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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-2-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday February 2nd and you’re tuned into and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again - we’re glad to have you here –

Ok let’s talk  about some intel – Let’s see where we are – One thing that was interesting – I found out about today – and Sue was the one who told me about this – I guess we’ve arrived – cause we made a mention on Charlie Ward’s call - I think it was at the very end of that month – the end of January – he did a call – where one of his guests referenced Bruce – did not mention the Big Call – just mentioned “me” – in regards to toll free numbers and the exchange process - I want to clarify a couple of things – just to make sure that everybody kinda gets that whole idea of the toll free numbers – especially if you’re new – everybody needs to come up to speed based on the time we have before this goes -  and thank you whoever did reference that on Charlie Wards call –

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What is important is in talking with our wealth management from Wells Fargo for example – their wealth managers are going to be at the redemption centers all over the country -  there will be other bank representatives there from other tier 1 banks – where this comes in handy for us is the toll free numbers that we get – whether you get them in the Wells Fargo emails that are going out – and they should be going out – let’s clarify this -- the Wells Fargo emails – remember the number 527,000+ and then we had some that were disqualified - well the last time we talked about them the number was UP -  to about 1.4 million – people that they have email addresses for – it could be higher – or slightly lower -  but whatever that number is – the Wells Fargo servers are designed to release those – my understanding is – in four separate releases – based on the time zones  that they occur in which I think is kind of hard to know – to be honest with you

But they have tested all of these emails – they have done – and we’ve talked about that a couple of weeks ago – they have done testing where they have been bounced back to the servers – where they can tell if it is a real email address – if active – shared by more than one person – that type of thing –

So let’s just suffice it to say we understand they are going out based on time zones -  and in four separate releases – so that  is what I have been told – we’ll see if that is what happens –

So what do you do with the toll free number – remember we talked about 2 numbers – right? – One is for Zim holders and zim holders that may also have other currency - and a second number would be for people who have no Zim – but do have other currencies –

So the 2 numbers – you choose one of the two – based on which currency you have – simple –

Now where I come in – and there may be one or two others – that will get the numbers – so to speak – to put out – this is what I’ve been told – even though they have 1.4 million emails there are people whose email has changed - who have been gifted currency – that I am supposed to help by getting the number out – the estimate has been as high as 20 – 24 % of the people out there may not be contacted by email – so that puts a situation together where I can get out a certain amount 2 ways – posting the numbers on the website – and secondly – if we are able to - we will forward those numbers to the emails we have on our system –

Whether you get the numbers – and they should be the same – you are going to know when you call – because the theory is - there are 6 main call centers – regional – across the United States – that will handle incoming calls and zim holders as I understand it -  will be routed from the call center directly to the redemption center – based on their zip code  - they will get routed to the redemption center that is closest to and they may have 2-3 choices to have one that is closest to the one indicated with your zip code –

This is all subject to change but that is the understanding that I have – is that it could be a two part call – it could be that you’re transferred to that redemption center and the person that helps you on the other end of the phone – if you are a zim holder will actually be someone that will be working with you at the redemption center – on handling your zim –

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Now it may be in some areas and some states that you will be given another toll free number to call – could be that way as well -  you could be routed there – or transferred to it or you could get another number to call –

It should be a pretty simple thing – they want to try to set your appointments in a couple minutes or less – once you set your appointment you do not want to get there too early and you do not want to be late -  the idea is to get there no more than 10 minutes before your actual appointment time

Don’t be late!! You could lose your appointment slot – and have to re schedule – I do not know how easy that would be able to do by the way - so be on time –

Si I wanted to let you know that was the situation on the toll free numbers – I call them toll free because I don’t know if they are 800 – but I think they are – some are 888 – 877 – or whatever -  but they will be sent out in those emails – coming from secure servers – and may be a separate protocol

Timing? Where are we? I can tell you this – we talked to people that have affiliations  with Abbott Downing  - Tier 1 banks – Wells – Chase – Redemption Centers – personnel  - the redemption center personnel for the most part are on standby – 35 minute call time -  to be at their desk read to go -  the lowest time we have ever had -  that’s pretty quick –

Could we have gone today? The theory was that we were but the snow that hit -  I think set us back at least one day – and we did hear that from one of our top sources – that we should be looking very strongly at tomorrow – and this may or not be taking in consideration – additional snow fall or not but I think it was a definite factor not to be able to go today – we could be in the clear for tomorrow though –

I don’t have 800 numbers yet – I have been told as early as early as Saturday that I would get them Sunday or Monday -  well that did not happen – so that time frame has changed – can they come on the day of our exchanges? Yes – they could come – in the morning – it is hard to say – I had hoped they would come before we did our exchanges – because that way we could get the numbers out – make sure everyone could set their appointments and have a little more time to really prepare –

We are I believe very close – we know that bond holders becoming bond sellers have been notified by paymasters and senior paymasters and they have returned notifications and communicated back by email and have been told they will have access to  funds / liquidity  to those funds in 24 hours -  which makes tomorrow looking pretty good –

We know there is still a lot of activity going on out west – we know that paymasters have – it appears that they have paid into accounts on some of the groups – downstream – but there may be some people in those groups that have already seen their accounts and seen that they have funds in them but for the most part – tier 4A and 4B are to go together – in that so called shotgun start so I believe that is still going to be the case – 4A which is the Admirals groups / Core group  etc will go in concert with us 4B / Internet group –

So…. That is what I’m expecting to happen so we’ll see if that happens - timing is very good – very close and I have the feeling that that we are on the precipice of this thing – just about ready to get started but obviously we’ve been in a position close like this before – we certainly thought so – so we’ll see how this one manifests - we will see if this one does come through – I would be prepared -  to go at any moment  

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We are I think in a very good place to get this blessing – we believe that we are at the very beginnings of NESARA being revealed – GESARA will be waiting – probably about a month or so – there are things happening globally with various governments to align them where the concept of GESARA – however – NESARA is dealing without situation here – we have some things in place whether they have been announced yet or not is another thing –

You know we are going to an asset backed currency – all countries are  going to some form of asset backed currency and most people think in terms of Gold backed -  yes there is a certain percentage of the US dollar which is the USN – or USTN  that is backed by gold by silver – by palladium – platinum and other precious metals and by properties and oil and even other resources by other assets -  and every country has that and that is what determines and has already been determined as to what that country’s rate will be – initially  in the global currency reset -  GCR - 

I know some of the rates will come out high and they will settle in settle down a little – and we could be on par with a lot of other countries’ currencies  - I believe sooner or later the level playing field is created with currency that are more and more aligned / on par – meaning the same – the US dollar might be equivalent to one Canadian dollar – or one Euro – or one swiss frank – so all of that getting on par takes a little time to get there – but I think that is the goal to get us there –

I think we are in good shape – like I said I was notified to be ready by  anytime from Sunday to Monday – and I think the snow storm took us out of that timing -  and today as well – maybe we are good for tomorrow = we will see – stay ready – get prepared – I think we are moving along nicely and I am excited


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK      Intel Begins 49:15


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