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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-2-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

Ok let’s go into some intel and see where we stand today – this being Tuesday and 5 days since last Thursday’s call – a lot of things have happened – since last week – we were under the impression that we could look for our toll free numbers and email release here pretty soon – we kinda thought we would be looking for them today – at least we had 2 different banks give us their opinion about that – unfortunately things are moving along but not quite that fast for us –

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Let me tell you what’s happening – we’ve got bond holders that we know of that have received their funds starting last Friday – that means they were paid out – bonds were paid and made liquid Friday – Saturday –Sunday – and Monday - With the last bonds that we know of that some people have – are these Zimbabwe sheet bonds – these are full sheet bonds of Zimbabwe that have not yet been paid out but we understand they may just get paid out tomorrow (Wed) – or at least if the accessibility or availability of funds are not there we hear that they are supposed to pay out tomorrow –

So that could be well for us – now all of the other bonds that have paid out have paid 100% out – except the zim sheet bonds which have not paid anything yet – but will - but the holders of these are the recipients of them now – will receive 1% of those zim sheet bonds – whereas they have received 100% of all of the other classifications of bonds or types of bonds –

The German bonds paid out – the yellow dragon – red dragon - and god knows how many other types of bonds are in process right now –

So ---- what does that say for us? It should say that we are on the verge of being notified – it could be in the next couple of days – I’m looking strongly at tomorrow but obviously it’s not wise to “call it” – we don’t have verification that it is definitely going to be tomorrow – or I would tell you that – but the way things are moving – it could be very possible that we get started with notifications either tomorrow and then maybe get started on Thursday – It’s hard to say – This week is looking good though

Because of the bond movement – because of the movement in other areas too – we had verification that the church groups have been paid out – I can’t tell you every church group but the ones we know and have tracked have been paid out and have access to funds and another group is supposed to be paid out and have access tonight – They are in the process of moving those along

The other thing is where we stand on the Ranch Claims – that they may go when we go – we had I think as of Saturday or Sunday – we had 50% of the Ranch Claims paid out – they had not started on the farmers claims yet – but that’s coming –and it may be that some of these adjudicated settlements which would include – CMKX – fines & penalties and some of the other groups like the Farmers Claims – that may go when we go as sort of part of tier 4 – because everything so far that’s paid out with the bond holders and who has been paid so far is tier 4B – so they may continue and pay out tonight and tomorrow and consider that tier 4B before we get notified

I think we are very close to getting our notifications now – I know I had dates when the public was supposed to start – and the public start was looking more like the 9th and 10th of November – which is next Tues or Wed – so we’ll see if that holds up – and we do not have to be through – meaning our time as tier 4B does not have to be complete before the public or tier 5 would start – we use to think we’d have 10 days to 2 weeks by ourselves -  and then the public would go – I’m not so sure that the public won’t start – and I call them tier 5 – possibly 5 or 6 days after we get started –

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And of course there’s nothing easier than moving the public back to accommodate us moving through – so we’ve had the public time frame so many times and of course we have not even started yet – so it just goes to show that the timing is not been accurate either

So we’re looking at – you know today is election day for some states – governors and some state government positions – that hopefully is going well –without problems – we’ll see how those results come out later tonight or tomorrow – and see what has been established on that –

I think we are looking at some pretty interesting stuff and we had heard a week ago or so that NESAR just might get cranked up more like starting tomorrow – I don’t know if that will hold up necessarily or not but we do know that the new US Treasury notes currency – our spending money that we would put in our wallets or the cash money is in the banks and I don’t know when they are going to release that to us – I thought it might be at least when we get notified and get started – so that may be the case – it could be this week – could very well be this week that we get access to the US Treasury notes or USTN currency - which is asset backed –

We had 135 countries that moved to 147 countries with asset backed currency by last weekend – and now there are probably more than that already that certified as asset backed currencies –

So we’re moving forward in that GESARA realm of trying to level the playing field throughout the world with a lot of currencies that would come up in value and some currencies will adjust slightly downward and some currencies will move back up – for example I believe the  Canadian dollar will move up and be at some point – maybe not immediately  but will be on par with the United States dollar and the same thing would be true with the Aussie dollar – and I believe the for the time being –

The Euro will come down in value to match our currency but then eventually – and I don’t know how far in the future – I think those individual countries that made up the Euro will go back to their own individual currencies – I believe that is in the future and it may not be too far out – it may be actually a condition to GESARA

So – a lot of things are moving in the way of funding to the way of monies that are quite large moving in our direction and I think that we are that close to being notified ourselves – and it could be as early as tomorrow – I hope it is and if not – we’ll just hang in there – could be a one day at a time type of thing –

Anyway – it’s not a whole lot  but there is a lot going on behind the scenes – a lot of things politically that I am not going to get into – and some other things that are happening behind the scenes that we will become aware of – and I really want everybody to move forward together with staying in touch –

I think we are very very close  Maybe we will get a nice  pleasant surprise tomorrow – So everybody have a wonderful evening tonight


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins 1:03:10


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