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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-28-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 28th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Chuckle Ha Ha This is … ha ha  remember Tuesday night’s call you probably thought –“When is it going to end”? “When is it going to be over”?  I think I went 40 minutes or so with intel if I remember right – so tonight is the exception to the rule – tonight is going to be relatively short –and the reason is because it has been very quiet since Tuesday – We had a few things to bring Tuesday –

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We are hearing that the bonds holders we’re sort of following received one of two emails – the first email last night around 7 PM that was to inform them they would receive another email sometime today – quite possibly in the noon – 4 pm window – that we were looking for and talked about on the call – and we do not know at this time whether or not that secondary email has been received today –

My feeling is that had that gone out we would have heard something about that – so my theory is probably it didn’t happen this afternoon for them –

Now one thing to realize about these bond recipients – these are previous owners of bonds and became sellers of those bonds and now they are recipients of the funds the bonds were to generate –

We know that there are many types of bonds – German – Chinese yellow dragon - red dragon – railroad – etc etc – they go way back – a giving those bonds down generation to generation sometimes sold – or handed down that is allowing for right now the so called German bonds  are the ones that paid out first  -

Now – why is that? What is significant about the German bonds being paid out – compared say to the yellow dragon or red dragon? the amounts that are being paid out are still quite significant but they are lower – so what they are trying to do I believe is pay out the lower value bond holders/recipients first – because remember what we’ve talked about in the past was the bond holders would receive 1% or 1.2% of their totals

It ends up that is not exactly true – the 1 or 1.2% is only referring to zim sheet bonds – sort of like our zim currency bonds but in full sheets of these – and …… the regular bonds – German and others – those even though quite valuable are being paid out in 100% of their value – whatever that value deemed to be by the buyer – a winning seller and a winning buyer – coming together – putting a deal together – when that happened that changes the story a little bit

So now 100% of most of the bonds are being paid out not just 1% or 1.2% so what’s cool is they started doing this last Sunday at 10:30 AM – here it is Thursday – so they’ve been ongoing without stopping and only pausing to do one phase at a time – then resume – and it is probably well into the 40 or 50 of those phases so far –

So what I am being told is that we in tier 4 the internet group - which start with our notifications on the heels of these bond holders being paid out – and I checked to see …. Wait a minute – do you mean just these bonds that were supposed to pay out today between noon and 4:30 PM today ……. on the heels of those?????? Or on all the bond holders being paid out?  I would say no it is not for all the bond holders it’s just up to so many like maybe would have included this group I was talking about today –

So it makes it a little difficult from that to know exactly where we stand as tier 4B as to when our start is – now one of our bank sources said that we had a good call on Tuesday night – everything was good there – and said that this would be the grand finale – meaning tonight’s call  - right now – this would be the grand finale  _ I HOPE SO – I perceive that  - I’ll say yes let it be as you have spoken – laughing – let’s get this show on the road – Let’s get our start -  which is our numbers – set our appointments and GO  -

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It’s Thursday night – hey – it’s Friday in play – it’s Saturday in play – I would say “YES” – is Sunday in play? Only if we start Friday or Saturday would Sunday come into play – I think – do we skip to the 1st of November – which is Monday?  I don’t know – I just don’t know – I was told that this past Monday – 4 days ago – was the last Monday of “business as usual” we’ll be done – meaning – you know nothing has ever happened on a Monday we use to say – nothing is going to happen on a Monday – well supposedly this past Monday was the last day that would be the case –

So this Monday November 1st could be a different story all together – I don’t know if we’re going to get this before the weekend – considering tomorrow sort of starts the weekend in a sense –

Ok now here’s one other little piece – we did find out today – remember our USTN - United States Treasury Note – that’s what is going to be printed on our new money – we use to have – remember “Federal Reserve Note” on all of our money – not any more -  the new money does away with the Federal Reserve all together –

It has been absorbed into the US Treasury – just like the IRS has been absorbed under the US Treasury and we have the new currency – our new money – is in all of the banks – tiers 1 2 3 and 4 all the way down I understand from 100’s  - 50’s  - 20’s - 10’s – 5’s to singles – all the way down – all the currencies are new and it’s all in the banks – so that is getting close isn’t it?

That’s telling us they’re just about ready to bring that out – When?  I don’t know – might do it on the 1st of November -  I don’t know -  we’ll see – but it is a good sign – that things are coming together in this

My understanding is that in Iraq the lower denominations are already out – already in use – through their ATM’s and through their banks –

So – remember Tuesday I said we had 136 countries’ currencies that were asset backed and already on screens – available to be traded as of last Sunday night – another good thing that is moving us forward – I told you that NESARA was going to kick in sor of in a bigger way on Nov 3rd and 4th  somewhere in that time –

So we’re getting ready I think to have some major implications coming – to us in the month of November – and will we get this prior to Nov 1st ?  I can’t say we will – I know that things are very quiet – I know the redemption centers staff were off today -  that they go back to a 1 hour on call status starting tomorrow (Friday) – that means they could be called in with an hours’ notice to set appointments and possibly do exchanges – but that is a slightly new time situation they are in now -  when they have been off the past 5-6 days -  in the redemption centers –

So – I see that as positive -  you have to glean the positive from whatever you’re seeing out there – there’s not much out there – right now there’s not a whole lot – and it’s because the sources from the most pasrt are sort of dried up  - the bankers are quiet – they’ve been told to stay quiet – kind of a gag order going  - a lot of them are under NDA’s – some of the other people we talked to are laying low – there is a lot of clean-up going on – behind the scenes – especially in a number of US Cities – like I mentioned Tuesday night – if there is going to be a black-out – a loss of internet or something -  phone service is targeted – and certain cities might be considered hot spots – not supposed to be nationwide -  I think we can feel good about that –

I think there is very little else that we can say right now other than we are very very close – so I am not going to write off the weekend yet – let’s see if something magical happens tonight – I know one of the currency  companies out in California has a sale that ends at midnight tonight and it’s interesting timing – things tend to happen – with funds moving and I believe these bond holders may see their funds moving after midnight tonight and so all we can do is take little information that we have and piece it together and see how it affects the total – the grand scheme of things – the big picture –

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That’s where we are now – we have to sort of stay super patient – stay in faith and be ready for this – again – we don’t know when this is going for us – I thought we would have a better feel if we had confirmation that certain bond holders had  been paid out today – but we don’t have that – so therefore our intel is a little bit lacking as to what I would have liked to brought to you tonight – but I am trying to give you what I have – I will give you what I get – and you know what ?  Boy does it ever change –

No sooner than I got off the phone on Tuesday night at 11 PM EDT  that I got information that changed what I said to you about getting notified today – so here I am telling you – this is the nature of the beast – the information is good but only for so long and then it can change – we know that by now – don’t we – we’ve all seen that over the years and I see it and still trust the information that I get until it’s wrong and so that is what we have to do -  we in a very real sense – I hate the wait and see attitude – but we do have to wait and see -  how and when it comes to us –

Stay with your plan A – hang in there with your plan A – A lot of good things are going to be happening very soon and we know more about that than anyone else out there – so be patient as you have been – continue to be patient – steadfast in your faith -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:31


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