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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-17-19

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – glad to have you back again – It’s Tuesday Dec 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’re happy to be back doing our thing every Tuesday and Thursday night

Let’s talk a little bit about where we stand today because I can tell you things are happening  -- We get a lot of different information from  a lot of different sources and one of the things we heard today was, man  you would not believe how much money is moving and how much moving is going on right now -

What’s interesting is we are at the point where; let me put it this way, we should be paying very close attention – I would say not starting tonight maybe but starting tomorrow – and I’ll tell you how we get there – yes, we did think things were going to happen today for us – we got some good information that was indicating the possibility of getting notified today 

But we also know that the tier 4; and some of the banks still refer to us as tier 4A and tier 4B – we are the ones known as internet group tier 4B – Some of the banks use that – Some of the banks generalize and call us all tier 4 – but really the tier 4A refers to the groups that were the inner core and outer core groups of some of the other groups there’s quite a few of them that are under the leadership out of Reno

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Now, what’s interesting about this is we understood that everything was going to be moving forward today (Tues) for all of those groups to be taken care of – to be able to see in their accounts and access a portion of their funds – a small percentage in most cases that would end up being sort of an advance –if you will, against their mother lode in their account

Now what has transpired is we find out a little later on this evening there are two parts to the tier 4A – there was one round that took place earlier today and my understanding was the “go” was handed off by the Dept of Defense over to the Treasury and they were given instructions to the treasury to release at a specific time earlier this morning and then it ended up getting a time frame for mid afternoon – today – Eastern time for a start and I believe that did start off as expected --  

But it’s like getting the confirmation – even thought I had 3 confirmations of a particular time that it started – I still don’t have confirmation that individuals have received access or received that information yet (can see the funds) – but I know its ongoing – I know that we have started round 2 – Now, are there more than 2 rounds – I don’t know and I don’t think so – But I don’t know

I also know that we’ve been instructed to pay close attention because we are next and that’s what I mean by tier 4B – that’s us  - I’ve heard other information not only from the banks  but from redemption centers and other individuals that are in the know that are talking about this happening over the next couple of days  - meaning tomorrow or Friday – or rather tomorrow  (Wed) or Thursday  -- Wed or Thurs – that’s what I’m hearing

Now, we just have to realize that this has been a moving target and we have been disappointed when we have heard it was going and it didn’t – I’m just telling you – I’m bringing  to you what I’m getting

Yes I do weigh all the intel and information and try to discern the truth of what I get and I think we are finally at the point where we can’t go back 2 months 6 months a year 5 years and say something about that when we are looking at this today with what we know has happened yesterday and today

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Every day brings new light to this situation and we are about to witness our turn or about to begin and Lord willing it’s over the next day or so

I do think  they have a deadline they actually want to stay with and I believe it’s going to be sometime this week;  so,  there’s a lot going on – I talked to you the last time about clean  up on isle 3 – that’s continuous – it’s going hot and heavy and I think it’s good and I think if at all we find that there’s a slow down or stoppage or restart – whatever – it could be simply because of clean-up  - Just cleaning the situation up –

They want to make sure everything is set for us in a very secure way and I know at the very highest level of security that  I know things are moving along very, very well in that regard

I’m here to say that the rates on the bank screens are in what they call grey scale – but we also heard from a forex source that the IQD is jumping up – up and up - jump jump jump  so it is moving and the back screen rates are not visible yet but I’m sure they will be and things are happening to make this all come –

Otherwise, from a political perspective which we don’t normally talk about or get into I think the timing is right  - you guys realize we’ve got the USMCA – we’ve got the first phase of the China deal agreed to – we have so many things that President Trump has done to put us in position to take full advantage of this – and I think we should be very, very happy that we are in the situation we’re in

I believe the President wants us to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukah  and I believe that the timing will allow that to take place – I really do – and NO I’m not looking for 2020 for this; certainly not yet

I feel really good about the information that we got today and I feel really good about the fact that we are this close – It’s fairly quiet out there – there’s not a whole lot but what we are getting is pointing to the proximity  of this being right there

One piece of information came in and said the second round of tier 4A was dining on the buffet and you’re next – What does that tell you? It tells us how really close we are – So let’s see where it goes – let’s see how we do over night and tomorrow and let’s all pray this in and believe for it tonight


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Replay LINK - Intel begins at 49:18 min mark

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