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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-21-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 21st  and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe and I think we’re going to have a pretty good call tonight – I wasn’t sure I would have a lot of “good” information to report but I’m kind of excited about what I have now -  I am excited about everything we’re going to do tonight –

Let’s see where we are - Well - where we are is not where we thought we would be either yesterday or today – However - there are things happening behind the scenes – fortunately I’ve got some good information to report to you when today looked like today was going to be a very slow news day – so to speak for the intel – It turned out to be a little better than we thought

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So – yes we did not go in yet - we don’t have numbers yet – But – we are seemingly tied to the bond holders notification of their liquidity and they were supposed to be notified this afternoon that they had access  to their funds -  They can see funds or at least their paymasters of the bond holders can see money in their account but they cannot touch it – they cannot get to it -  cannot get access – Why???  They need access codes to be able to enter to get into those accounts and actually use the money

Alright – they thought they would get that this afternoon – I understand more recently that they will be notified or they are going to email those bondholders overnight tonight – so that they wake up to those emails in the morning that will give them their access codes to access their accounts for liquidity

So now how are we inexplicably tied to them?   Which was a thought I had months ago when they were not getting paid and kept getting pushed – we kept getting pushed – and they were pushed – they are tier 3 – we are tier 4B – ok – But – tier 3 – these bond holders – German bonds – yellow dragon bonds – red dragon bonds -  boxes of bonds - sheet bonds zim bonds -  not the same currency that we’ve got – the same idea in a sheet form – like an 8 ½ x 11  type of sheet -  right –

We are tied into that in the sense that once they receive those emails and lets hope they do go over night tonight as we’ve been told from some very high up sources – ok – should that occur  - then – if then – if that occurs overnight then  we are supposed to be notified for our emails tomorrow – I don’t have a time – recently we’ve been told 10am – 10:30 – before noon – noon – it could be in that timeframe –it could very well be that we get notified in that timeframe – but I believe we are going to go and do this  and receive our notifications by email ok – after the bond holders have received their access  to their accounts which they are notified by email and we are going to be notified by email

Now remember what has been happening to get everything ready – one thing that’s taken place is there is still more clean up going on – it seems ongoing – I did mention a masjor sting operation on Thursday nights call that had taken place the previous Sunday – we had more pick ups ad drop offs last Thursday in 5 different countries UK France – Australia – South Africa and one other – so there is continual work but its still moving through very beautifully - It’s happening - and it needs to happen –

Now let’s talk a little bit more about the timing of things – we heard today that the USN is supposed to come out around Christmas Day – ok so we’re still what ?? 4 days away from Christmas – I can’t believe we are that close – 4 days boy – so that’s something that may or may not be predicated on the 24th Christmas Eve – On Christmas Eve we are supposed to have the release of the St Germaine Trust –

Remember the St Germaine Trust was to be released on Easter and or around Christmas -  well it’s going to be released and this is – heres your math lesson – its going to be quattuordecillion (?????) (not sure I heard exactly)

Meaning - And I’ve been told it’s 45 – quarto obviously is 4 x decillion -  10 – 40 zeros following a 1 or whatever the number is – but I’ve been told 45 zeros – so close enough – so 45 zeros following a number as part of the St Germaine Trust – that is to be released Christmas Eve / Day -  the 24th right –

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Now there’s another Trust which is even bigger than that and that is the The Rodriguez Trust and that Trust is supposed to be released on Christmas Day -

So we’ve got that happening – now do we have to wait for that to go? No we do not have to wait for the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to get our notifications and get started –

Now one other thing  - one other change that may – they will no longer have cash meaning USTN currency – our money at the redemption centers – no more 3,000   5,000 14,000  -  the numbers have been all over the board -  we’ve had 9,000 9,500  - we’ve had 14,000 – 5,000  they want you to take 3,000 no more than 5,000 -forget it !!!!!  It’s gone – no more cash at the redemption centers – you can get all the cash you want in the following days through your bank or ATM - 

The ATM amounts are being increased - do we have to authorize this increase or is it automatic? I think we’ll want to make sure that it is something we have a say about – but if you are somebody that uses the ATM you’ll be able to take up to 5,000 per day from the ATM and that is a nice piece of change if you need some cash – I think previously we had a limit of 3,000 in the ATM – This will give you a chance to get 5,000

Now if you want more I’m sure you can call your wealth manager contact and arrange for a larger amount of cash with some advance notice - not a big deal –

We are going to have credit and debit cards issued to us on the day of our exchange – so you will have immediate access to funds as you leave the redemption center – and again you’re going to want to let them know how much you’re going to want to have access to in the first 90 days – maybe the first 6 months – especially regarding y our projects –

You have your project amount you need to project and then you have your personal amount for y our own personal use personal needs – to purchase items for self and family – housing – cars etc  - that amount is for your personal use so you will  want to let them know that – at the redemption center

So what we’re hearing is that they are going to try to release this to us before Christmas – we’re getting awfully close – we did get a heads up today that one of the redemption centers wanted to be open Christmas Day and were not give a permit to do so  - so I don’t know how many redemption centers will be open on Christmas Day – personally I hope none of them are open Christmas Day - I hope we keep that Holiday sacred and holy and we don’t exchange on Christmas

Now as a result a lot of redemption centers will be open on Christmas Eve – the 24th  and some have been given extended hours to be able to be open on that day – and do exchanges on that day – so – something to be aware of –

As far as the so called Public is concerned - what we refer to as tier 5 – I believe the Public start is scheduled for somewhere in the neighborhood of the 3rd  of January – so we shall probably be available to do exchanges probably in some cases  till the redemption centers close by the end of the year – but obviously currency could be exchanged not zim – but other currencies easily through the end of the year

Now I know everybody listening to the Big Call will use the toll free numbers which come with the email and also if you don’t get an email I’ll have the toll free numbers to put out with our emails coming from Big Call Universe – and then of course you will be able to set your appointments and go in –

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Now one other thing regarding the email release – we heard something that may be true and it make sense that it might happen this way -  they may release the emails to the zim holders first  - they want to get appointments for the zim holders immediately – Get those appointments set so that the zim holders have sort of a first priority – to use the redemption center – so if that happens we could look at it like the first wave of these emails – maybe targeted to the zim holders – they know who the zim holders are by email and they know so much about you that it’s almost like you don’t even have to bring ID to the appointment

Now I am not saying not to  - obviously bring picture ID to the redemption center – however we’ve been told under pretty good authority  that they pretty much know who everybody is –

Now if you’ve been gifted zim they don’t know who has been gifted  - some people may have been able to find that info out -  but I would say the majority they do not know – and there is a certain percentage that they have projected that will be zim holders that have been gifted zim  -

In fact when y ou go in and you’re under a NDA in your redemption center appointment -  they will ask you – have you gifted anyone the zim – y ou do not have to tell them the names or the amount but just that you have to  one person – 2 or 3 etc - whatever it’s been – Just the number of people – they want to try to get a feel for how many actual zim holders have been gifted and they will enter that and keep a record  to have some idea – of how that’s going to work

So what we’re looking at is hoping that the emails to the bond holders / bond sellers go out tonight overnight and they wake up to it and that we as a result of that  - we next would be notified by our emails some time tomorrow - I don’t have a time – I know they were trying to notify us between 10 and noon today and that did not happen so maybe we’re still looking at roughly the same time frame –

Now remember my theory of the same time of release in each time zone was verified as y es that is how we’re going to do  - so the theory is we would receive the email between 10 and noon same time frame in each of the 5-6 time zones

So that’s pretty much what I liked to bring to you tonight – I know that we are about to receive a lot of new information on technology – obviously the Med Bed – free energy - 6 G – with the Star Link System – There’s gping to be a lot of things happening that will probably take place – I’ve even heard the EBS may kick in on Christmas Day -  so we will see how that works out –

We are looking to get some announcements – things are really moving behind the scenes – a lot of things are happening that we need to be aware of -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:03:15


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