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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-18-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 8-18-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday August 18th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody –

Ok let’s cut to where we are now – we’ve got some really good things that have come in since last night and this morning – up until around noon or so -  so – the over and under on everything is this – We have for example a private humanitarian Church group -1 of 4 – these are private groups – that got word  that they intend to go in for exchanges sometime this week – this is another group that is outside of the so called Admirals Group -  or the groups that are based out of Reno –   Now – I think that is a very positive thing – There is more detail to it but because it is a private group I really can’t talk about it –

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Now – the other thing is that we are hearing that the groups that are based out west – a lot of the principals – or leaders in those groups are being told to get ready to come out to Reno – or they are already out and are getting ready to - as Paymasters to pay out in the next few days –

So we are in the position where we believe the money has been moved sufficiently to Paymasters accounts to begin to hydrate the individual group member’s account –

Let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq’s delegation – which we believe has al-Kazemi – Alack – Shabibi – others – arrived around 11:30 yesterday – (Monday) and as you know from what’s out there on the blogs – supposedly we are to hear from that group – to talk about their sovereignty – possibly talk about sanctions that have come off – and that is supposed to be on the 20th – it could be sooner – but it could be on Thursday so that is big –

Now – what is happening tomorrow – we understand – from one of our bank sources – one of our high up sources  that Iraq should have a new rate tomorrow – I told you what their in country rate was a week ago – but this is something their supposed to have a NEW rate – I don’t know how public it’s going to be – but it is supposed to come out tomorrow-

You know as well as I do – Wednesday is an official publication day / Gazette day – Maybe something will be said in the Gazette about that – and it may – I don’t know this – but it may mean that Iraq comes to the announcement portion of what they are supposed to do with President Trump – it may be tomorrow – instead of Thursday -- I don’t know that – I’m just wondering if that might be the case –

Because of that – the other thing we’re hearing was regarding the pardon that President Trump gave to be Susan B Anthony today for the charges she had when fighting for women’s voting rights (women suffrage is what they called it ) and my understanding is she – they had to do that and so essentially pardon her from those things – because she could be appearing on another currency for  us – and I think it may be another coin – it could be one of the gold or silver coins that were supposed to be minting -  so that was a very positive thing –

In conjunction with that we also heard that after that pardon which I think was a little before noon today – between 11 and noon – in that time frame – from 24 to 36 hours after that pardon we were supposed to get started with our notifications for our group tier 4B the internet group - so that would be tomorrow or Thursday – if that holds to be true –

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The other thing we are getting from a Treasury source is talking about – we should have money in our hands either by Thursday or by Friday –

We could start anytime between – I think --  based on the information – yesterday and today – we could get notified and start our exchanges Wed / Thurs/ Fri of this week – It’s hard to say }”exactly” when  but I think we’re in good shape – for it to happen –

So the majority of everything that I’m hearing is talking about something going for us this week and I know something has to happen with some of the groups out of Reno but we also know there may be sort of a shotgun start to an extent with 4A and 4B – It may not be exactly the same time – 4A could go a little bit ahead of us - it could go a day ahead of us or even 12 hours ahead of us –

I think the possibility of us going closely with 4A as 4B  is very very possible – so I am very excited about where we are – it was looking very quiet after Tuesday – and into Wednesday -  and then last night and today –things started coming together –

We started to see some things coming together – and we’ve got people for example that are independent – VIP’s  - Whales – that have been told by their major funding organization – one of the major banks -  that they would have access to those funds at about lunch time tomorrow (Wednesday)  well if tier 3  / Whales are going to receive their money as early as tomorrow – or Thursday  - we should not be far behind that – at all – we should be pretty much close to getting notified and setting appointments at the same time that they are being hydrated – or made liquid – and having access to their funds –

So – things are coming together – things are coming together – even accounts that use to be closed by Wells Fargo cause they were set up to be used for Dinar – those type of accounts that we were all told to set up to use to exchange our Dinar into – remember that?  Back in the days some of you people that have been here a long time – 

I am understanding that Wells sent letters out to people to tell them that they have been exonerated from being called fraudulent in those times because they set those up for those currencies to be exchanged into - letters were delivered by Fed Ex – so I look at that as a very good sign – of how the banks are trying to clean the slate before we get started -  especially Wells in this case -

That is just a little bit about what I am hearing that is pointing towards something for us in the next 3 days -  let’s hope so – let’s believe for it – Thank everybody for listening tonight


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins:  1:09:50


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