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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-10-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-10-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet once again all over the globe – North – East – South and West – glad you’re here -  We’re looking forward to having a really nice call for us tonight – very powerful and I’m excited about it –

I am excited about where we are – this is going to be one world of a week for us!! It will be a big week for us and in several ways – not the least of which being our beginning for what you and I and everybody else have been waiting for –

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Ok let’s get into what we want to talk about in terms of our intel – Here it is  Tuesday night – lets recap what’s been happening since last Saturday – It was kind of a big day – we had had two of the 31 satellites that make up the remaining satellites in the Pro Link Satellite System – went up last Thursday maybe before - so that meant we had 29 more satellites to go and those I believe were launched on Saturday – and they went up to complete the Pro Link’s satellite system – they were aligned and set up so they could be communicated with by ground support in the United States and we had our ground support alignment with these satellites which are an iatrical part of the QFS – we had ours synced and aligned with ground support by 4:30 pm Monday

Now – just when we thought things could happen for us – today we had to find out – wait a minute – what about the rest of the world – It’s fine they are all set for us in the United States but what about the rest of the world – and we came to find out they needed to be aligned with ground support in South America – Africa – the UK – and Hong Kong and those 3 areas/ 4 areas of the world were to be connected by Thursday night –

Then we found out fortunately this morning – that things were moving along a little faster than that and all Nations of the world that need to be connected to the Pro Link System are set to be completed by tomorrow night – Wednesday night – That is a very positive move to save us that one extra day of connection to the Pro Link System

So that gives us where we thought we had a start that might be Thursday at the earliest – if not Friday  - now what we are hearing from our upper end number 1 bank personnel is more of tomorrow or Thursday

Now the particular individuals that we’re speaking to are not necessarily connected to the email release – so they were really talking more about the idea of the start for us - which would mean our redemptions and our exchanges

So any way we slice it – it appears we’re moving forward to where we could get notified and maybe starting exchanges tomorrow – Usually – even if we don’t have a time – we don’t have a specific time - the sentiment is that we could be notified before lunch tomorrow (Wednesday) and start in the mid afternoon

Now it may not be tomorrow – it could be Thursday – either way is a win - and we will take either one – so let’s see what happens in terms of that

In other news what we’re looking for is up to 8 announcements over the next 2-3 days – and these are things that should be game changers for all of us – not only in the United States but globally and we don’t know what these announcements are – if we think we know – we might guess something in along those lines – but we really don’t have that – it is nothing that is known or put out to be known and to be honest I do not know how to find out about these announcements but I believe they will come  to us

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I don’t anticipate us having a call on Thursday night –based on the information that I’ve just given you  but if for some reason we are not notified by Thursday and don’t have our toll free numbers or emails we will be on the call -  but I don’t think  - so we’ll see – we’ve all been wrong before – we are always doing our best not to call it – and that is not what I’m doing -  I am giving you the information that I’m getting – so that you’re getting what I’m getting - 

I am excited about this possibility of this week – we know NESARA and also GESARA really started on August 1st  so we are 10 days into that already  - so there will be more coming – some of these announcements could be relative to the Gold Standard – we do have a gold backed currency we call the USN – for purposes of trade -  with other countries on the Forex – and on bank screens – and we also know that the United States Treasury Note – the USTN si with our new currency – our new money is called – we know they are going to bring these out as hundreds / fifties / and I think twenties will take a little longer –

The fact that we are in this position right now is a very positive thing for us moving forward from here on out – there is still no change as we have it on using the call centers to call whenever the 800 numbers are made available – the emails will have them – and I will have them to put out on the website –

Remember one 800 number is for zim if you have it – and one 800 number is for those who do not have zim but have other currencies like  dinar / dong /rupiah / etc  - there are 21 currencies that are going up in value – it’s a great opportunity for all of us to heal the world –

I am excited – there are more things that we did not know about until we found out about the satellite Pro Link System – it is tied with the Fintec and the QFS using blockchain technology  - it is all designed so that we can not only use the QFS in its fullness but I believe it’s also there so that we’ll be testing it with the EBS as well as the emergency alert system  - I thought that might start today  -

I don’t know that  it may start tomorrow – whenever it does – pay attention because we may be getting the start of what should be maybe -  3 days 5 days – 10 days – of disclosure – we could be starting shortly after or as part of the testing of the emergency alert or the emergency broadcasting system –

Is there going to be any 10 days of darkness?  No - not in the way that you have heard – we expect no disruption of the internet – we expect no disruption of cell service – we expect no cutting off of electricity – we expect none of the gas supply to be diminished – in other words all of the fear mongering that you have heard is not coming from the White House Good Guys -  if anything it’s from the deep state – cabal -  etc Look forward I believe to a wonderful week this week – let’s see how that manifests for us


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  51:10


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