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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-7-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in tonight – The interesting thing about this is (and welcome everybody by the way all over the world where ever you are listening from) a special day – do you realize that 80 years ago – “Pearl Harbor Day” took place – 80 years ago to the day – December 7 1941 –

We have to think bigger – We were forced to think bigger because our zim holders with what is available to  us are going to have more than we ever thought was possible -  when we first started 17 years ago  with the dinar / dong / rupiah  etc  with everything else -  we thought oh ok if we  could get back to $3.22 on the dinar – if we could get to $3.00 in the dinar -  we would be golden - Well – as I will tell you in the intel segment of the call we are way beyond that now – its already happened –

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So we’ve already far exceeded what we thought 17 years ago – and of course the Big call started 10 years ago – and many of you have been with us that long – and I’ll tell you we’re seeing this come to pass now –

12:25 breaking up unable to understand clearly to transcribe accurately -

34:10 – Bruce:  I know that redemption centers were staffed today – I know they had an hour and half conference call yesterday and I believe we are in position to take advantage of this from this point on –

We are in an any minute now time frame – I would say we won’t get notified today but I think tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday is very much in play and I hope it makes all the difference in the world in  our lives –

I believe the plan is for this to go – and to not have to wait later – not after Christmas – not by the 15th but I believe we’re actually ready to go!!

Remember tomorrow is the 8th of December and “8” is still a very very  important number to the Chinese Elders and it may be just  that is when everything goes for us –

We know it is already done in Iraq - we know they are declared a sovereign nation - we know they have a new rate in country and throughout the region of the Middle East – it’s known –

It will be traded on the Forex tomorrow night (wed) starting midnight Eastern Standard Time

So with that I am going to pray the call out – hopefully you have been able to hear this –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   11:11 with intermittent interference


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