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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-17-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-17-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday December 17th  and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in yet again everybody – we welcome you to another pre Christmas Big Call tonight

Let’s talk a little bit about intel that so far – has not produced our result – we know that we had the impression that we were going to start yesterday or today -  We got word yesterday (Wed) from one of the top banks in the country – in fact the lead bank for exchanges and redemption – and this is the high, high end level – because there were key arrests – that were taking place – as well as subpoenas going out – and the fact that the bonds were still being paid out –

The bond holders were getting run through the various aspects of the bond activation (buying and selling bonds) – and the tier 3 / SKR’s were still being handled with what was being called the “stragglers” – this is tier 3/SKR’s where they had to check out the genealogy of the people in the tier 3 that were getting paid to make sure their heirs / genealogy / connections from the family would be people worthy and good to receive these great numbers of funds – not being siphoned off and put into ANTIFA or BLM causes – or anything like that –

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This was the reason that I was given for us not starting yet –

Now let’s talk about where we are now and where we think we’re going to go –

The ending of the bonds being paid and the tier 3’s are probably just about done – they may take through tomorrow (Wed) – bonds could maybe longer – possibly through the weekend - that’s ok –

We know that there’s a synchronization of events taking place – we know that we have a major move happening either tomorrow or over the weekend – that will be interesting for us to follow – but what is coming through now is that President Trump does want us to get started with our tier 4B exchanges – in fact all of tier 4 prior to Christmas –

Now that doesn’t mean that were all going to get done prior to Christmas – but what it means is we will at least have the time to get appointments and probably a percentage of us in tier 4B go in for our exchanges – and redemption of Zim –

The most recent timeframe that I received today – again a very high east coast banking source – was we should look for notifications – this particular source was saying Saturday – Sunday – Monday – possibly Tuesday -  but thinking probably start by Monday –

So I don’t want to totally write off Friday – other people have suggested the possibility of Friday / Saturday  or Monday / Tuesday -  it’s very possible – the latest I’ve got from top notch lead #1 bank source is Saturday/Sunday/Monday – and if not starting Monday – then Tuesday – although his impression was we would get started – in his opinion - Monday –

So let’s say that happens – and we get notified – by  Saturday or Sunday – and we actually start Monday -  we have Monday Tuesday – Wednesday  and Thursday – ok by 5 PM Christmas Eve – to get some exchanges and redemptions done - That might get 50  - 70 % of the people in tier 4B through – it could very well get that many through - because obviously – there’s no question – they want to get zim holders in and out – and they don’t want second appointments – so I think President Trump wants us to have money for Christmas which we should have –

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Some sources are saying we should have money on Monday – that would mean we would have to start on Monday - or before – so don’t write the weekend off – just because its Thursday tonight – do not write even tomorrow off – because it is possible that we could get notified tomorrow – it’s just a little more likely that it’s more like over the weekend for a Monday/Tuesday start

Now – did the snow have an effect on this? I was told it didn’t – but my opinion – just me personally – I believe it did have an effect – by a day or two – because it would have been very difficult to get exchanges done in some areas of the country with this huge snow storm – I don’[t think it’s going to be much of a factor though beyond tomorrow – so did it really have an effect? It’s hard to say – we didn’t have the numbers so it really doesn’t matter –

For those of you in Binghamton New York – who are shoveling out of 40 inches of snow – I wish I had my bobcat so I could shovel you out myself – but I’m not there so it wouldn’t matter

I would say – what is important for us is to be prepared – when we receive the emails that are coming from the Wells Fargo servers and also  keep in mind we’re planning to send out emails to people have registered – as soon as I get the number

We do expect Wells Fargo to have two 800 numbers in that email – one number is for zim holders and the other is for non zim holders but other currencies -  We do not know exactly what will be in the wells Fargo emails -  we have not gotten a clue – as to what it looks like when it comes in – but do check your spam folder – just in case -  We will post the numbers on the website -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   57:57


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