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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-4-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday November 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Let’s see where we find ourselves tonight because there has been a lot of information over the last few days since actually Tuesday night’s call – learning more and more about what’s happening now – usually we cut to and talk about other people being paid – I know that is not a lot of fun unless you are a bond holder – but the bonds are continuing to be paid out – it is seemingly a slow roll out – there have been no stoppages – since they’ve started back up – was that Monday they started back up? I think it was - and that is good news –

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So – we got the green light out of Zurich – which was at 9 am EDT this morning – that the remaining bonds like the red dragon – and other bonds would continue to pay out now – so that is happening today – and we believe that the so called sheet bonds of the Zimbabwe would be paid out on Saturday – those are the highest in denomination like our zim currency is / zim bond currency is – and these sheet bonds are high denomination also –

So those are going to be paid out Saturday and I think that point is the last category of bonds that I’m aware of – unless there are other boxes of assets or boxes of something else beyond that – but I think that’s probably going to be about it – does not mean the bond holders will get all of that – they will only get like 1% of the sheet bonds – because they are so high in value – down the road they will get more – up to 20% then finally – probably get that in stages –

That is probably no different than for us whole hold zim that are going to be using the structured pay out because the zim does – it is such a large denomination whether 50 billion or 100 trillion notes or something in between these at a fair rate which I believe we can obtain based on projects –

These are large – large – large numbers and we will earn that large number if we have projects that warrant – longevity – sustainability – great job creation – and so on – put that in our projects and make sure that’s part of  what we’re doing –

Redemption centers are not going to be blown away when we talk about projects that will go 200 and 300+ years – they are aware of the existence of Med Beds – they may not know that much about them but  maybe not as much as we do – but it is something that will extend the lives of many many of us – and so the actual opportunity to be able to do projects with that kind of longevity and be around to see and witness – okay and affect them – we quite possibility be here to do that – and sooner than we think –

So I am pretty excited about that –and I think we should be aware of the technology that has been there and is now coming to the fore – the fact that we get this thing started and we do kick it off and go for us and we do go to our exchanges that is really sort of like pulling the switch for all of the technologies to come out – all of the suppressed patents to come out – and so on – and I think we’re going to see a lot of that

That’s why we keep saying that this is a new paradigm that we’re going into – because it is going to show quite a bit of change and Sue is right to be speaking futuristically about her projects and about the leadership because that is where we are going - we are going into something that is what seemed like science fiction is our new reality -  so that’s pretty cool

Alright, let’s get back to where we are – so we are looking for the bond holders to continue getting paid out – and they will be paid out long beyond Saturday – alright – so they’ll go but that does not mean that we’re not going to get started

Now let’s talk about Iraq – It was said that they will revalue their currency again – they already have something in country that’s pretty strong but they are going to revalue again  - either Saturday or Sunday – I think it will  maybe Saturday but they will have it available on the screen for international trading probably Sunday night –

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Remember Sunday in Iraq is their first business day – so it’s a lot different way to look at the “weekend” for them than normally for us -  Our banks are closed and we  go on Monday morning – so that is going to be interesting to see – I don’t know that we’ll – again – until we get started here we probably won’t see the new Iraqi dinar rate here – Our bankers can see it – they will have it – they have had it – and they have had it –

We’ve got – oh gosh we had 147 countries a week ago that were asset backed – already -  and we’re going to keep climbing – I don’t have the latest number on that but I’m sure it’s higher than that now – So there are countries coming together under just GESARA that are getting their currencies completely lined up – asset backed and so on –

The QF System is being connected to more international banking commercials and more international corporate groups – in other words all our banks are connected to the QFS – most of our businesses are connected here already and financial institutions – but there’s a few more that probably need to be connected that will over this coming weekend – and whereas we thought we would have a good shot at getting notified this week – unless you count the weekend it does not look like that to me –

We were told today by certain bankers that we would be looking very good either to be notified possibly over the weekend Sat – Sun but more likely by Monday which is the 8th of November – now whether we would start on the 8th or not – or start on the 9th which is Tuesday – realize this – if it’s early enough in the day say by Mon morning we probably could start exchanging Monday afternoon – or get notified Monday afternoon we probably would start Tuesday – We would set appointments Monday probably start exchanges on Tuesday

Sort of the latest information that we’re getting as far as that goes –on the notifications – we will wait for this call that I’m getting in my ear to go away and I will continue - - The main thing is that there are several green lights that we had talked about that we are getting – some are political – one in particular that we are not going into  - one other one is for the bonds to resume with new types of bonds – that was this morning – like I said at 9 am EDT –

And the other thing would be looking at the green light for Iraq to revalue – I think when we say this – they have already revalued “in country” – but to put that new rate which will be above where they are now which is a decent rate – but when they get to that new rate – what we see – we do not go into rates much on this call but when we do see that here which should theoretically by Monday morning in our banks we should have the type of numbers here for a period of time – not forever – but a period of time – that Dr Shabibi suggested at the International Chamber of Commerce  meeting in DC in 2012 – 9 years ago

Alright – so – everything is coming around – does see slow from our perspective – just when we think it’s our week we get pushed to the weekend or to early next week – I understand – I get it -  but this is all part of what is happening – there are certain things happening that we really are not supposed to know about and can’t talk about and there are other things that we can only imagine that are happening out there – very positive news out of Virginia yesterday – for that governor and for the common wealth of Virginia and I think that is the first fruits of what we should be witnessing nationwide I hope – I think many of you are excited about what you seeing and hearing now and I’m excited about the possibility of this going – I’m not giving it too much of a chance for  us to be notified over the weekend – they say don’t write it off yet – ok let’s not write it off –

Certainly if it happens Sat or Sun we will be more than willing to receive it – however I think there is something  about the number 8 and the idea of new beginnings and the idea of financial prosperity for the Chinese that we can possibly take part of on Monday –

So I think that is the majority of what I wanted to talk to you about tonight - realize that things are happening behind the scenes in many ways and we’re not to really know much about it but it is happening for our benefit – so everybody take heed – stay in faith like you have been – stay with plan A –remember the blessing is considered our plan B – let’s all enjoy the weekend and keep our eyes open – we never know what might come through for us – but right now I’m focusing more on Monday for notifications -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:10:00


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