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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-14-23 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-14-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps 

Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, November 14th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody all over the globe, wherever you're tuned in from.

And it's just amazing - the sat team, I'm sure is at work getting the signal out all over the globe and I'm really pretty sure that's happening tonight. - and great. We're just so thrilled that a big call is a platform that can get out so far. Thanks for listening, everybody. We welcome you, and we look forward to a great call tonight.  Let's jump into the Intel – I don’t think I'm gonna need a whole lot of time tonight.

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 Now, as you guys know, we are very close and we've been saying this for a while - you know that - and we thought that we would actually not have to do a call tonight - because even some of the redemptions centers are one of the leaders of the redemption center told us  - “will bruce have a call tonight”  - and his response was – “Are you kidding?”  In other words, no way you would have to do a call tonight.

Well, here we are. So even the very best leaders of the redemption center got it wrong this time - But it's because they were hearing through various calls with HSBC, with Wells Fargo with Treasury, all on the same conference call that this was happening that this was close. This was going to go.

And we thought we actually could get notified yesterday but today looked really, really good for that. And we didn't - today's  the 14th and tomorrow is the 15th. And now we find finally, what probably is the reason we haven't gone yet. And this brings in something that we talked about months and months and months ago, and that was the ISO 200 2022 legislation, ISO 200 2022 allows for all currencies to be exchanged -  And to be trading, to take place using multiple currencies as payments for trade international trade.

Well, I think what we knew but since we forgot was that is that ISO 200 2022 is interconnected with the Starlink satellite system. Okay, cool. That's fine. It's connected to starlink. What else? What else?

Well, our friends in Iraq and so we can't really blame Iraq for this. This could reflect back to the US and possibly to the  administration  that's there now -  what I mean is the worthiness Iraqi dinar the new rate In country  we  heard and semi confirmed that their ATM machines are kicking out new lower denomination dinar or similar notes and notes are laid out. Okay, in other words, five’s not so much. but 10’s 20’s 50’s 100. Okay, of the new dinar and here's the thing.

The ATMs are theoretically up and running, at least maybe least in the air ports, but we heard throughout the country, which means Iraq had a new rate they had new currency  you know, they are ready to rock and roll and they're going but here's the issue. Iraq needs to put out their new international rate for Rocky did are out internationally to become 2 things - to become a full fledged member of the World Trade Organization and to also be considered part and parcel of the ISO 200 2022.

So they need to have that established, but they can have it put out as an international tradable currency- and the most likely way to do that  by printing it in their official  record we call  the Gazette – I know that you guys are tired of hearing about it and I’m tired of talking about it. Because look how many times we thought the rate would be put out in the Gazette on Wednesday or Saturday or typically it's printed on Wednesday or Saturday – early morning

And we haven't had it reflected in that yet. We've had HCL – Hydro carbon law – oil and gas law - payments to take place - retirement payments have taken place - Pensions, all kinds of things have taken place already -  back pay for contractors, all that but it has yet to be publish,  where the entire  world can say, Okay, you're Iraq is back they have an international rate that is blank dollars in value of dinar

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We know the USD is not being taken in Iraq, the fiat currency that we're still using here is completely gone everywhere internationally. – no longer being printed - and we are moving into a restored republic with the USN as  our official currency

So we are this close – in fact one of our military sources said today – “any minute now”

Could this change happen tomorrow, that the rate is published officially in the Gazette for Iraq and is seen and we move forward? They're admitted into the World Trade Organization. they're compliant on the ISO 200 2022

That’s what we're looking for - the latest Intel says it could happen tomorrow, it could happen Friday or Saturday of this week.

So there's impetus to getting it done as quickly as you would like to be, which would be yesterday - it's possible that happens. And I hope it does – We have to have faith that it does.

And I would say that the goal of treasury just pretty much running the show in conjunction with  a few other organizations Treasury  is wanting this to happen prior to Thanksgiving.

Now 22nd is a week from tomorrow - that even starting tomorrow, give them 8 days, including  the 22 to do exchanges, and they really want the Zim first -  they want that zim in there right away. That would have given enough time more than likely to get all of the zim in – if I started up as early as tomorrow, which we could get notified in the morning, set appointment to go tomorrow - That is doable, provided – and I hate to say it we're depending on Iraq getting that  international  rate out - So they can be fully compliant. ISO 200 2022  that allows for international payments, in all currencies – for trade of goods and services, as well as payments made in those currencies.

So all currencies are all countries have been added to the Starlink satellite system. That's where the ISO 200 2022 is interconnected - This is all functional  and ready to go -  But I think Iraq has to come to the party and do what we have been waiting for –

Now has Iraq been allowed to put out and publish this rate so many times we thought or have we held it up as in for the past years from putting up a newly revalued dinar rate.

Because we've seen the rate on the back screens, we've seen the rate on the front screens . I think what it is, I can't tell you what it is, so in other words - It's not the bank's fault. I'm not even gonna say its the Treasury’s fault

its we have a new Treasury – under the restored Republic and we're moving perfectly in that direction. But this could be a hitch that we have to overcome with the idea of this ISO 200 2022 legislation that allows for international payments to be made international trade to take place and exchange of all foreign currencies - using Starlink satellite system as a medium to interact with the quantum financial system which we're all connected to, you know, a story about quantum cards and all that.

So that was information I sort of forgot about  - thought was already handled  and here it's all handled except for Iraq’s rate needs to surface it needs to be published in the Gazette

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Now, I believe we're gonna get there before Thanksgiving. I think we should get there sometime this week.

Even know the Redemption Center leaders were saying that they expected 90% of the redemption centers to be closed for good  on the 22nd  or let's say before the day before I can which is Thanksgiving 23rd of the month, how can they be close after let's say Wednesday 22nd  of November, if we haven't started yet.

We have to get started before we can close - 10% other redemption centers according to this leader of  the redemption center - other 10% through the end of the month  - so you know it's coming to finish something you first have to get it started - and that's what we’re waiting for - to get started.

Now know why they haven’t started - Now you know what waiting for it to happen. And I'm encouraged that we could  be there as early as tomorrow – but it might take until Saturday  to get there. I hope not And I'm looking forward to getting in just like y ou guys are – and getting this done way before Thanksgiving .

But let's put it this way. Tomorrow is barely eight days before Thanksgiving. So they're not giving them a whole lot of time if they want maybe 90 percent close for good after the 22nd the day before Thanksgiving. But that's a long, extended version of what the Intel is and I’m as encouraged as  I have ever been – I know we are very close. We've been told this was going to go at any minute now.

No, Saturday is not any minute now. But tomorrow might be considered now. So this is where we know this is something that is ordained -  from a long time ago, I guess we could say for the foundation of the earth. God knew what was happening here. this would be a way for us to help regulate  up level everything and restore the earth. This is part of the restoration of the earth – which God spoke about -

Which guys and I think that we that I think we should look at it that way –and our part in that - have had our part in that is to be in faith for it. I am going to ask everybody out there in big call universe – to be in faith for this  - and I am in faith for this to go tomorrow – I want you guys to agree with me. Where inn whereas if any  three agree is touching anything on it shall be done for them. That's what I'm looking for

This thing. The redemption of zim, this exchange of currencies - This revaluation process is part of God's plan. And we are instrumental in getting that blessing that is coming to us out to the rest of the world. That part of what our calling is, as part of our quote unquote our chosen lives. That's why we're called to this and you were called to the big call to be part of it. So I'm like said that's - Look at this a little bit more as a sovereign event that  God has called us to.

He's called us to be part of it to be an integral part of it. And that's why we're doing projects. That's why we're doing things to help humanity to rebuild America to rebuild internationally to do so many projects

We know the numbers are coming we just don’t know when -  

But I believe they have it narrowed down to when they want to do this and what needs to happen with the international dinar rate – being put out publically  in the Gazette - Could be so as early and hopefully as early as tomorrow – so that is what we are going to pray for – as we pray the call out  


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-14-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:15:45


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