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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-21-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Thursday Jan 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again – we’re excited to do another call

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are – we are not under the EBS yet – in some ways that is good – I do believe it is coming – I have a theory on the “when” and will talk about that in a second –

As far as where we are – what’s interesting is – we found out where we thought we could be ready to go this past Tuesday – I was informed that we could not go for this re-evaluation in the middle of an election – in the middle of government changeover - and so I thought – ok – and what I was pointed to was not the day before yesterday but possibly this coming Tuesday - so let’s see where we are now –

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We know that everybody dealing as paymasters for the admirals group were summoned to Reno – we know that all the sub accounts have been funded and are ready to go from that perspective and I think that they are waiting on a signal to come - and I think will come from Iraq - because again – Iraq has been waiting to make their rate change “known” and my understanding is to be made known as early as Sunday – Monday or Tuesday -  of this coming week – and we should have hat new rate finally established and everything else along with that complete as far as Iraq is concerned –

So we are going to have to wait and watch to see how that unfolds and when that unfolds exactly – we know that they do publish in their official gazette Saturdays and Wednesdays – I don’t know if that would happen on Saturday quite yet but we can keep an eye out for that - they did evidently read their budget and pass that but they are not making the particulars of that known to us yet -

I did also find out that the currencies for a lot of the countries – like there are 4 countries that have Dinar as their currency – Iraq – Kuwait -  Jordan – and one other that  use that name/term like we u se “dollar” and my understanding today is that Iraq is going to be the strongest currency and the strongest financial nation in the middle east and not too long from now – so what it tells me is the other countries may have to change their currency from “Dinar” to something else because if they only want one country in the region to have the name “Dinar” it would be Iraq – so we will see what happens with that – we’ll see what the other countries change those currencies names –

We know for example like the Chinese Yuan – the Chinese Renminbi – one may be the physical currency and one might be the digital currency – same thing is true with a number of other countries – there is the digital - which is our USN version – United States New – ok and the currency itself money as we call it  and spend we call it the US dollar – but it should have United States Treasury  Note on the top of it –NO reference to the Federal Reserve – that is what our new money will have – USTN but call it USN on the screen just 3 letter designation will be ours for the new dollar

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So in terms of the timing for this there are still things happening with the government to move this forward and I think we will see a lot of additional activity happen over the weekend – don’t know much about what to expect for tomorrow but I think Saturday and Sunday could be very interesting – and then what we’re hearing is that we could very well get notification either Monday or Tuesday and I would think try to start Tuesday hopefully not Wednesday but hopefully this coming Tuesday we will actually get started – not only setting appointments  but going in for exchanges  and redeeming zim

Now I was told – and I don’t normally bring rates up to you – but I was told that the rates both front screen and back screen or contract rates – are going to be higher that we even thought they were – which is pretty high – so you’re not to worry about the rates don’t sweat it – they are going to be very - very good

If you have a project or projects and yo have them prepared and present them well that is what is going to allow you to take the rate of the zim to a higher level – it is based on the longevity – job creation capability – are they sustainable projects – lasting more than just 2-3 years –

We are up to about 1.4 million emails – been vetted and tested – system complete ready to go - Things are happening behind the scenes - things are completing – with Iraq and getting ready to move forward and I think we have a weekend hopefully to look forward to and possibly getting notified anytime from Monday – Tuesday hopefully not as late as Wednesday - but we’ll take it if that is when it comes – right? –

So – we’re looking really strong I believe for Monday or Tuesday – that is what we’re hearing

Be excited – be ready – pray – do not give up – I am excited -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  1:11:25


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