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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-31-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-31-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Thursday March 31st  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe

Ok it’s time for some intel –Let’s tell you what’s going on – I said at the opening that I would give you some information that sort of gives you what “apparently” is very good news for us –

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First of all certain things have occurred that we weren’t sure of on Tuesday’s call – two days ago – that they had occurred – okay – and those are – we did know Monday at 5 PM the USN – our US dollar – our accounts that we “currently” have with our banks have all been converted from fiat dollars to gold backed dollars USN – meaning Note or New – depending on how you look at it

Now that is a real good thing – we mentioned that on Tuesday – tat happened at PM on Monday afternoon/evening – 5 PM Eastern time – all the accounts were in USN – do we notice any difference? No – I told  you we wouldn’t know anything different at that time – but guess what also happened at that time and we weren’t  sure of it – When is the USN really going to be out? Per say?  Well – it was out then and it’s out to the point where the USN – our digital currency is being traded for and has been trading internationally as a gold backed currency - finally!!

This is a requirement for GESARA – it was a requirement for us under NESARA and is a requirement and was a requirement for the RV/GCR to take place - we always thought it was important – we just didn’t know we had to have it before this went for us – before the notifications – etc etc – but yes it did occur – and we have been trading internationally with the USN all week - ok

I mentioned currency – the folding money that we have – our denominations 100/50/20/10/5/1 – those have all been printed a long time ago and are already in boxes – laid out – sorted out by denominations – in the banks and in the redemption centers – they are ready to go into the drawers – boom - doesn’t take long to do that – so those are ready

I’ve been told once that occurs – we’ve got the USN / USTN together in parallel we are “golden” we are ready to roll – ok - so that’s where that is –

Now in addition I said – we are going to officially be on the start of NESARA at 12:01 AM tomorrow (Friday) April 1st  which is 1 minute after midnight tonight (Thursday night) – that’s how I look at it – I know it’s morning but it’s really 1 minute after midnight tonight – So officially we go on with whatever that brings for us in terms of NESARA/GESARA and we’re moving forward – So we have the USN – we have the USTN in the banks and redemption centers –

We’ve got to talk about bond holders –we hear that the tier 3 bond holders have been paid to the paymasters and now the paymasters are going to start funding the accounts of the bond holders/bond sellers starting this evening (Thursday) at about now (10:30PM) – right about now – it should have started – and when I say that – here’s how I want you to understand the process as I feel I understand it –

When they are notified by their paymasters with an email – they are supposed to have an access code that will give them access to their account where they would see the $$money$$ from their bonds into their personal account – their own individual accounts - using the passcode  - some may have even 2 passcodes – that’s cool

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Here’s the thing – they can “see” it in their accounts – and it’s in USN – that’s good – but when do they get “ACCESS” to the funds????????

Well these notifications are going out from tonight through Sunday night – they will go out through the weekend - tonight – all the way up to Sunday night – those notifications to the bond holders will go out-

They will get access to those funds to 1% of those funds – 1% they will have access to either Monday or Tuesday – that will be the 4th and 5th of April –

Now – here’s the other thing – we were supposed to be going in tandem with the bond holders in tier 3 – our tier 4A the admirals group etc and  tier 4B the internet group which is a much larger group – as you know – has emails coming out from Wells Fargo – that will be somewhat customized to you if you are a zim holder – they know how much – they “think” they know how much you have – unless you gifted some away -  they think they know how much you have – they know who you are – they want to know that – and so you might have a slightly targeted email to  you based upon that  - it’s no big deal either way – you should still get toll free number to call to set your appointment – and that is the main thing – the bottom line –

Now – here’s the thing – when are those notifications to us in tier 4B the internet group coming out? I’ve been told as early as tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday and I’ve been told as late as Monday or Tuesday – so here we have a five day window that we could be notified – we just have to keep our eyes open and we just have to kinda  monitor our emails that will be coming our way –

I tried to pin it down – believe me – I’ve got a couple sources that are pointing to the next 2-3 days which would mean over the weekend – sort of like what the bond holders are getting in terms of their notification – and I’ve got another source that’s talking about Monday or Tuesday and it could be we get notified over the weekend and start Monday – or get notified on Monday and start on Tuesday – it’s going to be interesting and it should be a really good weekend

Now what’s also important is tomorrow our new Restored Republic Government starts – with some new people filling in for some people that are no longer a part of Congress - Use your imagination and wonder – What happened to them??  Do you think??

Ok so –that’s going to be really interesting and good for us to see that happen – Ohhh By the way – the “OLD” Congress is no longer being paid as of last Monday and the NEW Congress will be paid in USN dollars starting tomorrow (Friday)

This is part of the great exchange Sue talked about in the teaching – the old form of government is gone away and the new form of government starts tomorrow – The Restored Republic – you are going to see a lot of personnel changes - you’re going to see even at the top – and you’re going to see some very interesting things happen with NESARA and GESARA which officially starts at 1 minute after midnight tonight – on April 1st and this is NO April Fool’s joke – believe me –

This is what we’ve been waiting for – 12 years ago when I heard that in order to have this RV and GCR come through we have to have NESARA  and GESARA – and I thought oh no what is that going to take – how long is that going to take to get here? Oh my gosh!!  Do we really have to wait for that?  Do we really have to?

Well guess what??  We do and it is – tomorrow – the start – the start – now when is the information on that going to come out?? I believe it’s going to come out right after – meaning Sunday – after the Trump’s speech on Saturday evening and Saturday night – ok

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Now I think – this is what I’ve been told – I’ve been told right before the Trump speech or right after – today we had another source that aid he believed it would be right after – which would be Sunday – the start of the EAS - the Emergency Alert System –

So they dropped the term Emergency Broadcast System in favor of the Emergency “Alert” System – and you know what that’s going to look like on main stream television?  I don’t know – we’ll see

We’ll see what happens – we’ll see it comes out – we expect some of the refunding monies coming to us to start between the 4th and the 6th of April – guess when that is?? Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday –

Remember you’re going to get the refunding of Birth Certificate money that was traded on your birth certificate like a bond -  we’re going to get taxes back – I don’t think it all will happen at the same time – but I am saying “some” version of it – taxes that you’ve paid in will be payable back to you – interest on car loans – mortgages – and other forms of bank loans – not personal – just with you and the bank – there is going to be a lot of refunding coming through –

And that first tranche of those funds comes between the 4th and 6th of April I think it’s a way to kinda cover the fact that many of us will exchange around that time – and we will be – obviously hydrating and working with the economy as we spend and buy cars and homes and land and everything else we’re going to do –

So this is a very significant weekend for us – will we get notified over the weekend? Possibly tomorrow or Saturday or Sunday? It’s possible – I’m not going to hold my breath for it because I know these things tend to go at the last minute

Alright – how many countries as of this afternoon have announced that they have gold backed currencies?  206!! How many countries are there in the world??  Either 209 or 214 depending on who you talk to – so the vast majority of the countries have asset backed currencies – could be by gold - silver – palladium – platinum – other precious minerals and metals – could be oil and property - other assets – that give their currency “value” – that’s the whole purpose of a global currency reset – and the whole purpose in having asset backed currencies globally – as part of GESARA – Globally Economic Strategic and Reform / Recovery Act

So this is all a part of it – it all has to happen – we should see a lot of really positive things coming out very soon and possibly starting as early as tomorrow – I don’t know that we’re going to get any major announcement immediately – but I sure hope we get something – to talk about the fact that we have an asset backed currency – a gold backed currency – back to the gold standard – I want them to say it –

We’ve got new money – yeah we’ve got new money -  we’ve got new currency called United States Treasury Note -  there’s no Federal Reserve on there  - no no no mo – no more – ok

This is a new game – a new game with some new players too – going to be real interesting how we take this and exchange the old system – the old self – everything that we had for something that’s NEW – something new and beneficial and will help level the playing field globally

You realize that eventually – I don’t know how long it’s going to take us to get there but under GESARA all currencies will be eventually be on 1 to 1 trading basis – 1 to 1 - so there’s not this huge discrepancy  - oh this country’s currency is worth this and this one is only worth  this and … this is a level playing field for trade – globally and it’s something that’s a part of GESARA and we’re going to find out –

Now – in the meantime though – before that happens guess what? We’re the beneficiary of very high rates on the currencies that we are holding – like the Dinar – Dong – Rupiah – even the Rial has a value – and the Bolivar – and there are many more – probably 27 – 28 currencies that are going up in value – eventually I think like water that will seek its own level – those currencies will see their own level and get back to 1 on 1 – it’s called “on par”  or “parity” between nations – that’s where we’re going – so that’s going to erratically change the landscape in a lot of countries –

I am looking forward to that but in the meantime we are going to be able to take advantage of the discrepancy in the rates with the USN our new gold backed dollar

We believe we have everything done and the bond holders are being notified and we are to be notified and if they – tier 3  are going to get access to their funds on Monday and Tuesday we should also be going Monday or Tuesday and getting access to our funds -

Remember if you are a zim holder – just like the bond holders with the big –ones like the railroad bonds – the Chinese Red / Yellow dragon bonds – all of those different – if you have a bond and y ou have not hypothecated it through a bond trader bring it with you to your appointment with Wells Fargo redemption center and they will take care of it there –

Our bonds the bearer bonds – the “zim”  the zim notes we have are bearer bonds and will be treated as bonds and that’s why we are getting a very fair market value for those – just like currency itself – it’s denominated – all of that  - does not matter how much you have – which denominations -  they are extremely valuable

Thanks for listening to the Big Call over these past 11 years - Good night everybody 


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:05:30


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