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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-20-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-20-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in yet again

Let’s talk about where we are in the midst of everything right now – this is really an important and crucial time for us I know - and I am going to say whereas new had heard previously from 3-4 sources that this week would be a really good week for us – now …… it’s more like when are we going to get notified – will it be this week

There’s I think little chance of tomorrow for notifications – I think Saturday is a possibility but I think Monday is looking much more secure at this poin

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We’ve talked with people in London working with HSBC – Who are set up to do exchanges and bond work over there and that is - the information is pointing toward a long day starting Monday and going from that point on – when I say that I’m talking about a - let’s call it a mandate coming from the US Treasury to the redemption centers and certain tier 1 banks as well -  that is strongly requested that their hours starting Monday be from 9 am till 11 pm –

That is a long day -  that is longer than we thought redemption centers would be open – for the most part and some will have a certain dispensation where they won’t be open depending on their demographics in that area – depending on the number of zim holders in the area – they may not stay with that timing but it’s interesting that is coming from the Treasury today – to these institutions so that they can get ready for planning schedules for Monday – and beyond

We know we are going to go somewhere in the vicinity of 12-14 days with the redemption centers and forget tier 5 – they get pushed no matter when we start - as you know the public gets pushed back anyway – not a big deal - most everyone we know is part of tier 4B – the internet group and most everybody we know has zim whether purchased or gifted should call the toll free numbers and set their appointments or they will be receiving an email from Wells Fargo’s secure servers – and they then will respond back through that system to secure link website or utilize the 800  numbers – which ever is appropriate for them – some people will use a number like me and others will just do it all on line – through the secure link website

Now – that is the long and short of where we are – now – I can tell you that we are still in the process of bonds being paid out to bond holders globally - most of that activity is coming out of Zurich – still out of Miami – a little bit out of Reno – still ongoing – even in London – like I mentioned some activity there - overall though so everybody understands – Wells Fargo is the Lead Bank for this in North America – that means  Canada – US and Mexico – so even though Wells is in charge – and over certainly the United States very obvious and Canada will also be working with RBC Scotia Bank as well as TD bank and other banks like in Canada so that is more of an alliance they have put together – The same thing is going to be true in Mexico

It’s not going to be hard to find out – what I did not find out in time for the call is we know that there are 2 numbers to  use inside the United States – one is for zim holders and one is for non zim holders – so there will be notification – I wish I had the numbers – I will be getting them – and will be putting them out – directly through our website – and through emails - 

When it comes to the exchange itself – and the redemption of the zim – when we go in – I talked a little bit about the process – we know they want to try to get it done in 30-40 minutes – I think that is a challenge for a lot of us  - if you have just a few notes it won’t be that hard but if you have a lot of course it could be a challenge –

Now you take whatever time you need but a lot of things we thought were at the first appointment would actually be better served if you set u p a second appointment with your wealth manager - at the bank – then you go ahead and handle new accounts for example – of transfer some funds to a new bank -  you would do that in about 24- 48 hrs – after your exchange –

Now let’s talk about access to your funds – you know that the bond holders are to receive 1% of their total bond proceeds – we are supposed to receive 2% of our total proceeds – that would mean – if you had dong – dinar - rupia – zim - everything – lumped all together  and they would try to give you 2% of that available – which could be a lot -  depending on what you have –

What you want to do is to let them know for the first 90 days how much do you think you will need? Whatever that amount is – in my case - I am going to take that amount and put it into my spill over account – which is the account I’m setting up with Wells that the mother lode when it earns interest will spill over into that secondary account –

In the meantime though what ever number or amount I need I would tell them and would like that in my spill over account – I am sort of feeding the spill over account before the interest gets there –

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You should have access – let’s say all you have is some dinar – or dong – you should be able to get access – unless you have a suitcase full - you should be able to get full access to those funds from the exchange on DAY ONE –

If you are a zim holder and you have other currency that’s where the whole 2% thing comes in – that’s giving you access to 2%  in the first 24-36 hours and the remainder is tied up in the structured pay out  for you to be paid out in  day 91 -  with interest –

In my opinion – I am not going to touch the principal – in the mother lode account – I don’t need to touch it – some of  you might  need some from that mother lode account first and to use that to seed/feed your spill over account – which is cool – it’s just a matter of you working that out with your team when you get there –

We should be able to get our debit card or credit card at the time of the exchange – that will be tied to one or the other of accounts - I personally  and going to stay away from debit cards and just use the credit cards and set it up where it automatically  debits from a certain account by the due date if not before - so I’m never late never miss a payment regardless of where in the world I am –

We talked before about the 80/20 – that is no more - that was a cabal thing – if you do not want to do any projects you do not have to – you would do better if you did because you would get a better rate on the zim -  I think you are all going to be pleasantly pleased with the rates themselves – some of them are higher than we could imagine –

I am excited about the timing - I just want us to get started - and get notified so I can get these numbers out so appointments can be set –

It “appears” they’re going to be looking at that on Monday – numbers – appointments set – start of exchanges -  all on Monday – we could get something over the weekend – it’s possible  we could get something Saturday – I can’t give a percentage chance though -  I know they are still working to get the CMKX adjudicated settlements delivered – we know that Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 accounts will be actually used completely until every nickel is out of those accounts – a lot of those funds are going to Wells Fargo in the United States for our exchanges and some of those funds will be distributed to other large banks around the world –  Those are for tier 4B exchanges and zim redemption -  so that is supposed to have occurred  when CMKX hit 30% completion – so those funds should already be either on their way or about to be on their way to those banks –

There are some glitches taking place – in peoples cell phones sometimes cable systems – all kinds of things due to the change over that may be occurring already with the StarLink Satellite system - because we will eventually go to that for cell phone technology will almost certain of our cell phones will be set up to be like satellite phones –

Just received a letter yesterday about another $1400 is coming – some of you probably got the letter and that should be - …. It’s not really called “stimulus”  I think it’s going to be sort of like a universal basic income  and I do not expect it go go for that long – but it’s something that is temporary – and maybe get a bump in our social security - if you’re getting social security – I think $200 – 230 increase -  starting I think in June –

So…… here we are looking for notifications to come out – bonds are still being worked with and small monies are being paid on those obviously – 1%  and I think we’re moving along – with things happening behind the scenes – there has been a tremendous amount of clean-up on aisle 3 – in the District of Columbia over the last couple of days – and continuing – so things are happening – big time –

A lot of things are happening – that we can’t see – I believe our dollar is asset backed and soon getting more evidence of that -  this is what we are having to go through as we wait – for our numbers to come out and email notifications to come –

So that is what I wanted to bring tonight – I appreciate everybody listening in so faithfully


Bruce’s Big Call   Replay LINK     Intel Begins:  1:08:21


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