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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-5-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-5-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 5th and you’re listening to the big call –  thanks everybody for tuning in  all around  over this beautiful blue globe of ours – whether live or recorded – glad you’re here – hope everybody had a wonderful 4th of July or Independence Day in the United States

We’ve got some intel that has come in and some of it was a little later on this afternoon and this evening – What is happening is – the banks – the redemption centers even some of the bond paymasters have gone silent – where there is new intel / information coming out – they are not answering their phones – it’s going to voice mail and if you leave a message not many are calling back - that is how quiet it is for us and our intel sources

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We fortunately have a little bit to talk about that kind of gives us the impression that things are moving along in the direction we want them to – so I am encouraged – not discouraged today –

First of all let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq’s new dinar and their government seating and the dinar is ready – was put on a new platform and the ISX – Iraq Stock Exchange -  went to a new platform that is connected to the QFS – that happened I understand – either Saturday or Sunday –

The government of Iraq was seated over the weekend - so they are ready to go – Is the rate out yet? We don’t have the rate – we know what it was when it first came on – but we also know that the dinar being a gold backed currency is one of 140 some countries that have an asset backed or gold backed currency

There are 6 precious metals that could be used to establish value – gold – silver – platinum – palladium – lithium – and copper – to help establish value – there are a number of gen stones besides diamonds – that help to establish value – there is obviously oil – natural gas and so on also can be used – to establish value for a country

So those countries that have asset backed currency established already have been on the bank screens doing trading since Sunday – which is  days ago -  since Sunday night –

Where we stand now is relative to our United States dollar – USD – money – currency – which was being printed here in the United States – in Virginia – California – and Oregon – that has been stopped – no longer USD – its also been printed outside the US in the Ukraine – United Kingdom – and one other country – not sure which one – and I do not want to just guess –

So that has stopped both in the United States and outside the US – printing of our US dollar – was halted at 1 am in the morning – yesterday – on the 4th of July – on Independence Day – and in a very real sense - we have freedom from a fiat currency as we have moved into the USN and certainly a digital version of the USN for trading purposes with our country – and that’s a big deal

Certain people in a certain administration have been arrested for printing beyond the 1 am cutoff point yesterday morning

The other thing is and that is really what I wanted to say about Iraq and our currency – the other thing about Iraq is interesting – we have connections over there in Iraq that are telling us that Iraq is no longer – at least two days ago – allowing commercial flights to come into Iraq or out of Iraq – and this is a situation affecting other countries as well – including the US -

You might have seen a report yesterday about cancelled flights – there has been some discussion about it was due to pilot’s strike or covid shots – none of that is true – it was due to the desire for the good guys to go after the remaining cabal and deep state without letting them travel in or out of this country or Iraq and I’m sure many other countries – I understand there was up to 80% of commercial flights were grounded and that is the reason why –

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Let’s talk a little bit more about this type of a situation – You know the EAS – Emergency Alert System – that’s the term replacing Emergency Broadcasting System – so the EAS has been activated for the last several days as a test and was used yesterday morning on television stations for up to 3 minutes letting people know if they read the crawler that went across the top of the screen what was going on – that is a pretty long EAS test – 3 minutes

But this has been happening and further to this EAS – yesterday at 8 am Eastern – there were major announcements made on the hour every hour in Washington DC - using speakers that had been mounted on poles throughout the city to alert people to if they saw anything weird or anything going on – they weren’t to join in and be part of that but to stay in their homes or stay in their place of business – in other words – don’t get involved or interfere - that’s because  there’s being clean up taking place in many cities across the US – including these and a number of other cities across the country –

That cleanup is what we’re looking for to having completed – that’s going on the EAS to give these announcements every hour on the hour starting yesterday at 8am

So where do we stand – Bondholders were to be notified sometime today – we thought we would be notified late morning today – that did not happen – as you know – or I wouldn’t be doing a call tonight –

But we did get news that suggested that the bond sellers would receive their emails at 9 Eastern tomorrow along with those coming out of Reno at 6 am Pacific time which is 9 am Eastern – and if they come out of Reno at that hour they should very well come out of Miami at 9 oclock in the morning – that would make sense –

So where do we stand if bond holders get emails – I think we could go tomorrow with our notifications – we could go Thursday or we could start on Friday – I think we are in a 3 day window and remember that the 8th is a number the Chinese love – and the 8th is Friday – I don’t know that we’re going to need to go all the way to Friday – we might but we’re looking very possible for something to happen for us over the next 3 days

I know that there is a lot going on behind the scenes – a lot happening with EAS – about to go into disclosure mode – for us –

I know that the airlines being restricted with flights that are grounded and so on whether it’s international flights or just domestic flights inside the US – there is something to this -  a lot to that – and has nothing to do with pilots striking or anything like that –

I think this is a way to try to keep the people that they are looking for to pick up – they are looking to pick those people up and have been – they have been doing all along but it’s kind of like “game on” – “game on” right now

So we do have a chance to get notified I hear – that’s sort of the hidden message in some of what has been told to me – I think it could be that we are right smack against it – I even heard one source say that this could happen any minute within the next 6 hours – and that was earlier today

So I’m encouraged because I know we are that close – and we need the USN to be taken as our currency as a legitimate digitized version of virtual currency that we have that is asset backed

I think we are looking at getting our NESARA  kicked in – somewhere in the 14th / 15th  of this month of July – that’s going to be interesting – I believe – of course as you know it should include debt relief like we talked about – a long time ago -  there’s a lot to NESARA – and GESARA – globally – I believe they are both going to come in in a heavier way – somewhere in the 14th /15th region of this month – that’s not too far away – and you know – we’re looking very strong to get this thing done -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link   Intel Begins:  1:13:53


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