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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-11-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it’s Tuesday May 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in again everyone – We’re happy to be here – ready to go –I’m excited about what I’m about to bring to you tonight

I think that we can only say that we have waited and we’re continuing to wait for what we believe the most amazing blessing in our lives -  So what’s happened in the last five days since Thursday night’s call – is that we had information about the bonds – we finally found out in the last 5 days the relationship – I believe I found this out either Friday or Saturday -  the relationship between the bond and the completion of the bonds and our start – I knew there had to be a tie in – and so to that extent I was correct –

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But here is what the deal is – the bonds processing included the due diligence – the customer side of it – vetting of the owners and buyers of the bonds – it had to do with the genealogy of the people selling the bonds –as well as the genealogy of the people buying the bonds going back 3 generations – and the provenance of the bonds themselves over time – proving all of that up is called processing – of the bonds –

We have not talked about anyone being paid those yet we are talking about the “process” of handling those bonds like they’ve done - Now on the processing – for example – I believe it was Friday morning we found that 80% of the bonds – and there are quite a few pages of bonds – I don’t even have the exact number – I heard a number but I’m not sure – so I’ll tell you this much –

The processing of the bonds needed to complete before we were notified to start our exchange – I did not know that until last Friday or Saturday –

Now the processing for example – on Friday morning was 80% complete – and yet the paying out of the 1% to bond holders or bond sellers was at about 30% completion – so the paying out was lagging behind the processing – So the processing and the paying out – or the pay-outs – of the bonds was a lagging indicator –

But now I said to myself – ok when will the bonds be completely processed – because that’s the key for us and I was told the time could be finished as early as 2PM on Saturday –

Well in my mind and knowing math like I know I thought – In my mind it sounds doubtful – I think it would be done by Sunday night and that was true – It was done  about 7PM Sunday evening - so the processing has completed – the paying  out of those bonds is ongoing -  and can be ongoing over the next several days as it is without affecting us getting started  - That’s the good news !

So bonds are being handled – now it’s time for us to be notified – and we were hearing over the last couple of days that from about 4 different sources – that we were looking at Tues/Wed - everybody to be notified - and to get started with our exchanges – and yet we had 1 or 2 that suggested we better say  by Thursday to be safe – Just to be safe better to say by Thursday – Ok that’s what it is –

Now – guess what?  Today is Tuesday  - no notifications have gone out – that brings  into play for tomorrow also all the way to Thursday - now hopefully in my mind we get notified tomorrow and if we get notified in the morning we would start exchanges – we would set our appointments and start exchanges in the afternoon or evening –

If we get notified in the afternoon say 1PM – 2PM we probably would set our appointments and start the next day which for us would be Thursday –

Now these are “IF” statements – and I just hope and pray like you do daily I’m sure that the timing of this is ready for us to start – It appears that everything is ready to go – and I will say this – I talk a lot of times about cleaning up on aisle 3 and you know I am referring to arrests - and we know that we had a count that kept increasing – some of these were financial individuals – some of these could be other people but in the last 10 – 12 days that number has exceeded 5,000 – So there is an on-going situation of clean-up - and it’s just going to come down to whether Homeland  Security is comfortable with that state of clean up to move forward and release the so called green light for notifications to go out

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Now in the past 5 days or longer – we’ve heard that the groups out West – Paymasters have all been paid and their accounts – the leader of the group has done his thing – and is done with it - and now it’s up to the individuals and groups to be notified just like us tier “A” to be notified that they have accounts and have funds and are ready to be activated

In our case where we still have our currency and will put it up for exchange and zim out for redemption – we have to set an appointment to do that – Now what is a good conclusion from now is that some individuals that we know have been notified by email to do an exchange tomorrow and they also – those individuals who have been notified have received an email with a NDA which is sort of a temporary NDA and those individuals had to complete the NDA with an online signature and send it back

I think when we get notified by our emails – or get an 800 # to call in they will probably generate an email to us confirming our appointment and also with  that attach a fairly short non-disclosure agreement - because they do not want us to talk about even our appointments once it has been set – and that NDA that we get with our email will be a temporary NDA that will be superseded by the NDA that we go in and sign at the time of the appointment – so I’m calling it sort of a temporary NDA in place until the actual time of the exchange or zim redemption takes place –

The NDA could vary – they are going to determine that a lot of times based on YOU – who YOU are and YOUR ability to keep quiet – to be quiet and not share this information with anyone – there will be some exceptions and I’ve told you this but it’s been a long time ago - months ago I talked about getting a document put together that you create that would be inclusions  / exclusions to your NDA  this would be individuals – for example there might be a very close family member or spouse – but also could be someone that doing projects with – like my NDA would exclude Bob and a few other people – I would go in and try to make sure that was excluded in my NDA agreement – and I could share certain information with those individuals that I had projects and plans to do with –

The other thing is - my  understanding is from a particular source that we have – that the Treasury has begun the process today with administering the final release codes – And that would lead us to understand that things are moving forward for us- we have a – I believe I mentioned on Thursdays call  that we had a new USN – new dollar – the actual physical currency – USTN  and this is good news and as of last Sunday night or Monday morning for us – we should have been trading our new dollar the USN - globally as an asset backed and gold backed dollar – with the world – internationally - 

So – that’s new – that’s new with a certain point which we had not reached before and now I believe that we are ready to get started and actually I also heard one of my sources talk about the ideal that we should all be under a MDA this week – in other words we should be in a position to have sign at least a temporary NDA – if not a complete ne NDA at the time of our exchanges – this week  -

They want it quiet – things are quiet right now – sources are basically quiet – We have heard from a few banks in the last few days but it is kind of a situation where we know this is coming and now it’s time to be quiet – that is what I am getting - from various sources – and I hope that we are right there ready to receive notifications – I’m ready to receive my toll free numbers to put out –

Let see if I can think of a few other things – we did have an increase in rates – on the front screen – which are absolutely terrific – in fact – no let’s say it this way – the rates are …. Remember when Dr Shabibi talked about the Dinar and he told BlueStar what the dinar could support in dollars – remember??

It is way – well above that now – and the dong is right there with it - very close - I think within 5-6% - of the dinar which is terrific – And we knew that was supposed to be the case because they were trading partners  and so that’s very good news –

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Everything basically – let me put it this way ….. rates are going to be absolutely the very least of your worries – you have nothing to worry about -  the rates are terrific – and far better than we thought they would be – far better - So just so you know – anybody that’s saying 47 cents on the dong /dollar ?? doesn’t even know what it is -

Other than that – it is amazing to think of how close we really are and how much we look forward to doing this – Many of you have been well prepared but some are still on the fence –

Let’s talk very briefly about the redemption experience itself – In talking with private bankers for Wells Fargo who is in charge of this – if you are a zim holder you have appointment set because of your zim – you’re going to get connected to someone at the redemption center – when you talk to them – they will set the appointment up on their end and you will probably meet that person and work directly with that person when you’re connected from the phone reservation system directly to the redemption center –

In dealing with the appointment itself – you are not to get there earlier than 10 minutes – you want to be on time  - when you go in – obviously they know who the zim holders are – most all of them – unless the few gifted zim -  but they will vet you – with ID information -  

There will be people there helping with the counting and verification of your currency also at least one possibly two Treasury reps – and also Homeland Security rep –

They expect us to get in and out in about 30 – 45 minutes – it’s going to be a challenge – you will be setting up your mother lode account for the exchange – all currency and zim will go into one account and then if you want to move some funds – like I plan to do – keeping currency and zim separate -  you can do that moving of funds in about 24-48 hours after your appointment -  into a new account or even another bank - 

You should be able to get a debit / credit card for your exchange on day one – I do not want a debit card tied to the account of course but a credit card would be fine –

I plan to have a spill over account with Wells for the interest that the mother lode account earns –

We do not know just yet how diverse the bank accounts need to be – The QFS is going to be a different game – should be far more secure than anything we’ve ever known – they are doing quite a bit of clean up in the banking system – globally not just here but everywhere –

You have 5-8 minutes to do your presentation for your projects – just a quick summary – just basics

You will set up follow up appointments with wealth management and family office –

There’s things like setting up additional accounts – getting cashier checks – proof of funds letters – will we get titanium account access card – at the first appointment?? I hope so

Anyone doing currency only – you will be routed to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank  

Thanks everyone for listening 


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:14:00


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