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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-27-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again – we’re excited to be here with you and looking forward to a really cool call tonight – we have a lot of things to talk about

Alright – we will get into the intel right now – I am still thinking; deeply  about Rebuild America and everything we’re going to do – I’m very excited about the show “Hometown Take Over” on HGTV -  and I saw 4 episodes – today – watched back to back – on demand – and I just think that it’s a great opportunity for us to see what that is going to look like and feel like in our near future - so check that out - enjoy it – see yourself there  in a small hometown or midsize  - or inner city – do it all – and we will – that is what I am looking forward to –

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Let’s talk about where we are now - we got information in the last couple of days – so let me see if I can bring this to you – I want to talk to you first about the redemption center process and the release of the emails

There are up to about 2 million emails for tier 4B that’s the internet group – they have all been loaded into Wells Fargo Servers that they call The Discovery System – those emails are loaded in 5 distinct blocks – they are based on time zones – so the Eastern time block has so many in it – the Central time block has so many - the Mountain time block has so many – and the Pacific has so many - there’s 4 of them – and the last block for the emails would include Alaska and Hawaii – even though they are on different time zones – I know that – BUT – for the purpose of this email release – they will be released as a block together –

Now how is that going to work?  It’s going to work like this - it will take approximately 40 minutes for an East Coast Block will go first – so we could pick any particular time – let’s just say it happens and we get notified at noon - OK THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE - not representative of the time – ok – Please understand that –

If it happened at noon – the East Coast emails would be released in 40 minutes – then a 15 minute period between the time the East Coast is done and the Central time would start –

Follow me on this - 40 + 15 is 55 minutes - pretty close to an hour – so we’re going to round up – we’re going to say that the Central time will go at approximately the same time – in Central time zone that it went the same time as the East coast went at noon - So that means that the Central time zone email release would occur approximately at noon –

Alright 40 minutes to disseminate / distribute those emails another 15 minutes and then guess what? The Mountain time zone gets release - ok I’m rounding up – I am going to say approximately noon – then those are distributed – wait another 15 minutes and guess what – it’s time for the West Coast – Pacific time zone

That region gets their emails delivered at – in our example - noon – and then they go out and then guess what? Alaska and Hawaii get theirs following the Pacific time zone - ok – so remember this is all a process but that is what its going to look like – that’s how those emails are going to be distributed – about 2 million – across the country –

What’s interesting is ok now what do you do? You’ve got the email lets say – you’re reading it – it came from a Secure Link website and you’re learning about it and yes you will use a phone number from that email to call and set your appointment –

Even if you are not a zim holder – but just a currency holder of dong – dinar – rupiah etc – another currency – but is not a bond like the zim – and you will still call a toll free number that should be indicated in that email – and you will call and make your appointment –

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Now your call may be automated – totally automated when you do that – unless you are a zim holder – If you are a zim holder you will definitely get to a live person at the redemption center which is the one closest to the zip code that you entered to get to that point –

And remember – none of us have ever seen this completed – none of us have done it so all I’m giving you is the best information that I have on how it’s going to work – your experience may vary – (laughter) cause it could –

However I do believe there is what’s referred to as preliminary non disclosure agreement – preliminary NDA that will be attached to the email that y ou will read and sign and send back – scan or send back however it’s going to be done – so they have your signature on that NDA –

When you get to the redemption center however – or the tier 1 bank – you will have a separate NDA for your exchange that I believe will augment or supersede the preliminary NDA –

Why a preliminary  NDA you ask? Because they want you to shut the front door and stay quiet even about your appointment – they don’t want this leaked out – they want to keep it quiet – can you keep 2 million people quiet? Well we are going to see aren’t we? – I hope so -

When anybody sees that NDA and reads it – look at it frontwards – backwards - every which way – make sure you understand everything in it -  and then sign it make sure you print a copy if you can –

So we’ve gone to that point – we know that we set an appointment up – through the six call centers – across the United States that are designed to receive those toll free numbers  and we know that we have an appointment set up -  - What is the timing of the release of these 2 million emails ??

We have 2 separate sources – 2 banks – one a lead bank – a secondary bank very much in good shape - both of those banks are giving us virtually the same time frame -  4:30 this morning –all the way to Monday morning -  a 72 hour window -   - a 72 hour window to get and receive these emails –

I do not know exactly when I’m going to get my toll free numbers – probably pretty close to the same time that the emails are released – what’s interesting is – I will be able to give those numbers out and be able to put those on our website Big Call Universe .com – and we will also send out email to all registered

Now – what else is happening?  The rate for all of these currencies  have been on the screen – front screens – since the 20th  -  a good week – they came off the screens last night at 6:30 PM eastern - in at least one or more of the banks – and we know that the banks are doing their very best now to get all the information together and there are meetings to help countries deal with the aspects of gold backing – there’s been – without getting too much in the way – let’s say there are people that are in charge of helping that have been hand picked in charge  of working with bankers from countries about 29 countries around the globe to get comfortable with the idea of gold backed currency that they are going to have and we are going to have and comfortable with the NESARA / GESARA legislation and how that’s going to look

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There’s just quite a bit going on right now behind the scenes with meetings and with banks really – potentially getting fully prepared for things that are going to happen –

So what about this weekend – could we get numbers tomorrow (Friday)  or Saturday? Yes – if we did would we go? I say this – if we got numbers tomorrow I think we would go Saturday – if we got them Saturday early enough we might go Saturday – I think if we don’t get something until Sat eve / Sat night – Sunday early – you know – then I think we are looking at setting appointments for Tuesday probably – cause I don’t know they would set to go in on Memorial Day –

So if something happens for us tomorrow (Friday) tremendous – I think it’s great – that is my hope – I don’t know it – but I hope that is what it is -  otherwise everything is basically ready to get going -  rates will pop back on the screens – I don’t know if it’s going to be tonight or tomorrow –

We’ve got bond holders that have been told Dubia various banks that they will have access to funds on Saturday -  that is a good sign – if that holds up – if they get access to their 1% on Saturday and we’re going as a shotgun start – it would look good for us to get started in our exchanges by Saturday  - don’t know if that’s going to happen – it might – we’ll see -

We do have this little 72 hour window that started at 4:30 am this morning – goes until 4:30 Sunday morning – when the servers are to kick out those Wells Fargo emails - we’ll just have to see if everything is totally ready to go when they’re going to do it

We really do not believe there is any more negative cabal influence to disrupt this – so we are going forward -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  1:11:30


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