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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-15-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 15th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody again – wherever you are – whether it’s live or on the replay thanks for joining us

You would think that we would be under stress because we’re looking for this thing to happen – we’re looking for this blessing manifest and our call as you remember on Thursday was 2 hrs long and that is longer than we have done in modern history – that is the longest call we’ve done in quite a few years – so - you know – I think we had a really good call Thursday and we brought a lot of concepts out – and I know in terms of the intel side  of it we’re looking for something to manifest to us in the way of notifications today – and so were other people – not just me – a lot of people were thinking we would see these toll free numbers today – 

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Well –it did not happen – I have some reason understanding why but one of our bond holders / paymasters – told some of our intel sources that he was also expecting and anticipating the notifications for tier 4 to go out today and they did not so he was surprised by that bondholders – at least some were paid out and it’s going to be a process of about 15 days to pay the bond holders all the way out –

In addition to that we were told that some bond holders had received emails – not to give them access to funds today but -  they would be able to get that access to funds in 48 hours – which would be Thursday – so that is encouraging – even though that is 2 days – and then we heard from another source  that the possibility of – in fact this is from the guy that was telling me bond holders that he was anticipating would go today and it didn’t and he told a few of the people – he said -  don’t give up on tomorrow –

In other words he was getting some information I believe from Wells Fargo that we could quite possibly look forward to notifications tomorrow –

Now – this is what we had heard would happen – we thought we would be notified today – set appointments this afternoon – and then to go in for those appointments early tomorrow – now that did not happen – we did not get notified – however if they hold the same schedule – to be true – say it is tomorrow – we get notified – let’s say that does happen - that’s an “IF”  statement -  “IF” we were to be notified by tomorrow then the pattern is the same that they wanted to do today – that we would essentially get the numbers – set the appointment and go on Thursday – for those appointments

Now – they may choose to do that and they may not choose to – but I think based on what we had – the information we were told we were supposed to get – put appointments actually very early in the morning – like 8:15 – 8:30 AM at the redemption centers – I’m talking redemption centers –

Remember zim holders only get routed to redemption centers – if you have other currency and NO zim and you call they will probably route you to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank for your currency exchange – but if you are a zim holder Wells Fargo is in charge of the zim in the United States – They will be doing those redemptions at bonafide redemption centers – ONLY

So as far as our timing – I agree with the person that told these people – he said - don’t give up on tomorrow – so I think he had some information – quite possibly from Wells Fargo that we were going to be notified tomorrow – We’ll see – We’ll see

I was really fully expecting to be notified today and we had a time and everything – but it did NOT occur – so we’re back on a kind of restart – like when you do the restart on your phone – you reset the phone for the possibility of tomorrow –

Now – I said I was going to talk a little maybe about some news – I did get some word through some of our intel sources that the conflict – let’s call it – in the Ukraine has been buttoned up and it has a nice little bow tied to it – and this has been done for a couple of days – But not what you are going to hear on main stream media  

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I was told we were going to hear that was the case – that it was a completed fact that had happened – we were supposed to hear about it today – we see that did not happen  

So what is main stream media going to do?? Main stream news? They are going to put out a continuous loop of all ***  breaking loose in Russia – Crimea – Ukraine – everywhere - it’s just not the case - it is NOT the case – Things are better now than they were – so do not watch the news –

Let’s hope - wait a minute – what else was supposed to happen today? We were supposed to get NESARA and GESARA - and I use this term loosely - announced – brought out – at least activated in some form or fashion on the 15th - Today is the 15th!!!

To our knowledge that did not occur – did not get any information about that having happened and maybe because we did not get started and so on – they have delayed that activation of NESARA – and GESARA – so we’ll see what happens

Now what has happened – last Friday – sometimes I forget we have not had a call since Thursday – but last Friday and Saturday Banks were down in their servers for 2 hours on Friday and Saturday which affected the banks operation inside the branch and also affected ATM’s –

The banks did not know what was going on at first – they did not know Friday and a lot of them closed – but the servers were down – why were they down?? And they were down for 2 hours on Saturday – why were they down?? Because the entire QFS was being upgraded and re connected to the banks globally – including the StarLink Satellite System – including the other banking systems

So – that occurred Friday and Saturday and actually really they did the re-connection – if you will – to the full banking system during President Trump’s rally – which was in South Carolina –

So my understanding with that is it’s complete – totally complete – now the SWIFT system is gone – no longer using that – Fiat currency – meaning our US Dollar if not totally gone – it’s on its way out – completely – and we should be getting our gold backed USN digital currency – is what we’re exchanging into when we go to the redemption centers and banks – ok - that is very positive –

So there are a lot of things still happening behind the scenes – it’s just the information that we had did not pan out today but could very well pan out for tomorrow and that is really what I wanted to bring to everybody – that is what I wanted to say – I would say “yes” continue to pray for everyone that is involved in this situation and globally where there may be conflict –

Hopefully there will not be a call on Thursday but rather be involved doing exchanges – obviously if we do not have numbers we will see you on Thursday night – if we get numbers and they have been put out then you will be in the midst of your exchanges – let’s see where that goes – stay in faith – stay positive – it does affect your mindset – before you go into this – Thanks everybody for listening

 Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK        Intel Begins:  1:07:47


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