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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-30-23

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-30-23

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It is Tuesday, May 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call, thanks for tuning in wherever you are listening all over the globe, we've got a pretty much a global reach these days over the last several months. And we're glad that you're part of us whether you're live or whether you're listening on a replay number or a replay link or whatever - however you're getting to us. We appreciate you tuning in.

All right, let's get into where we are.  Let's talk first about Iraq. Iraq did put their budget in the gazette last Saturday. Yay.  The rate was to come out Sunday, which it did and it's a good rate in country rate as well as international same thing.

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And they are also supposed to put it all out for us, everybody, including us to see the rate and the budget and all that tomorrow.

But let's see if that happens tomorrow. And the only reason they've held off doing that is because we have requested that they don't put it out yet.

They don't want everybody all excited and seeing a rate on the dinar. And all of a sudden they can't do anything about it, because we don't have a toll free number yet. So let's get to that in a moment.

Before we get too deep into this, I did want to bring something up that's become an issue. - Online issue. You know we are all looking forward to the Med Beds becoming available to us.

We know they're out there. We know the military's controlling them. We know that they're not quite ready for public use. We know that we're close to getting in there. Hopefully sometime in June. Okay. And that's just days away. So sometime in let's call it mid June, maybe before - but probably around mid June, is what we're hearing.

Now, here's the problem.  Many people have received emails from some people calling themselves med bed team requesting money to sign up or register for an appointment on the med bed.

Okay, number one, I don't know if everybody knows this or not, but you'll know it now. The Med beds are free for us to use. They're not super expensive to build either by the way. They're not that expensive.  They don't even cost as much as the fine automobile.

But though there are 1000s of them throughout the United States are free for us to use - there will be no charge for the med bed. It won't cost you a nickel.  Use them.

Now these sales that are coming out they first started coming out. They wanted $100 to sign up to try to get into med but then that went to 300 -  now I understand the first emails come out asking for 450 And then they want $1,000 for insurance. then they want another &$5700  - guys – it’s a total scam - do not respond to those emails. If you ever received one - Hopefully very few if any of you have sent money in.

Okay, because it's a con.  It's not real. It's a scam. We first knew about it months ago. I'm gonna say something at least five or six months ago.

We let people know who are our contacts to the Mad beds. We let them know we forwarded emails. They are on it and supposedly they've got a people that were doing it – and it shut down for a while Now  somebody else or maybe same people are back at it again.

Now we've alerted the people that this is continuing. And here's the remedy of this. First of all, don't send them any money don't respond to them. If you're getting that email, God knows how they got the list or, or emails I have no idea they got it.

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But here's what you're to do.

Number one, print out a copy of the email whether you have paid any money in been taken on this deal or not. Print it out and take a copy of it with you to the redemption center - in case you have paid and you can be reimbursed for it at the redemption center. If you pay for it - Unknowingly you got scammed and you just didn't know - you'll be reimbursed for it at the redemption center

Number two  - take a copy of it with you to the Med bed location when those become available - When you can set an actual appointment you'll bring your bring a copy of that email in with you for your Med Bed appointment -. Okay, the med beds are real.

The technology that we know about is absolutely amazing and mind boggling. And yes, it will heal basically everything we know -  everything that we know about that but I'm not here to promo and promote the med beds but it is important for you guys to realize and be aware we've got a big reach and they should make it out throughout you know the blogs and internet that these people that are asking for money to set appointments for you for the med bed to register you to set your appointments, all of that it's all a total scam. Don't be suckered in by it.  Just don't do it.

But if you have received that email, print out a few copies of it, make sure that you've got it to take to the redemption center and also to take it to the med bed location where when that becomes available for you. All right, and it will be on a need basis, meaning most serious need first is how they're going to do that. And it's going to dramatically change what we know as modern medicine.

I guarantee that it's going to be life changing for us and for the world in a year / two years. Most everybody had an issue or as a problem will probably be completely healed by it. All right. So that's uh, that's something I wanted to bring.

Now. Let's go back to the intel about what we're hearing.

All right, there's the date of Thursday. June 1.  Two days away. Tomorrow night - Now we're going to check -  that tonight.   Tuesday night at midnight, is the start of the activation of the ISO 220 20 22 protocols.

That gets activated tonight at midnight, and in a 24 hour period, which would be by midnight tomorrow night, the 31st at midnight - and then in that 24 hour period all banks  need to be Basel  - Basel lll compliant.

There is a certain level of resources that need to be backed up by deposits backed up having those assets to back deposits, under Basel lll compliance. They need to be Basel lll compliant, and they have 24 hours to get there - to be there.

Now, what's going to happen as a result, a lot of banks that haven't already collapsed, will collapse. Globally, US and other countries will shut down or they'll no longer be able to operate.   So they'll be closed.

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Now that means that by essentially midnight or midnight oh two on the first we move into a new system. Not only is the quantum financial system, fully integrated with all of those banks that are Basel three compliant, globally we have the USN our new asset backed currency. We should have it in the banks on the first which is Thursday.

We also have   --- Well, that's the main part of the compliance issue. The ISO 220 22 The Quantum financial system, the US N currency asset backed all take place as of Thursday.

But let's cut to where the bondholders stand.

The bond sellers we understand from their paymasters are started receiving FedEx packages with their instructions  and credit debit cards and so on -  Started tonight at six o'clock Eastern for delivery and should be delivered over the next four days.

I'm gonna say 6 pm, Tuesday night - Wednesday - Thursday and Friday. So that theoretically by around Saturday, all of the bond sellers FedEx packet packages would have gone out.

Now when do the bondholders get access to their funds? We found out from another source today going to start getting access to those funds at 2:30 in the morning - Eastern Time. Guess when? Thursday, first of June.

So they'll have access to funds. Even some additional cards will still be going out probably Friday, maybe even Saturday. But they'll have access - the ones that did receive those cards - They'll have access to their funds on Thursday, Thursday morning.

Because they're gonna get those emails that are there their accounts will be activated so that they can have liquidity and have access on Thursday.

Okay, that's all fine, good. But where does that put us?

Remember, we're sort of going pretty closely aligned with the bond holders in tier 3 - since we're in tier four - Specifically tier 4B - the Internet Group. And we tend to call tier 4 A  the admirals groups – plural And that's what it is - so Wells Fargo sees tier four A and B just as tier four. for their purposes. They see us all as one

So when are we supposed to get our notifications? Now what we're hearing the latest that we've heard tonight, before the call is it's most likely we would wake up to those on Thursday morning.

They may use the same timeframe for us to get notified as the bondholders are getting notified of their liquidity - supposed to be early Thursday morning. Will it be at 2:30?  I don't know and I wouldn't stay up for it.

But just be aware that the timing of this is going to be so that we can set our appointments Thursday and most likely go Thursday for first exchanges.

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So we've got everything the stage is set, being the first of June. It's the beginning of the third quarter. It's a clean break from where we are now in May. And what else is supposed to happen in June as we're supposed to have the restitutional and reclamation allowance kicking in - in June. We've heard first week and last week of June, don't hold me to that. That should be in June. Increase the the Social Security amounts for those that are in Social Security increase in June.

All right, we talk restitution allowance, and it's going to work over a 13 month period. Those that had worked at least 10 years. Let's say you started at the age of 18. And you're reclamation and restitution allowance would kick in from the age of about 28.

From 28. Let's say you work as a team you started from 18 to 61. That's considered kind of one group that's going to be paid out in 13 equal payments of whatever that total would be for you. divided by 13 and payables starting in June, for 13 months in a row.

And it'll be it could be substantial for a lot of people. Now let's say you're 62 and older and you're getting Social Security, your restitution  allowance will come as just the same way that your Social Security monthly amount is coming by direct deposit - and if you're not gonna say you're a social security agent, let's just say you're 62 and older, but you're not taking Social Security yet.

Well you will probably get a FedEx packet, in which we'll give you the instructions on how you can begin to claim them - I believe there'll be using Fed-x for all of those two is a pretty big deal. So that's something for us now Thus, those of us who are currency holders, and we're soon starting Thursday we believe we don't know it but we believe it. And you know, that means that it's going to be a really big month for everybody.

But those that are getting Social Security will not only get an increase in the month of June, which could be substantial really. And they'll also get restitution allowance as a lump sum payment. And that can be significant - now for us in currencies isn't as big a deal. Right? Especially zim holders - forget about it.

You’re not even going to look at it almost. But for the rest of the country that is not on Social Security, or they're not in the currencies – it’s going to be significant - so it's going to be interesting see, oh that washes out the first few months after this goes.

I think that gives us an idea of what we're expecting. But – there’s that big word “but” - we know that we've been told things in the past that I've been given information  that look very, very solid that did not come through - and we've been pushed or we thought it was gonna be this that it ended up. We've moved the back wall. We've moved two or three back walls that I can remember. Maybe more.

So this is pushing us up against another wall.

And we thought we'd be notified either today or tomorrow - there's still a possibility of tomorrow. But realistically I’m going with early morning on Thursday. Right now I think that's more likely to be when it  happens -

Now, guys know what to do.  If you have been scammed by the so called med bed team, which I've really kind of felt we had them snuffed out, evidently not. So they're going to be on that – like white on rice - We got the handle but in the meantime, even if you've received those emails, make copies of them to bring to the redemption center  and the med bed center when your appointment is set for that - Hopefully starting around mid June.  Okay. All times approximate. 

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So that's what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight.  And I'm excited about this obviously, I want you guys to be ready - And looking forward to it.

I know we've had 107 countries last week. I don't remember how many we had to have tonight. We never know till afterwards. But I'm excited that we're reaching a lot of people out there with good news with the RV and with information but so I want to thank everybody that's been listening for these 12 years. Let's see what happens. We're looking forward to this coming in and finally, and so thank you everybody for participating on the call.

All right, everybody thanks again  let’s pray the call out . Everybody have a great week  and we might see you on Thursday night -


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