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Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-23-22 

Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-23-22 

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 23rd and you're listening to a perfectly clear Big Call. We had a few technical issues before we turned the recording on - so any of you guys that were here live from the music on, you're hearing a clear call that we're hearing now that it wasn't clear before and we all had to reset. We all had to call back in. But that being said, welcome everybody around the globe, wherever you're listening from. Thank you for listening and thank you for tuning in yet once again.

Let's talk about where we find ourselves now with an Intel that we've that we've had - and really since Thursday night's call, here's five nights to get back here to Tuesday night. And here we sit - waiting again - which is okay -because it's like Sue's teaching tonight - there are things that are going on behind the scenes.

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Now, one of which is that all of our military - all five branches on the earth -not including The Secret Space Force or the Space Force, not Secret Space Force, have been called - they've been called out yesterday afternoon - to be ready or to go on mission for something – ok - that happened yesterday.

So, what has to happen? Before we get notified? Let's cut back to where the bondholders sit right now. They've received their emails, they can see the funds in their account - they don't have access to the funds yet - They are looking to get access codes in another email - which they think they're going to get tomorrow between 11 and 1130 in the morning, or say by 11 o'clock rather, in the morning tomorrow.

Now that should give them the access code so they can access 1% of their total funds for the first 30 days - and we talked about this on Thursday night - 1% of their total is what they're going to be able to access as well as 1% of our total - if you're a zim holder  - If you're not a zim holder - you have no zim but you've got the other exchangeable currencies - you can get all of that – dinar - Dong - rupiah - Afghani - those other - rial - shekel - whatever - those other currencies you can get full access to that from the time of your exchange.

But if you're a Zim holder that's treated similarly to the bonds since it is a bearer bond, and then you'll be able to get access to 1% of your total exchange everything - And then, as I mentioned last time, you will get nine more tranches of 11% of your total every 30 days, or as needed.

If you don't need it, you can probably - I think - I'm going to project here - I think you can keep it in your quantum account. Okay, but that is available to you - 11% for nine months is nine times 11 is 99 plus your 1% equals 100. That's your total of your exchange - 1% - and then 11% For nine more months.

So your total is over 10 months, isn't it? 30 days for your 1% and then starting month two, you finish out in 10 months - with all of your money coming into your account - as you request.

So that's the overall Okay, so what we're looking for is the bondholders to be notified of their accessibility of funds, meaning having access to the liquidity in their accounts.

Now if they get to see that tomorrow - Let's call it late morning 10:30 to 11 - I believe that's the timeframe I heard - 1030 to 11. Then - could we follow that? Could we follow it in the afternoon with our notification - could we follow it closely and then set up our appointments  after that - that is the latest piece that we heard.

Now - Something else that might have to happen first, because we've heard this scenario from another well informed source. He said that there should be coming and a disclosure announcement of some kind - We can only speculate as to what it would be about. I have an idea but I think I better keep that to myself. Whatever that disclosure is - after that announcement takes place - we're supposed to go to an Emergency Alert System.

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E A S no longer called emergency broadcast system it’s called Emergency Alert System - and we're to go to that and then we're going to go to martial law in about 71 cities. And we don't know exactly where those cities are - we can only speculate on where they would be.

So - what that tells me is they're expecting this to come out. There might be something that is put out regarding the overturning of the elections, for example - I hope - we know that's already been done and 46 out of 50 states have overturned their election result - and so I think that might have something to do with that.

And then of course we are looking for us to get started - and the theory is that once that occurred, then our numbers would come out and we'd set our appointments and go - so we've got those two scenarios, one, the EAS, disclosure EAS and then shortly thereafter our notifications. And we have the scenario of the bondholders get their notifications of accessibility to their funds. And then we go shortly after that with our notifications.

Remember on to the Thursday night's call - I said the public which is tier five, The John Q Public, not paying attention - not reading online, not listening to the big call - can't believe that - But anyway, these people were supposed to start on the 23rd or 24th Well, today's the 23rd.

So the 24th could be in play - operational word “could” be in play, not only for us in tier four, but also for tier five, the general public. We may go together and we may have a true shotgun start with our bondholders in tier three - getting access to their funds - as we get notified with our toll free number - then the call center appointment - Then we go in and do our exchanges when our appointment time is –

By the way - don't be more than 10 minutes early for your appointment - Don't be late one minute for your appointment - but don't be over 10 minutes early for your appointment. They don't want cars stacking up in the parking lot of exchange centers. Just get there 10 minutes before your appointed time.

Hopefully you get in and get out they want you in and out in 30 to 45 minutes tops. And the 45 minutes is just if you have you know quite a bit of currency that needs to be countered and verified on the delarue machine - That's really what your extra time is there for - you'll have five to eight minutes to do your presentation for your projects.

If this doesn't go - if we don't get the numbers, then it'll continue until it happens until we do get them but things are looking good. I cannot call it I don't want to call it. I know that if I came close to call you in the past it has not come in. And so I'm not calling it I'm just saying we are very close.

I think we're going to get there – Hopefully - Yes By the end of the month. We have Labor Day on the fifth of September. We're supposed to get this thing started here. I'd say this week, but I can't call it you know it doesn't work if anyone any of us calls it

But this is the plan B blessing that we are going to - the plan A - which is the Work Hard Plan - is only going to last until Plan B comes around - which is the Work Smart Plan. Okay, that's the plan that God is blessing us with all that - what do you get? what's the difference going to be - If you have a job, unless you love it - You don't have to keep your job.

If you have a job that's taking 40 or more hours of your week - You get your time back - so you've got your time freedom.

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You also have money without working your job. You have a lot of money - more than you'll ever spend in your in your lifetime. And you also have health.

Where do you stand on your health? Are you in Super shape - the best shape of your life at 60 or 70 years old? Or are things starting to break down a little bit and you're talking more about your ales and ailments and you know that's the topic of conversation with people that you're with.

Well, all of that's going to change when the med beds come out. That'll be after the RV is released - after the blessing comes - They're going to release those. We know how many are out there now and what they're doing with them. That'll be something we can look into. So keep in mind that you need your health. So highly recommended that we first we're going to have our time freedom back

We're going to have our money back and we're going to have our health hopefully all the way back so that you guys can enjoy your life. Enjoy getting your project started. Enjoy being the founder of your project, without having to work on them day by day by day and buying yourself a job. It's not the goal of this - Not at all - You will be able to find and hire the people to lead your project to do affect your project to put your project ideas into effect effectiveness.

That's the goal - To sort of stand back and watch it - tweak it a little bit here - advice a little bit there - but watch what God does with your ideas.

And let's see what tomorrow brings. I can't say it's absolute, but I feel like we are really, really getting close. So let's, let's stay with that. Now - In the meantime, we want to keep this in prayer. Obviously this is a blessing from God. We want to pray it in and we want to make sure that we're all as one on one accord or with the prayer of agreement or two or three or touching anything as you know as touching.

We're in agreement is touching anything God sees that and we'll bring that to fruition for us. So let's all of us on the big call wherever you're listening from. Let's all agree in prayer.

And thank you listeners all around the globe for tuning in and listening to the big call for these 11 years that we've been doing it. We thank you for it. Thank you for our future together - So let's do this everybody. Let's pray the call out together and pray the blessing in Okay.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:04:45


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