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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-26-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 26TH and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone – we appreciate that – and we’re going to look forward to having a really good time tonight and give you some pretty good information I think –

This is a really great time for us – I got quite a bit of information yesterday and a little bit more today – so I am going to try to bring this out in a way that we can all consume this and enjoy this –

First of all – let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq has been a player in this as you know – what we heard was yesterday (Wednesday) there was a call between the CBI and Chase bank – why Chase? Because Chase is directly affiliated with Rafidian Bank in Iraq (Rafidain Bank is the largest bank in Iraq) – they are doing the ATM machines in Iraq – in other words they are working very close with not only the CBI but the banks where the ATM machines will be and other locations in Iraq – The other person on the call was the US Treasury –

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So you had those three entities with a call – first of all the Dinar in country rate we don’t talk about it but it has been traded up and in a very respectful place right now in Iraq and what CBI did was assure us meaning the Treasury and Chase Bank in particular – that the rate would be at such and such a level between this number and that number in “the coming days” –

And actually in the coming days I believe was scheduled for Saturday –THIS Saturday – so we should have that new rate – they should have a true international Dinar that is known and tradeable out there –

Now – I don’t know exactly when the USN is going to surface – we thought it was there before – we are having difficulty even through certain banks to confirm it – but I believe we are looking for the USN to surface probably around Friday – Saturday – we will see –

Iraq is central in this in that they are a major player and they have finally been able to be allowed to do what they wanted to do with the Iraqi Dinar  ----- In fact they are part of a group of countries in the Middle East that are working with what will be known as the “Golden Dinar”  and that is I believe is an amalgamation (the action, process, or result of combining or uniting) of several countries’ currencies – almost like a regional SDR – special drawing rights  currency – for the middle east region – we will have to watch that and see how that goes –

But I would think this would involve many middle eastern countries that are near – in that area – and that could be interesting as a currency – it could be used as a regional currency in a similar way that the Euro has been used for all of the countries in Europe for the most parts – except Switzerland – they have never gone on the Euro - They do take the Euro in Switzerland but they have their own Swiss franc - as you know

Alright – S0 ….. where do we go from there?  Ok that is showing significant movement for this weekend – We have heard that there would be an earth shattering event between tonight and Saturday and we kind of have an idea that we think that might be – without going right to that – I’m going to tell you about another event that took place yesterday that I think is highly significant for us –

Ok – I just used the term SDR – which is “Special Drawing Rights” in the context of Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations - However there’s another SDR and it’s considered a digital currency that’s made up of between 5 and 7 strong international currencies

In fact – I can’t tell you exactly whose in the SDR now – years ago - I mean I had forgotten the designation it has been so long ago SDR – Special Drawing Rights - it’s a strange term I know – but it included the US Dollar – the Euro – the British Pound – Sterling – it included the Chinese Yuan – and maybe one other currency – at the time – Russian Ruble I believe it was –

Now it may be made up of 5 or 6-7 countries – maybe the same maybe slightly different – and what the point of this is –yesterday was the start of GESARA – the Global Economic Strategic and Recovery Act - that is huge – for what we call the rest of the world internationally – We have our own version of that – which is NESARA – National Economic Strategic And Recovery Act

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So what is so significant about it is that the SDR value – we’re going to value it in US dollars just for the purpose tonight – that SDR value of 22 trillion dollars in the hands of the new and improved world bank is being used to pay off the debts of well over 100 countries that we use to use term “third world countries” but now use the term emerging nations -

These emerging nations are being paid out  this should occur over the next 5 days – it started yesterday – so they’re paying out these countries as part of GESARA – that is their Debt Jubilee  - that is their Debt Relief – for the debts between countries and I believe it extends to the people and their own debts in those countries – I wasn’t absolutely clear about that but I know absolutely it absolves the countries of their individual debts –

Remember these are emerging nations – a lot of them had loans that would never get paid off – they did not have the where with all to do it – so this is their debt jubilee – their debt pay off –

Now what else is going to happen with GESARA is that the monies that are received from the currency exchanges and specifically the zim bonds redemption – are going to these nations to rebuild those nations – or not even rebuild necessarily but build them – from an emerging nation to a first world country like the United States – like Europe – so this is where the idea that President Trump brought out a few years ago of leveling the playing field globally around the world is coming to fruition -  through GESARA –

So you had the SDR’s 32 Trillion – in dollar value being distributed by the World Bank to these emerging nations –and the other half of that is GESARA monies from the exchange of currencies and specifically the zim redemption – We have the same basic thing going on here with NESARA -

Now that GESARA has cranked out yesterday now our NESARA is supposed to increase or gain speed - ok and we’re seeing some first fruits of that – there are some people that have received some debt forgiveness -  There are some people that received tax return money  returned back to them – not tax refund – I am talking about tax money that you paid in – getting it back – returned to you  - that is happening

Now there doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason for this – it seems haphazard – it seems random – I don’t know if it’s totally random or not – it may be something to a system for it – however you are going to want to keep a watch on your bank accounts to see if you are going to receive and influx from possibly 3 areas –

#1 debt relief – which is reimbursement for interest that you paid in throughout your life time – for loans – car – mortgage - the interest - it would include other types of loans that had been paid – that money is supposed to come back to you and will come back as part of NESARA - Alright that is one little pile of money

#2 - The next pile of money would be the taxes that you have paid in your life time for Federal Income Taxes and State Income Taxes – Those will be refunded to you – or reimbursed to you - that’s another pile of money

The third – maybe the largest of all of them – is your birth certificate money – where your birth certificate was used as a bond to trade on your life – when you were born all the way until now – and that bond is going to pay out – that money will pay you a separate amount and this I’ve heard numbers for these – I think I know the formula for it but not going to say  it on the call because I do not want to make the mistake about it – but I believe you will receive that –

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And I believe that refund and of your birth certificate money and your debt forgiveness money – I can’t speak to the tax returns yet - but those two are supposed to be back to us by the first of October - that means we should see a lot of movement in that area during the month of September which we are just about there now -  

September 1st is Wednesday – and some people are saying that they believe that’s when tier 4A & B will start with notifications – It’s possible – however I do have someone whose involved directly with oversight of bond payouts talking about the account access codes will be sent out to bond holder – to access their accounts Saturday at noon -  Saturday could be a very big day

Some people believe that we could receive our notifications at that same time and I’ve got 2-3 people that are agreeing on that - other people talking about Monday/Tuesday – and a couple talking about Tuesday and Wednesday –

The only reason I think that we have to give some credibility to Tuesday / Wednesday – is because you know what? Maybe they want to release this on so that we can start on the first of September – maybe – I don’t know this – I’m telling you that if we get to that day – to me that is why they want a clean month to start –

Now what if we get notified Saturday – if we do – could we start Saturday? I believe we could – depends on what time in the morning emails to come out  - could we set appointments for 2 hours? 3 hrs?  then go in the afternoon?  Yeah – I think so

Remember that is an opinion – we don’t have – they don’t want us to know the “when” – they really don’t – I.m telling you what I have heard – I would rather get them Saturday and get started - we have to realize that a lot is going to happen over this weekend and there may be reason to think we won’t get started until the first part or the middle of next week – It is very possible – There are a few other factors that could add to that –

We are expecting the correct election results from the audit to come out from Arizona I don’t know if it’s going to be tomorrow – should be Friday into Saturday – possibly and there may be some working with the media as well over the weekend – and I will let you figure out what I’m talking about –

So there is quite a bit happening right now from tonight – what is this earth shattering event?? That is supposed to start between tonight and Saturday?  I’ve given you a couple ideas it could be considered –but I think it may be the direct involvement with the media and getting those situations corrected – so that the truth of what we know about the 20/20 election could be brought out - we’ll see

Now if there is some disclosure through EBS starting let’s say over the weekend or beyond – I do not believe it is going to cause – and I got this from our sources – that we will not lose internet or cell service – gasoline -  food supply -  in other words we see no disruption of services

Some of the things you are reading I think are put out as fear mongering and I want you to use discretion – discernment when you read certain things – I am saying that on the one hand and the other is it okay to stock up on a few things – is it okay to have a little reserve on water and other things? Yes I think it’s wise


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  1:08:30


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