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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-10-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – I’m glad everybody is here – and thank you for tuning in once again - It is Tuesday Dec 10th -- and you’re listening to The Big Call -  I appreciate everybody tuning in from all over the globe – listening to see what might we might bring to you tonight and hopefully you’ll be happy and it will be a good call 

Now let’s determine if we can where we are in this whole thing – ok,  and, I’m just looking to see if  get my clock on this -- I might just get this done by the top of the hour --  

Here’s the thing – Number 1 -- let’s go to where we are right now – this is Tuesday – and five days since our last call – we put out some good information then and we talked about the 27 different event triggers that needed to be handled but…….

 We weren’t told what they were but that they were being handled – they were going through them – well guess what -- we find that the 27 triggers were the 27 Chinese Elders that needed to be satisfied with their payment –

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I can tell you as of today - this afternoon, they were on track to pay out all of the 27 Elders  by - the goal was 4:30 this afternoon – I don’t know if they reached it but I do know that the contracts that were there for all the Elders were sent out –

I think those were agreements made for the Elders to see how they were able to receive their payment and when and how much and so forth – I don’t know that – that’s just what I suppose would be the terms of this contract because obviously I don’t know – I haven’t seen it –

I haven’t even heard what’s in that but I would believe that if those contracts have gone out to all 27 Elders and if they made their time schedule for their timeline which was estimated to be done by 4:30 this afternoon Eastern time then maybe that aspect is complete and the event triggers are complete per say

Now, beyond that we have still been waiting to hear what the redemption center schedules are going to be like for the next 8 days and I know they are waiting for information from corporate offices to get that information out so they can staff redemptions centers as fully as they need to be for the next 8 or so days

Now, when it gets this relatively quiet, we look at it as a good sign – We know that people have been told to shut up – we know that there are gag orders - we know that there are NDA’s in place – We know that there is clean up ongoing that we know is going on behind the scenes – but we don’t really know the exact nuts and bolts of it all

That is where we are today – sources, I’m not going to say they are drying up but they are getting really less and less vocal – they’re getting less and less ability to communicate

Now, other than what I’ve just said  we know that some things have happened yesterday and today with the release of the IG Report – now the IG Report that we are looking for had some teeth in it and that’s the version – the un-redacted version  that the Chinese received to show that our administration was serious about taking care of some of those issues – and I believe that release according to the contacts that I have, have said that sufficed - that they were happy; that was a good thing  that  that was released

Now, in addition to that we did find out today that the USMCA – The US, Mexico, Canada trade agreement  is basically agreed to from the United States perspective and it was being signed off today in Mexico City by Canadian representatives, trade representatives and Mexican trade representatives – which is a very positive thing to have occurred today

Yesterday I found out, maybe it was this morning ,  I found out that one real benefit of this is that now Canada and indeed Mexico  is able to do full exchanges including Zim redemption – that is part of the NESARA /GESARA  and that is a cool thing because it is international  -

It’s not just the US  - and we know that the Zim is being handled in Zurich , probably in Switzerland  also in Hong Kong, you know, there are other cities, right – but this is a very positive step moving us into a first real significant thing NESARA/GESARA  in place for those countries, Canada & Mexico – so that is very cool

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So, really, there is not a whole lot new to talk about – there are some things that I believe are going to be done with the groups out west I hope that the payout of the various groups is taking place tonight or overnight tonight as I suspect but I can’t say it’s absolutely been proven to me that is has happened yet or is happening

We’ve heard about adjudicated settlements being taken care of this would include fines and penalties, CMKX and other adjudicated settlements also the rest of the larger groups should be taken care of - even if it’s with  - in the case of the groups out west – even if it’s the 20-60% of what it is they have value exchange -- that alone would get a lot of people in a good mood – to even have access to 20-60%of their exchange

Beyond that – do I believe that it’s going down this week?  I’ve been told it is – I’ve been told we have a back wall – which I hate that term – forgive me for even using it on the call – because we know the back wall has been moved time and time again – but we also know that the Chinese have given us a “new” back wall - I believe it’s Saturday and I believe they’re content with where we are in this process

So, if that is the case, and if everything, quote unquote , is done, which is another 4 letter word, which we are not going to use in the future – if that is the case, then guys I don’t know what else has to be done – I really don’t – especially if these groups are paid tonight or overnight – I just --- I can’t tell you  --  If that is done and I hate to say that word – I believe we are – we are really there  - and we should be there this week

Now, if something else comes up I don’t know what it is and I’ll be upset just like you will - if that happens but for what I see right now – what I have right now  -  I feel good for where we sit - 

I feel really good about it occurring this week – Today is Tuesday, but we – you know we have to be as patient as we have ever been before to receive what it is that’s coming --

I feel like the bonds and the Zim platforms are going ahead this week and I believe it’s in the next day or so  and so I think we’re right there - we’re where we need to be for our 800 number to come out –

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I will say this, we understand that it’s supposed to be a daytime event not only going in for first exchanges in the daylight but also the toll free number coming out in the daylight –

Those are daytime events from what I understand from the treasury – If that’s the case, so be it- and I’ll look for something in the day time

In the meantime all we can do is continue to be watchful and pray and look forward to the anticipation, the expectation of this incredible blessing coming through

I’m all excited about our projects – I’m excited about working with other people in the community that I’ve talked to about Rebuild America – also a little bit about the VRN and where we’re going with that –

It’s going to be just fantastic – I know a little bit about what it’s going to feel like after I come out of the redemption center  and where we’re going as a community – and I know many, many of you  will want to be a part of that and I’ve got plans for how  you can do that

I would say that with the information that we have; it’s all good; it’s all pointing toward finality; toward this coming to a logical conclusion and it looks good – I can’t call it – I don’t want to call it – I want to be patient and I want to be expectant for something good to be happening very soon and hopefully this week

So everybody take that and I look forward to talking to  you on the other side by email – I want everybody to stay in hope and prayer and let’s see where this goes – ok – I feel very good about it – let’s let it play out – let it come to us

Thanks everybody again for tuning in, we appreciate you – let’s see where this goes and everybody have a good night -- Bruce

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 46:20

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