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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-30-2020

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 30-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight- it is Thursday January 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call - thanks for coming in on this Thursday night and we are jacked up and ready for a really good call tonight – I’m excited and I’ve got some good stuff to share with you – We’re going to have a good call tonight and I’m looking forward to it

Let’s get into the intel portion that we want to do - there are definitely some things we have to talk about that are important –

Now, there are so many different aspects of this – this is definitely a moving target – and Sue and her saying – it is like watching paint dry or watching grass grow - it has been very slow – But we also know that things are happening to make all of this to come together for us behind the scenes

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Now, what is significant I think now is that we’ve got, as of midnight tonight, (thurs) the start of the USA Corporation – the USA Inc going away - starts at midnight tonight, Thursday night, and it completes about 24 hours later – which is midnight 01 Friday night – realize at midnight 01 – 1 minute after midnight is actually Saturday morning – ok –

That’s when the transition to the new Restored Republic of the United States of America is to occur – Between midnight tonight and 12:01 AM Saturday morning – Let’s call it 24 hours alright - or we can call it 24 hours and 1 minute

During this time, additionally, during the same time – that started a little earlier like 5 or 5:30 PM this afternoon we are transitioning out of the USD fiat dollar – transitioning out of fiat dollar to the gold backed dollar, the USN - I sometimes refer to it as USTN – United States Treasury Notes - that transition is taking place 5-5:30 PM today, Thursday all the way through till Saturday at 5:30 PM

So by Saturday at 12:01 AM we will have essentially in place a Restored Republic of the United States of America – and that same day, Saturday, later in the evening, 5:30 – 6:00 PM the transition to the new USN will have been made complete

Those are two huge- huge things - that are occurring before we get started

In addition to that – let’s go back and see what’s happening with the other things that have occurred this week - we did get yesterday the final official ceremonial signing of the USMCA - that was big – that happened yesterday (Wed) –

We had President Trump bring out the new Israeli – Palestinian Peace Accord Plan and offer that – that was very effective – a beautiful Plan that might need a little bit of work but it’s still been (still being?) pro_ _ _ ed? (propped? prompted?)   by the President - which was very very important and big –

We believe – and you guys have to check me on this – I believe Brexit is supposed to take place on Saturday or by Saturday which is also very important

These events, as you know, we had the first phase of the China Trade Deal complete- so there are some major things that have happened – almost as events - that have taken place – so very very positive for us moving forward –

Let’s talk about China for a moment - Notice, I believe yesterday, the Chinese, which would have been Wednesday, the Chinese stock markets closed – we looked at this and went well – because of the -trying to get a really good handle on the Corona virus – and trying to mitigate the outcome of the coronavirus – because the numbers of those infected and those who unfortunately passed away from this have gone up every day since it started –

I believe the Chinese believe they have a handle on this and of course we’ve offered help to come in and help if we could – so far they have not received that help – but we’ll see how that continues – 

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What also  though is happening is the closing of the Chinese exchanges – it’s important because the currency itself – the Chines Yuan -  is also changing in value – I think some of this is allowing them to reconnect the new gold back Yuan to their financial system and the Quantum Financial System –

We are kinda doing the same thing right now as our dollar is changing from a fiat currency to a gold backed currency – we are decoupling from the financial system – and reconnecting back to the financial system over this 24 hour period that we talked about

So it’s a transition period and it sort of – you can basically picture what has to happen in your mind because it’s very difficult to know exactly the steps – we are decoupling from the financial system and reconnecting to the QFS Quantum Financial System in its entirety with our new currency -

 I’m almost surprised that it’s only supposed to take 24 hours to do that – but I’m encouraged that it should complete by 12:01 AM Saturday morning – which is Friday night “late” – think of it that way – still late late late over night – tomorrow night

Now, what could also occur – Is it possible that’s the time that the release actually takes place for tier 3’s and tier 4A’s & 4B’s at least? Uhhh, I think so - I think it’s quite possible that tier 4A’s finally get contacted by email and be able to see in their accounts for the first time with funds in them –

I hope that happens and I do hope they get to see those on Saturday –

Now, what about us? What about good ole tier 4B – What about the internet group? Well, I think that even though I would like to get this thing over night or Saturday early morning the best information we’re getting from our bank sources – is pointing more toward Monday for toll free numbers –

Now, the theory is the numbers were too come out early Monday, meaning in the morning we could possibly start Monday afternoon - If they come out after lunch time say 2 PM or so Monday afternoon – we would probably start Tuesday

So, it’s Monday / Tuesday again - that’s what it looks like BUT - under a NEW  government and a NEW financial system – and that is BIG -  that is why this has not happened before - we needed these other things to be accomplished and that’s what’s happening – that’s why this weekend could be a really interesting weekend –

Some people put out the possibility of a toll free number for tier 4B to come out during the super bowl – we’ve talked about that before - over the last couple of years -  I don’t know how practical that would be - 

I do not agree with that possibility - if it happens – great - if it happens – super - SUPER - but that’s not what I’m expecting - that’s not what I’m getting - I’m hearing it’s more like Monday - start Monday afternoon or start Tuesday –

Now, we know we’ve expected this thing for a long time – I know that you have – I have – and this is our 9th year of The Big Call - and I completing 15 years of being involved in this personally and I really think that we’ve been very patient  for something that is just HUGE to come to us – we’ve got large projects – we’ve got things we have planned for humanity –

We know that we can’t use all of this money for ourselves – nor would we want to - but there’s going to be some credible opportunity for us to move forward to help a friend – our family and those we don’t know and may never meet - 

But that’s what it’s all about – that is what this is about – that is why China is giving us in tire 4B, the internet group, the opportunity for privately negotiable  rates and that gives us sort of an advantage over anybody else that exchanges before us with fixed rates

So are you prepared for the idea of going in to the redemption center and asking for a privately negotiable rate as opposed to a front screen rate? 

I want to thank everybody for being there with us – supportive of The Big Call – Good Night everybody

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at min mark 1:04:30


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