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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-16-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-16-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 16th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks for tuning in - Now intel wise – we are going to have the intel segment portion and then we’re going to bring Sue and Bob in for a mini round table to discuss some things that Sue has come up with – which I think will be really exciting

So first of all the intel that we have been receiving has been good and it was yesterday afternoon / evening and a little bit late this afternoon before the call – so I’m excited to bring you what I think is where we actually stand

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So first of all we’ve got to look at the situation as a whole – we know that – we had heard for years that stock markets would be dropping etc right before this went – I didn’t quite understand how it could happen under President Trump but we are not in that situation even though he’s definitely working things out in the background –

In the meantime -  we’re seeing major drops in the market – I don’t know what the total was today – I know we dropped on Tuesday – I don’t know what happened yesterday – today we were down 730-740 points by 11 am so I’m thinking  today was also a pretty down day in the markets –

The other thing that is interesting is crypto currencies have pretty much crashed with the exception of – I think _ two – Ripple and Stella - now both of those are asset backed if you will - by gold  -

Charlie Ward brought something out on Tuesday’s call that I heard that said that – he calls them “tokens”  - we use the term crypto coin – I believe we are talking about the same thing – the tokens as Charlie says – a token has a value of 1 gram of gold – how much is that  - most of  us know what an ounce is – and a gram is 28.3 grams to one ounce – that is a small value – 1 gram – of gold – that would be the value of one crypto coin as far as we could tell – that is how it is established –

So now those two coins/tokens - that may be all that is left – I don’t know – I don’t really follow the crypto but I think – and what I’m understanding is that those two are left and have that value because they are gold backed – just like our currencies were asset backed – ok – so that is interesting that’s happening –

So even though it appears that the crypto coins as a whole have crashed the market has dropped propitiously and also real-estate prices are starting to take a dip and this is due to an increase in interest rates a little bit making it a little harder to get to buy as much house as it was a few months ago – and then of course you’ve got the problem with Evergrande bank in China – having major issues as a mortgage lender and China is taking a hit of about 28-30 % - even in a 24 hr period on their housing market –

We are not directly influenced by Evergrande bank here but we are still seeing a shift and possibly a downturn of 15-18% in housing prices – now obviously housing fluctuates up and down and we will have to keep an eye on that and see what happens on that – but this is something that we have heard would be taking place pretty much right up until the time that we were getting ready to get the revaluation of the currencies which that will happen –

Some of you have heard some things by on line people that really - Charlie Ward was much more judicious s in his language of these people than may be I would be but I’m remembering Sue’s teaching tonight so I am going to try to be good –

You have to understand – some people just are not really getting the whole picture – they don’t quite have the intel coming in – they haven’t been in it long enough – people doing interviews that are really not aware of what is happening – do not understand everything that is happening with the global currency reset –

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It’s hard to understand the QFS or the blockchain technology – I’ll just say this much – we know – we don’t just think – or maybe it will happen - we know that all currency around the globe will be fluctuating and changing in value – we know about 27 of them will be going up – some going up a large amount – and you know what I’m talking about - you know I am talking dinar and dong -  rupiah - etc

Yes – all of these countries’ currencies - most will go up – some will go down to level the playing field – we know that – we’ve talked about that - but what I think is really interesting is that certain people are just not getting the mental – they have not followed it and don’t understand that this is a very real thing – it is a “when” not “if”

Continuing along the intel line – what we have heard was that we  are looking for bond holders to start being notified today – we had heard yesterday that it would be this afternoon – they would start receiving notifications and of their liquidity and access to their funds –

It ends up they started going out at 4:30 am this morning Easter and those are continuing to go out and will probably continue for a couple of weeks to the bond holders – tier 3 –

So they are in the process of receiving those notifications by email and then they will subsequently have access to funds – whether its tonight – tomorrow or the next day or whatever – they are going to be notified as to when they can access their funds – so that has started -  that’s a good sign

We are coming in a close second to tier 3 – we didn’t get notified yet but we could be notified in the next few days – it looks like we are going to be notified in the next few days

Along those lines  we did get some additional information from a redemption center – new to me -  information suggested that the redemption center staff would be going in Monday at 10:4 am – to set our appointments for tier 4B –

Alright let’s say that is what is going to happen – because that is what we’re hearing from a pretty reliable source – a new source in a way - somebody we really haven’t heard of in this area but he was up on it and fortunately he was able to share with us

Now the other thing we’re hearing is that when would we be notified? If that’s the case for Monday – could we get notified on Father’s Day? On Sunday?  It is quite possible – Could we be notified in the morning Monday before setting appointments when staff goes in at 10:45 – they would be ready to go start setting appointments at let’s say 11 am - now that was central time but it may apply in each time zone – My theory was when we got these notifications they would be at the same time in each time zone

We don’t know if it would be could be Sunday – I doubt it – could be before then – it’s possible – and then certainly if they are going to start setting appointments after they go in at 10:45 - let’s say 11 am -  on Monday morning -  possibly we would be notified and set those appointments at that time

So…. That is late information that just came in prior to the call - happy about that - because otherwise prior to last night we were sort of in the dark for a few days - we weren’t getting the winds of intel that normally keeps us going forward - today it changed a little bit – we were able to get a little bit and it pointed toward what I just mentioned –

Now beyond that we don’t really have anything specific beyond what I just brought out – that says we are going to go at a certain time – What’s interesting is the intel sources that are out there that some of you are reading on line are all saying that they are either under NDA or have been told to be quiet – not to put out any intel blah blah blah --   I have not been told to be quiet – I just haven’t –

I have tried to give you the most accurate information that I get – that’s what I feel my job is – so I wanted to mention that – and I wanted to say that a lot of people we normally talk to have been put under gag orders – new NDA’s and it’s quiet – so I am fortunate to have what I had tonight and I am happy to be able to bring it to you –

I am hoping this intel I received today holds true and we are exchanging as early as Monday of next week – but let’s see what happens in the next 3-4 days –  The mini round table talk will be on Tuesday’s call


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:06:10


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