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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-5-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in –

Well – let’s see what we have in the way of intel tonight  - there has been some talk on line – as many of you are looking at blogs and reading what’s out there  about some interference that there has been some blockage – if you will -  this has been ready to go – we really believed – and many of us that talk – believed this had been ready to go yesterday – if not – Tuesday – but there were forces in the Deep State that were doing their best to try to stop this from happening for us –

Those forces are out there even though there is clean-up taking place on an ongoing basis and it’s very successful but to get the very last of that is an ongoing practice that could take another month to complete

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Now – in saying that I’m not saying we won’t go pretty quickly – because I believe we will – but there has been some people as far as part of the Federal reserve through the FDIC and so on that did have some influence in slowing this process down – or what we would call a “block”

Now – I believe that is being handled and is being worked on – maybe not completely solved today but the feeling we were getting was that it would be very very soon – and it could be completely handled by now –

So what we are hearing though that points toward what you and I want to know about is where do we stand in this process  - we know that certain bond holders were to be paid today and I don’t believe – and I mean the 1.2% of their total bond assets – and we’re looking for further confirmation on that –

However – we do know that – let’s talk about first of all – Iraq – Iraq did have – and we got this directly  from a couple special forces in Iraq – that we know – that they did have a new Dinar rate – to show up Saturday morning -  this past Saturday – that’s what we were told would happen – that’s what happened –

Now – that rate may still not be seen today on the screens although there were 21 currencies that were going up for the most part – a few down – on the bank screens today for about 3 ½ hours – and after that time – the screens went dark and messages were put out talking about a pending status the currencies were in – until tomorrows date – of 8-6-21 –

So that is telling us that these rates on 21 different currencies are fluctuating - they will lock in overnight tonight – the rates will lock in – and when they lock in – it’s usually for the purpose of us using those rates for exchange – because when we go in we don’t want to have rates all over the place up/down – up/down  -

The banks want and redemption centers want us to have stable – locked in rates – that they can use to do our exchanges – ok – so that is what is happening tonight – so I believe those are supposed to happen over night tonight – we did hear that the Fines & Penalties were to have been paid out today  -

Some of the other things that we also need to be paid may also have started but my gut on this is that a lot of that will happen overnight tonight –

We’re being told by 2 of our bank sources the lead bank and secondary bank – that we should be receivingour notifications late morning tomorrow or early afternoon tomorrow-

Now it doesn’t mean necessarily that we would start exchanging tomorrow but it’s possible – depending on when we get notified – and if we do -------before lunch -------------it’s possible that we would exchange starting tomorrow – otherwise it’s more likely that we would start on Saturday – if we get notified tomorrow afternoon

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Now – that is what we’re getting as well as the schedule for people that are working this staff in the redemption center – everyone was off today – tomorrow is a different story – they are on the regular schedule which allows them to be there to set our appointments from morning until late evening possibly night time – depending on the demand in those markets –

We still believe we are going to get emails released from the Wells Fargo servers in five blocks and those blocks are based on time zones  - first is eastern time – then central time – then mountain time – pacific time – and then there’s Alaska & Hawaii  contingent – that will go as a fifth block

So – this is what we’re hearing  - now – we’ll see – right – we’ll see – and we hope that we are at the end where we can be notified and get started setting our appointments and going for our exchanges –

So we’re just going to have to let this play out as you know -  but we are going to have to let it play out as we believe with all of this in this community that this WILL happen and that we will get this done in God’s perfect timing –

Don’t worry about rates – they will be fine – they are going to lock in tonight -  overnight so they should be solid on the screens tomorrow morning (Friday)  the USN is tradeable as our new note on the Forex – as well as the bank screens – that is why they were fluctuating up and down today – and I think that since the World Court case was honored and signatures were made to take care of that – I believe that for the most part everything has been ready and should be still ready now that the blockage that stopped this from moving forward – is out of the way – and now we can move forward – from what we know now –

You realize this has been a moving target – the intel that we have will all day long get modified – something will change - something added -  you know how this is -  this is a moving target as I said and we will do our best to track it -  and follow it for you – and I feel confident that we’re just about there –

Now are we absolutely there? It’s hard to say – they don’t want us to know – lot of places are under NDA – a lot of our sources are not able to freely communicate at all and we’re having to do the very best we can to glean the very best out of what we do have –

So – I feel like we are in a very good position for this to roll and move forward – and uh –so we will see -  we will see how this comes together for us -  I feel good about it –

Ok so that is what I wanted to bring to you tonight – we are on the precipice of this going from what we’re hearing – and I’m going to believe we all just need to continue to have the faith to press in believe for this to happen for  us in this time frame – get ready for really incredible week next week between the EBS being tested on Wednesday the 11th  possibly sooner – and a lot of activity following – so next week could be very interesting


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:04:45


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