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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-13-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-13-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 13th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in where ever you are – We welcome everyone all over the globe –

Our Blessing is on its way What I would say to everybody regarding where we are on intel – this is – I know it sounds a little bit like a broken record – laughing ----- I cringe to think what I may sound like out there call after call after call  - you know I am an encourager – I am optimistic – trying to be realistic – with the information I get out to you – through the big call – I vet the info as best as I can and we discern what we getting when we try to confirm with other information to see what the pattern is – to see what it looks like and is really going on

I can tell you that there was a major concern with bond holders on Saturday at about 10 or 11 am – we have about 58 different groups to make liquid on their bonds – a total of 58 different groups – and that includes a lot of different packages inside of those groups –we had about 41 complete since last Monday that would have been a week ago this past Monday - These bonds have been paid out with NDA’s obviously attached to the point of 1%

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What’s interesting is this past Saturday we had a number of packages that were improper in terms of their provenance and who was involved with them and that stopped the bond flow for it looks like  at least 12 hours – while they took care of the situation – without getting into it - it was important because they were able to stop transactions that would have been very harmful and would have aided a nefarious improper owner of the bonds – so that stopped and then resumed Saturday night probably around 11 at night and now we only have about 17 more groups to finish – finishing 2-3 groups at a time - 

They are being very careful to vet these people to make sure the provenance is good and make sure the legitimate owners of these bonds are to be paid – so they are taking a very careful – precise track on getting that done –

Now from my understanding those could have been completed last night or even sometime yesterday but it’s good because now the emphasis is on notifications for us  - we are at the point now where one specific bank out west – has indicated to us that they think there is a high expectation for notifications to come out tomorrow for us – tier 4 and specifically our tier 4B – the internet group – so we could be notified by the day – it looks more like what 2 other bankers have told us which was we should be there by Wednesday – tomorrow – at the very latest  was how they put it -  at the very latest –

So it looks like they’re probably going to be right in the sense – if we get notified tomorrow and we get notified early enough we could probably set appointments and start tomorrow afternoon - if we don’t get notified early enough – like in the early or mid afternoon - we probably wouldn’t start until Thursday – which would be okay with us if that ends up being the case –

But what’s interesting is we’re ready for this – we’re anticipating it – it looks like we’re going to get something to happen for us all this week and the latest information we have this afternoon was that the bond – and we know some of these bond holders – they’re being told they should have notification tonight that they have funds in their account and should have access on those funds by morning – tomorrow

So if that occurs and they get those bonds completed and paid out over night tonight - we are looking very good for tomorrow -We know the bank screen rates we up as early as last Saturday – maybe Sunday for sure - we believe they’re in – locked in – so the screens are all set and loaded for us – and now we just need to be notified by emails and / or by the toll free number – and then set our appointments

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So I am feeling like everything is completed from what we can tell and I believe the bonds are paying out continuously and should - the bond holders are only getting 1% of their total value right now – they will get a higher percentage I believe 19% more for a total of 20% in approximately 30 days -  might be a little longer

We’re in a totally different situation – we will get immediate access to 2% of our transaction and if you only have currency and no zim – I think you may get full access to your funds based on the amount that you have – If  you’ve got pallets and pallets of dinar chances are you won’t get total access to all of that but you will get it staggered out – so that you don’t bring too much liquidity to the world at one time - that has been their biggest concern with the bond holders in tier 3 and us – it’s not to over heat the economy too fast

So I am feeling very very good even though I had a couple disappointments in the last week or so with expectations but I feel very good about the information that I received today – and really since Last Thursday –

So I think if everybody is expecting something positive – which is what we’re hearing - for tomorrow – I think  even if it’s just notifications and can set appointments – that is enough – and we don’t have to go – operational rates on the 15th I don’t think they are a factor - have already come out and I’ve seen many more – I believe our rates are locked in – and we should be in great shape – for the exchange

So I’m really excited – sorry that is all I really need to bring tonight – Thanks everyone for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins   1:08:45


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