m choosing –

I come up with my advisory group with a template work it through the leadership team – and give you a literal step 1 – 2- 3- 4- etc that you can do - and you say – Oh I see what they are doing – I see what Bruce is doing in this city and that town – he’s explaining what he’s going to do here and there – and when you get the gist of what that is – every city is going to look different – just like they do now - but the things that we do – a lot of the same things we will do in each city – town and community –

A lot of the venues we do will be the same -  and listen – I threw 5,000 as a number out there looking for 100 people in each of our 50 states – that is where the 5,000 number came from – we know we might need as many projects as Hawaii - and there is likely to be a need in Alaska – but I don’t know whether I will have the need – I think people would love to be in Hawaii – to help do projects there – My point is our rough idea of trying to make a real dent throughout the country –

We know we have 8,761 opportunity zones in the US that is outlined by Dr Ben Carson so we’ll be partnering in a loose sense in quotes “partnering” with Dr Ben in these opportunity zones cities – most of them inner city areas – and we’ve got very specific ideas and plans for those areas

Here’s my whole point of this – when you go in and you say if you want to be a part of rebuild America which is the concept and I have the registered trademark – the website – ready for us – what I’m looking for you to do – is say yes I am going to do a project with Rebuild America in a number of different venues – you do not have to be explicit on that –

They will say – that is the same thing that Bruce is doing on The Big Call – They are not going to understand that unless you explain it – that you are trying to duplicate – a template – concept – a plan – that is what it’s all about -

Let’s talk about where we are on our timing – I talked about QFS – we talked about the conference call – and the new rates were to come up last night and overnight so they would be there on the computer screens this morning –

We understand that the roll out is to occur for all of us in this week the 1st – 8th  which is Tuesday thru Tuesday – We also understand from a lead bank that the timing they have been told from their corporate office is for tier 4B to go between 4 pm today and 4 pm Thursday - there is a 48 hour window that we believe will be adhered to – we hope it will - for us to be notified and go –

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Now – 90 minutes after the notifications go out – by email but to me with the number -  the redemption centers will be ready for appointments – that means 90 minutes after the numbers come out to me the redemption center will be ready for first appointments in that time – hour and a half – alright – That is good to know –

So we have a rough time frame – we know that the boxes of bonds – the Zim bonds – are to pay out on the 2nd and 3rd – that’s tomorrow – Wednesday  and Thursday – we know that the largest Zim platform in the world is die to – trading on it is already done – but they will send out their final contract to the holders in this platform – in this group – supposed to send out either 6th 7th or 8th  - then they have a short period of time to send those back and shortly after those are received  with verified signature – they will pay those out – with the first 20% payment –

That is a separate deal – not us – that’s a Zim platform – the largest one across the globe -  that is the timing for it –to complete and send those contracts out – so a lot is going to happen between now and the 8th of September – that is very positive for all of us –

Beyond that new rates I don’t know what they are – but they are there for us – now the Joe Public which we call tier 5 is to start somewhere in the vicinity of the 15th or 16th - that’s 2 weeks from today or tomorrow – that should continue on for the public – but that means that we – tier 4B are to get in and complete our exchanges and Zim redemption before or by the 15th 

You know we have UN operational rates changing on the 15th - that should be changing from where the public could actually see those on the UN operational website page – that may be the case –

The USN – I had a date for it and maybe right and maybe not – but maybe acknowledged on the 8th which is a week from today – I don’t know if we’re going to get major announcement on it or it will just appear and I think the word is we are not going to have to sweat it – all of our transactions will appear digitally  and of course it will be just a matter of a change of a number/ letter to go from USD to USN - in terms of the computer

So we’ll have that hopefully by the 8th  and in the meantime – when we go into the redemption center to get our – if you want some cash – I think they will have 50”s and 100”s – may not have anything lower than that – and yes you can take up to $14,000 at your redemption center but I want to caution you - if you do not need cash – you don’t need to do it – If you use a little cast that is fine but $14,000 is a number they put on it as a limit –

The money that you will get my understanding is  will be the current USD – the $50’s and $100’s we have now – but they will still spend - but AFTER the USN comes out you will have about 2 months to spend it all or trade it out at the bank for the new USN’s

So that’s the concept of it – you understand about the second follow up appointment - in 3-7 days- and everything else is just pretty much straight forward - what we’ve had / known – and so I’m going to say that is everything that I wanted to bring to you tonight


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins: 58:30


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