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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-17-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 17th   and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we welcome you here tonight and thanks for being here either live or on the replay

Alright – here is where we are - I was very excited because of the intel that came in yesterday and again re-enforced with today’s intel that we got – so let me try to bring as much of this together as we can cause there is sort of a rhyme and reason to it

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Let’s start first of all with – we have talked about – remember the last two calls I think -  I talked about the dates that were possible for tier 5 which is the John Q Public – the people that have stuck currency in the drawer and forgot about it  10 years ago – ok  they are not listening to the Big Call – they ae not following on the blog – they are not even paying attention – they are just – whatever – they gave up – or they are out -  whatever –

That group is not really a part of the internet group – they are the “public” – they don’t know the Big Call or are not listening to it any more - and so these people are supposed to – remember we talked about this Tuesday – are supposed to start on the 22nd  or 23rd  I said –

Guess what?  It’s still true – and guess what’s going to happen alongside that?  Those of us in tier 4A & 4B will go with the public – no way ahead like we thought maybe but we’re going virtually simultaneously – and I’ll tell you why in a minute – and that’s interesting because what we’re getting from the lead bank is this information that points to us being notified and we’ve got two other banks besides the lead bank that came with information today that clarifies this even further –

It talks about us being notified on Tuesday the 22nd and as far as we know we would set appointments that day and go for our exchanges starting Wednesday the 23rd –

So we had two different banks very high up lead banks – talk to us about a possibility of the 22nd  or 23rd for that – actually they said the 22nd and then out of contacting and getting information from a couple of our other banks we eliminated Monday the 21st  as a possibility for notification because memos had gone out to these other 2 banks about us being notified on Tuesday the 22nd –

To back that up we know redemption center staff is in from early morning till late afternoon to do what? Set appointments – the other piece of it - that’s very important is that when we set these appointments there was a slight clarification in what I said on Tuesday’s call about the two #800 numbers  - there might be only ONE toll free number that when you call and they determine you are a zim holder you would get – you would be given another toll free number to call or be directly routed or connected to the redemption center that you indicate by entering your zip code as part of your dialing in process

So we may just have the one number and then when they say what currencies do you have and you tell them not the amounts but the currency and you mention the zim they know then to route you directly – and if you are a zim holder you should get routed directly to the redemption center that will handle you and speak to a person there that may be handling you in person – should be – they are creating that connection with you as you dial in and whether you dial a second number or you get routed through the switching unit to that redemption center one way or another you will be connected – That’s another thing that I am glad I could clarify – tonight -

Okay here we go -  the timing  for this – what is the reason for this happening when it is going to happen – Tier 2 3 and 4 banks – NOT the banks we’re going to use for redemption of zim – that’s tier 1 only and Wells Fargo is the lead bank wherever the redemption center is they’ve taken over the control of it – Wells is in charge in the United States -  I talked about that Tuesday –

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Tier 2 – 3 and 4 banks need to become connected compliant with the QFS Blockchain protocols – and they have – tier 2 – 3 and 4 banks have until Monday to do this – that is President’s Day - to have that done – if they’re not done by then and fully connected to the Blockchain protocol for the QFS and Zelle – another aspect of this technology – if not connected by Monday – guess what?  They are not allowed to open their doors on Tuesday

Now that’s a pretty strong thing that they have to do that they’re under – do tier 2 – 3 – 4 banks have been part of the reason but not all of the reasons that we have been held back let’s say from going –

Alright let’s talk about the bond holders – we usually lead off with that - or Iraq – The bond holders outside of the United States citizenship - in other words bond holders that are international – they have been paid and will continue to be paid through Saturday – they should e done by Saturday –

Our US citizen bond holders will start being paid Saturday afternoon - Sunday and Monday – and they should be complete by Monday – they will have access to their funds – they will get those emails and they will be good to go –

So do we have a shotgun start?  Not exactly – we are going on the heels of the bond holders being paid – ok – so Monday is a bank holiday – President’s Day – as far as I have learned the redemption centers are dark – banks are dark – and we will start on Tuesday with notifications and we should – this is what I’m being told – this is as close as I can get  without calling it – alright – I’m giving you what I’m getting – really strong this time – really strong – very specific – They’ve got that 3 day weekend they’ve talked about for years and years –

We are looking good – Iraq is ready to rock and roll – they are really excited – I don’t know exactly when Iraq’s dinar will be internationally known – my gut is it might be Sunday – their first business day - maybe sooner than that – maybe it’s a little earlier than that – It’s a very big thing and guess what? –

Remember when we talked about the golden dinar being utilized between Iraq and Kuwait – guess what?  The golden dinar will be a currency used throughout the Middle East as  a form of payment as  a regional currency – the golden dinar coming from the Iraqi dinar –

So I’m excited about what that says – President Trump put together a wonderful trade agreement inside of the Middle East – that is going to be honored and it’s really a good plan – for everything that we’re looking at

I’m excited about where we  stand right now more than I have ever  been – you can tell –because this is the first opportunity where we see an “end date” - We see what is projected to happen and this came from multiple sources yesterday and confirmed today – I believe we are totally in the clear now for this to happen

Another cool thing – the World Bank Contract – however long it was 100 years or whatever – it is over – at midnight on the 21st - That is another good thing –

You are going to lose the World Bank – the Bank of International Settlements Gone – the Federal Reserve is already down to 113 people – that’s being absorbed into the US Treasury – I believe the UN is on its way out  - there’s a lot of things / organizations that are going bye bye – ok and that’s a good thing for us – a very good thing –

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Iraq is going to do their thing – they don’t need anybody else to tell them what to do – they are out of Chapter Vll sanctions with the UN – they are free and sovereign and they are excited about celebrating that – now – it’s been 20 years – 21 years – So – they are certainly ready to go – as far as that goes –

The other thing is – when we talk about the QFS and we talk about it integrating with the banking system with the StarLink Satellite System and everything that’s fully integrated technologically we know that – that system – the new banking system QFS - will be fully activated and in place at midnight Pacific Standard time – West Coast time – on the 21st – So midnight that night on the 21st the system is fully integrated - that’s 3 am in the morning on the 22nd East Coast time –

So that is pointing to completion as well and activation – full activation – of that system and I am excited – I have given you the end date - I feel very confident about it - I had someone to tell me tonight that they would wager a trillion dollars that this is it on the 22nd and 23rd - 22nd for notifications – 23rd for exchanges – that’s a pretty good wager – I would take it –I think it’s wonderful –

I think this is it - we have gone the distance – we’re finishing the race –we’re coming in that last 100 meters of this marathon and we’re just about to break the tape – We’ve got to finish strong – this is like coming up to the wall after a 200 meter breast stroke – and you come up to the wall and you just come close and no you kick hard and stroke hard to get to that wall – you do not just coast in - 

There is still a lot of clean up going on and that is a good thing – and it will probably continue for a while but I think we are at the point that all of the intel from major bank sources over the last 2 days I feel very good about what I brought tonight

I believe this will be our last call - for one and number two – I believe we can begin a pre celebration but we’ve got to stay with it – we’ve got to fight a good fight -  we’ve got to finish the race that is set before us – right – and that’s what we will do together – I think we are where we need to be so hang in there for the next five days


 Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:18:50


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