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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-16-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

This is interesting – because – you know – what we’re getting as you know changes from day to day – sometimes it’s good – sometimes it’s quiet and – let’s just say the big part of it – without dragging this intel out – the big news – and you guys want to cut to the chase anyway – usually – is that Reno is a major hub of activity right now – and you ask why is that? What is different about Reno now?

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Well – let me put it this way – this afternoon at 2 PM Pacific – in Reno – there was a big Pow Wow – get together meeting between heads of state - and financial leaders from many, many countries – also our Treasury Secretary  Steven Mnuchin was there – representative from the UK – from Spain – France – from Zimbabwe – from North & South Korea – Iraq – Iran – Venezuela – because the bolivar is one of the currencies that is moving up – and many other countries –

I bet you there were at least 15 to 20 countries represented and also the Chinese Elders – these are Chinese Whales – the Chinese Royals were there – and the whole idea was to complete the scheduling of everything coming out which could include and supposed to be on tap today was the intermediaries as groups that were set between tier 3 & 4 –

Remember we are a part of tier 4 we call ourselves tier 4B the internet group but the intermediaries which would include fines/interest penalties – adjudicated settlements – CMKX – Ranch claims / Farm claims and if there is any lose groups of the church groups ---- all of those fit into the intermediary category  - those were on tap – was the wording – On tap – for today –

Now that tells me those were being paid out – today – and I don’t know how long that is going to take – but we are supposed to go on the heels of the bond holders and I guess also on these intermediary groups – so what we are getting from one of our banking sources – a lot of these guys are under pressure – gag orders or NDA’s and it’s difficult to get a true time line for us –

But what we do have from one banker is suggesting is that there is a 90 – 95% chance oif us being notified in tier 4  - that’s  us – tier 4B -  either tomorrow or Thursday – so we are at a 90% or 95%  chance of being notified either tomorrow or Thursday

Now we just take that and as you know – with a grain of salt – it’s not absolute and it could be true in now and in 10 minutes it could morph / change –

And  you have noticed even on Thursday’s call – the information that I put out Thursday – after that call – it morphed -  it changed – and I thought --- If only I had known that - … you know …… an hour ago  it would have changed the direction of the intel –

Alright – sooo this thing is constantly moving - but the indication is very good – we know that things are rolling in Iraq – we know that they’ve got plenty of assets backing their gold and dinar (golden dinar – which is the term used for it) because it’s not just to be used for Iraq – but it’s also being used as a regional currency over the Middle East – a lot of countries will use that term Golden Dinar – with regards to the Iraqi Dinar –

So they are moving through on that as well -  we have heard – that the Emergency Broadcasting System could be used at any time – I noticed last night there was a test on a channel that I was tuned into  of the EBS – and also the EAS – the Emergency Alert System –

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All I can tell you is – there is a lot of activity behind the scenes – we know that bondholders are supposed to have been paid at least their 1-1.5% on the zim sheet bonds and 100% on the finds on all of the other bonds – which would be everything from the Chinese Dragon Bonds – Yellow/Red Dragon bonds as well as another category of bonds - 

So we don’t know if they had access to funds but we believe they needed to sign the NDA’s so that they could receive access to those funds – it‘s like – okay we’re going to give you access to these funds now but before you get access you need to sign your NDA - I think that’s where we are with the bondholders – that’s why this huge get together in Reno is so important –

What we hope were final video conference calls on Friday – of this past week – and you know the intention is to get this done before Thanksgiving –

We hope it’s this week – not next week - which is Thanksgiving week – next week – and so far I’m not going to say it’s next week - as it is now – on this Tuesday night – things are looking very good – especially the fact that these guys are meeting in Reno with such intensity and drive and purpose - - I don’t think they’re meeting today for something that’s happening ten days from now –

We could be wrong – as you know – intel is tough – fleeting – and hard to nail down – they don’t want us to know when – I can tell you that the IRS computers that were down yesterday at noon and that is a good thing - we think it’s a part of the IRS being absorbed – what’s left of it – absorbed and rolled into the US Treasury – which was the intention anyway through NESARA –

We also had – let’s see what else happened that changed – it’s hard to come up with these dates and things - things that are coming in the future but we did hear that the funds that are funding the current form of our government - is the old USA INC – the corporate United States of America that you are aware of – that USA INC should run out of money and should run out as a form of government for us by December 2nd  so that is quick –

That is like 9 days after Thanksgiving - so maybe that won’t turn things around quickly – We know the Restored Republic form of government is being put into place – and restored – and there’s a lot of things politically that can tie into that as well – that we’re looking to hear from - they may be using that EBS bringing a lot of information out - or at least we certainly look forward to that –

So I think that is all that I’m planning to bring tonight for the intel segment – we believe they are setting up the schedule – that is what the meeting in Reno was about – to set up the schedule for the remainder of the groups that are to go – and we of course in tier 4B at least one banker is suggesting a 90 – 95 % chance of  us receiving our notifications either tomorrow or Thursday – we’ll stay tuned and see if that occurs  and of course if it does not we’ll be back Thursday night for another Big Call  - hopefully it happens -

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins: 40:00


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