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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-19-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-19-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – we’re glad you’re here and we’re looking forward to having a good call today - it may not be quite as long a call because some of us need to delve into some other things and rest and feel better

Ok so let’s see where the intel is going to take us tonight because what we got earlier in the day which came from a redemption center was that they were expecting today – two emails – one earlier in the morning and the other around lunch time that would tell them to have the staff in within a two hour period from the early email and then the second email was to come in to talk about rates and the new USTN currency

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Those two emails the redemption center leaders were looking for – did not happen today -  it could happen tomorrow – there was seemingly a delay – it could happen tomorrow but there is other information that may point to another time frame –

If you have read anything on line you know that something important as an “event” - an event of some kind is supposed to transact tomorrow (Friday) around 4 PM Eastern time – and that event is hard for us to pin down – we’ve had some theories that it could be related to – the new dollar – or more so I think and more likely to the fact that our country – if you will – has paid off all foreign debt – to me that is big – may not be the event but it’s something that could be included in an event type speech

It might reflect political change -  might reflect something else related to NESARA – it’s supposed to be a big deal – we can’t really pin it down – other than I think the announcement of having paid off all of our foreign debt – which is good ! And that would be part of Debt Jubilee – it wasn’t the forgiveness of the debt it was supposedly having paid off the debt – Good – fine – great –

The thing that might be most interesting is information out of Canada – One of their major banks has given us information that suggests that they are waiting in Canada at their redemption centers for an email Saturday morning that would indicate that they could bring in their staff and have set appointments possibly for exchanges to start as early as this weekend which could be Saturday afternoon / evening or Sunday

Now we don't have that here in the so called lower 48 states - we don't have that yet - but it could come in and confirm it - I don't see Canada going ahead of us or behind us - I think we'll all start at the same time - It's just interesting that the information they got today is pointing towards Saturday -for their notifications to the redemption centers - ok - so the redemption centers get a go to start in a couple hours usually -

Our redemption centers should get that earlier email and then have a two hour time frame before the appointments are being taken at the redemption centers - and I mean being set - being taken for those of us who have the toll free number and call in to set those appointments - it should be about a two hour time between the redemption centers get notified and the time that we get notified

Here's an example only - doesn't mean it's the time it's going to happen - let's say the redemption centers got an email at 10am - even on a Saturday and they got their people to be in by noon and we get notified at noon - in this "example" remember people that are taking these notes and writing this down -transcribing the call - this is only an example - so that at noon in our example we would be receiving our notifications from Wells Fargo servers - by email and then we would be calling in and setting our appointments and possibly starting that afternoon - or evening

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Now if we were to start on a Saturday we would power right on through Sunday and go Monday and right on through the month and maybe into June - I know the public which we refer to as tier 5 is supposed to start in the first week of June -Now June 1st is a Wednesday and that might be the start for the public or it may not be - but we will go at least 1-17 days in the redemption centers unless the redemption centers pull in as much currency / zim as they expect  to cause they know the zim holders in the area - they know unless they are more people that are gifted that they don't know about - other than those people they know everybody that purchased it and theoretically they still have it and that they would be coming to exchange in that area that we're talking about -

Now there is one thing I would like to bring up now that we may not have talked about in a while and that is the Non Disclosure Agreement – NDA - that we will sign during our exchange – during our redemption – so that we are able to keep quiet and not disclose this – that’s why it’s a “non-disclosure” agreement –

What I’ve been told is – if there are some people on your leadership team or people you are going to be doing projects with – in y our immediate family or circle you can exempt them from your NDA but you have got to have a typed list of these names – maybe 4-5 of people that you plan to discuss things with that need to be exempted from our NDA – so I am going to have that list of mine which is 7-8 names  -typed out – and issue that as an addendum to my NDA  before I sign it and explain why – and they should not have any problem with that – so consider that – think of who you want – obviously some immediate family – not everybody – people that will be helping you directly and initiate your projects – your leadership team – those people – some of which could be family – or others you have confided in that know  you are doing this –

They do not want you talking about this – they do not want you on social media – they are going to clamp down on all of that if they see anything that looks like you’re talking or bragging about this or just celebrating too much – whatever it is if they notice and they will be tracking us for that – they could freeze your accounts – if you are too open with this information – this is not to be discussed –

How long will the NDA’s last? It depends on you – certain people they think have it together they may say well this NDA will last for 30 days – others may be enforced for 6 months or more

Because we don’t know – and they don’t want us to know when this is going to start – we do well to get the information we do get believe me – and they are not going to say well Bruce when is this going to go - when is it happening - you are NOT going to get that – I am not going to get that – I might be fortunate to get something like we had tonight - that gives us an idea of what’s going on

I’m going to say there are individuals that might have tried to talk to the banks – we are not going to do that – I’ve never done that – I’m only waiting for the toll free number to come down from Wells Fargo servers and email and for us to put that out to people that don’t have their email will Wells – what I think is important is that we pay attention to this timing and see when it is going to go – that’s what I’m doing I’m waiting for it to happen – when it does we will put it out on the website -

Thanks everybody for tuning in - Good night


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins at 1:07:17


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