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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23 (2nd Try)

(Note from Dinar Recaps: Last nights post did not post completely, so we are trying again)

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It is Thursday, July 13. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. And I mean all over the globe now, on Tuesday nights we received confirmations that we reached 6.7 million listeners live that listen to the big call live on Tuesday night with another half a million that listen to it on the replay, meaning they got the link, and they listened to it later. But 6.7 plus point five is 7.2 million listeners that are specially targeted with the email and I can tell you about that later. But that's a nice audience is and that's in addition Yeah, that's getting high impact isn't it - was 91 countries. We reached 91 countries and that was actually not including free conference call. Conference call replay conference call live. So we're getting out there - that’s pretty cool.

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So let's do this - Let's welcome everybody in that’s listening to the big call all over the globe - We know we were in 91 countries on Tuesday. I don't know how many we're gonna be in tonight. We never duking it out till after, but it's a really cool thing to know that we're able to reach a lot of people. So with the information that Sue has, usually the bob has and that I have and now we're going to be able to share again tonight

Now, let's transition because we are definitely in a transition period, a transitory time in our lives. And in fact, even the financial banking people are talking about this being a time of transition for us. And we transition from what we have known as banking, what we've known as our US dollar, fiat currency, transitioning to the USN to the quantum financial system. All of that this huge transition period that we're in right now. And I'll get into that a little bit in a minute -

So let's start with what is going on from Iraq's perspective. We're celebrating like it was going out of style last Sunday and Monday, all throughout Iraq.

And then we found out they were planning to print the new rate and the oil and gas law or the HCl hydrocarbon law. HCl in the printed version Gazette  yesterday, Wednesday, it's a normal Gazette print day, guess what - it didn't happen.  Didn't happen yesterday.

And our contacts from Iraq are saying they're planning to bring it out in a printed version Saturday. They said this weekend, but I believe it's gonna be Saturday - that they're normal, printed version day. So let's look for it Saturday. And then as you guys know, by now, Iraq's first business day is Sunday.

So I think they'll have it out prior to their first day of business. Our first day business series is Monday, but in the Middle East, and certainly in Iraq and some other countries. It's on a Sunday. All right. So other than that, we know the rates that were supposed to be in the Gazette yesterday, the so called in country rate, or CBI rate, the International rate all of that is was very, very strong, and is still strong. And the rate that was on our screens here is very strong.

As far as a front bank screen rate - right now, if all you have is dinar that's the only currency you bought -  new Iraqi dinar three zero notes.

Those three zero notes will gain a very strong contract rate. That if that's all you have is dinar, they should literally offer you the contract rate.

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Now a lot of our people have Dinar - Dong  - Rupiah  and Zim the Zimbabwe dollar  and other currencies. And so if you have other currencies besides that are you are not able to receive the contract rate on dinar.

Too bad so sad. You're not going to get the contract rate but you will get a very favorable rate. strong, stronger than transfer rate on the dinar. So be happy about that.

So Hard Find out what's going on with the dong but we do have a Dong rate and it's working its way up for let's say that way.

So when it comes to what has been happening and even since Tuesday's call, we have information that says we are in a window and since we have not received notifications, one source is a trustee over a private zoom platform group is suggesting we can be notified any time from now till  6:30pm tomorrow evening.

Well, that's good. It could very well happen within that timeframe. We've been told by some of our redemption center people that this could happen at any time .

Now what has more recently happened remember we were held up by entering codes for all the banks including the bank in Iraq did not receive the codes properly     (I’ve got spanish on my brain so I'm not thinking clearly about it)  

. But the bank that we talked about Iraq that did not receive the code properly, because they were still trying to exchange USD in Iraq which is illegal or not allowed to have happened. And there were 830 arrests that took place through this bank in Iraq because they were illegally doing something that they weren't supposed to do. The USD our our Fiat dollar that we have in our pockets here is dead everywhere in the world, everywhere else besides North America, which is consists of Canad – US and Mexico – that’s it - .Everywhere else, the USD is no longer a viable currency.

And in fact, in Iraq –and by the way the bank was Rafidain – which is affiliated with China   

The check was for Phineas Bank, which isn't the Chase Bank here. But what's happening is even Iraq the three zero notes that we have here. If you have them in Iraq they're worthless. They're totally worthless.

Our notes have a great value – the notes we have – the three zero - the new Iraqi dinar – are quite valuable - as you guys can imagine - But in Iraq,  sorry – too late – you lose - you had a period of time to turn those notes in – to get a rate of exchange on it – etc etc etc – but those days are over

Now the lower divisions which is like our money in terms of 5 -10 – 20 -50’s - Hundreds, those denomination notes are being utilized in Iraq - In fact the ATM’s are loaded probably 20”s but maybe in Dinar notes   - maybe in different  value than we do in our ATM machines. They're loaded throughout the country and I think they're already ready to go.

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But the exchange rate we were looking to see yesterday in the Gazette - they should be in Saturdays Gazette - and they held that up probably because of that's because of us - don’t put it out – until we  say go – that’s how this thing has been for years  with Iraq – and it’s probably set for them to hopefully go on Saturday -  makes sense to me – and I tell you why – it adds up to some other things

But we had all this up a few days ago. I mentioned that I believe on Tuesdays We had another bank here Bank of America -  held us up from getting notified today – or yesterday for that matter - because they have a situation where they were charging double and triple late fees on customers, supposedly these were mortgage customers - I'm not intimately familiar with it, but they had a one year time period to refund the late charges to their people. and there's a pretty strong fine that was attached to that.

And guess what.  They did not comply  with paying that back - that  was due yesterday, as of yesterday, didn't happen. So guess what – lost 30 or so bankers  from Bank of America as a result –

You know what's the good news about this?  Every time we hear about more arrests, in the financial community, more arrests here more arrests there. It's pointing out the bad element in our banks.

That's the good news.

Did that hold us up? Yeah. And I can go into more depth but I don't think I will tonight - . I'll just say tha  problem was supposedly and I don't have double confirmation or triple confirmation of it. But I believe it was rectified and handled by about 4am – 6 am in the morning this morning. between four and six Eastern this morning. It was rectified –

Now what's the big deal? Say so what? Why did that hold us up? Because quantum computer is looking at everything that's going on, in the sense that there was no in some kind of conectivity or rather or connectivity with Bank of America and the quantum financial system, which as you guys know integrated into the Starlink satellite system. And the quantum computer will say wait a minute. We've got to get this major bank was tier one bank in the US up to speed and get them so they can be interconnected with the quantum financial system.

It's supposedly around four 6am that was fixed. So that was okay. Was no longer an issue that was keeping us from going that quantum kept any email releases from Wells Fargo from going out to us. Youl see how it's all integrated. Or how some people like to say everything is connected

Oh,well it is really. All right. So that's what held us up to this point. Now, where are we? Well, let me give you this little piece from redemption center employee that we know that's pretty much a lead dog and redemption Center.

He said he was told to keep Saturday morning open - Saturday morning open and available to come in. Why the redemption center employee needs to go in on Saturday morning.

Well, our best guess is because of the possibility of the toll free numbers being released and seeing the payments for us at the redemption centers. They do want to have the redemption center staff in the redemption centers when the numbers come out. So that when we call the toll free number and use the call centers, which are regional that those call centers re route the call either directly to the redemption center that is indicated by our zip code that we have indicated probably on a dial pad.

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Or we're given a another phone number to dial which is a direct call to that particular redemption center that is the most close to the zip code that we give. And remember the zip code that we indicate could be the zip code where we live or the zip code where we work or the zip code where we know where we believe we know that there's a redemption center close to it.

Some of us have been around long enough to where we come to know where the redemption centers are. All right, so my point is that this redemption center staff person was told to leave Saturday morning open to go in. It indicates the likelihood that we will be setting appointments as early as Saturday.

Now, obviously this is not written in stone - This is an indicator that's all it is. It's a harbinger of what it is we're looking to have happen. We're hearing that one sources saying we should get notified by 6:30pm. Tomorrow - Friday evening. And it could be that we're not notified until Saturday. Or maybe until early next week. Monday Tuesday.

You know this has been the toughest thing track in the one thing that gives us the ability to give a sigh of relief and some Thank you Lord for this. When we get the toll free number that indicates we can call and set our appointments.

To me that's a golden moment. That's a praise moment. And that's coming. The maybe its any day now - any minute now between now and first or next first or next week. So that's very positive.

We're getting ready for a lot of change. We really are. So you're kind of up to speed on what should be happening politically, very soon. I think GESARA announcement could be made today by Charlie ward in South Africa maybe or if not it should be happening soon. Maybe we'll hear something about it. Maybe it's only on the alternative news channels. Let's see how that comes out.

But what we're looking for is a lot of things to happen over the next several days. The next thing is that we were under the understanding that they wanted this completed. All of these new things happening including our exchanges, including bondholders, getting paid out everything that financially to be done before the 23rd of this month.

All of these changes all of these things and in fact what we're looking for in terms of  the bondholders, they should be getting emails and getting paid out and have access to funds Sunday or Monday or Tuesday. And that leads me to think we may may get notified over the weekend and get our appointment started, but it might be for Monday  or it could be for Tuesday and we'll have to see how they come together.

The bondholders what we understood yesterday on the West Coast, Pacific time around three o'clock Pacific knows about 11 Something Pacific I'm yesterday started paying out and notifying bondholders of liquidity that were on Pacific time  I haven’t heard another confirmation of that since - so I can't tell you that so that's been happening.

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Now regarding the beds. We've heard from our contacts that we should be able to go in for med bed  appointments in as early as three days after the exchange - once we get to the redemption center. And we explain the fact that, that we have these projects where we've got five to eight minutes to explain your product concept and to give your presentation somewhere in that timeframe. If you mentioned the fact that you'd like to be around for another several 100 years to see your project to completion. They will hit a keystroke that will enter in that you are definitely a candidate for the med bed -

Okay, well that's something you should be aware of. The theory is used to be would be 10 to 12 days. It was like eight days now they're talking as as little as three days from your redemption center appointment. You could probably get into now realize this. they are going to do their priority.

Those that are really in dire need twice or who they want to get in first. Those of us who have film and have long term projects that could go 50 /  100 or 300 years could go a long time, they would like to see us complete those projects. And we would like to be around to complete them too

And the third the latest information we had and this is obviously subject to change but the latest information was that we've aged reverse 32 years from where you are now. 32 years with extenuating circumstances. Let's say 32 years takes you back. Let's say it takes you to the age of 30. But at the age of 28 you, you might have had a debilitating disease or something that took you out took you go they might say okay, well we need your 30 What you said happened to you 28 It may take you back one more year to 27

Now this is only an example, only an example of an extenuating circumstance. So don't draw anything from there other than that.

I think what's good is that we understand that we'll be able to revisit the med beds Every 30 years And that would tweak or improve -  do whatever your whatever you need at that time.

 Now the other thing is, hospitals, as we know them now are going to be a thing in the past.  I'll give them two years in a their current state because at least we're going to consider healing centers – or health centers -  we are going to preventative medicine - nutrition, proper diet, proper food – all of that stuff –and I think some of the healing centers will contain a med bed -

And I think self healing centers will continue to let's say get a car wreck and you get injured – BOOM -. First you got to do is get to some kind of acute care so they can revive you  make sure you did go dad if you made it are available in your area. You get cleaned up and if you break a leg and fix it, if you lost it, it'll replace it. Whatever it is, whatever it is, if you have made payments on your plate, remove that swelling. There's a lot of these med beds technology is literally out of this world.

And but it’s here it’s been used for many years here, but has been hidden from us  but this is about to be opened up and revealed to us. Don’t be afraid of it -  Okay, it's not a resurrection body.

But it's a good human body that gets restored. And to get anything in my case. My eyes make a big difference from where you're at. I got to see again, I can’t wait - if you know I'm excited.

So I think since we've got the political you got the case on the Supreme Court - These changes guys from what I hear are right there, we could get notified by 630 tomorrow evening.

 Restitution reclamation repayment. We call it reclamation allowance - it's restitution reclamation allowance. This is the birth certificate money.

And I've heard most recently that this could be multi generational.

Not just you but even previous generations to you.

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I don't know guys, we'll see what happens. Let's see what happens. We're supposed to get back the taxes we've paid - The interest that was paid on car loans, on mortgage interest - on bank loans, credit card interest, which a lot of people have - a lot of that - all of that supposed to be restored in return to you they’ve got it, got it by your social security number to the penny and they're gonna get that back to you. My latest understanding is it would be in the last week of July, the last week of July.

Social Security. We were told it would increase I'm not absolutely sold into the increase this month. It could be. We'll see what happens. I mean, look, we're halfway through the month now. And we made it through this Wednesday, which was yesterday. So I know a lot of things that definitely be this.

 I don't see it but it should happen soon. And there'll be a significant increase for seniors, but it is getting social security 62 or older. If you're getting it'll be significant. As a social security payment it won't make it a hill of beans to us. Even though today is pork and beans day - it's not going to make much difference to us

After we get exchanged. Now the reclamation and restoration, allowance. Reclamation really restoration and reclamation is a chunk of change. It could be in the 10s of millions or more. and I think that'll be a good thing. that should be in the last week in July -

Remember, a lot of the stuff that we get, we've heard before and it hasn’t come through yet - none of that can happen until after we get notified and exchanges start –

The med beds can’t start  for us until after we hit redemption center. That's the problem with saying all this happening in July

We’ve got to get in to the redemption center to kick off the med bed appointment and also to trigger whats to happen later with the reclamation – and restitutional allowance -

That's all I can think of right there. Yeah, I think you're gonna get a toll free number in the email. I don't care what certain people on a certain call say there are - there is the toll free number that you will get from Wells Fargo, and they're all set ready to kick off and then quantum computer will decide, boom, it's time to go and they'll send all those out.

I don't know exactly when I think we're looking at anytime between now through the weekend, maybe into as far as Monday. That's the latest that we've got. We can't pare it down. Unless we take one source that said by 630 tomorrow. I think it's possible. I think we could get the Supreme Court decision tomorrow -  

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So that'd be a big weekend. Let's see what happens. That's what I wanted to say.

I want to thank everybody. It's been listening for 12 years and our new listeners So let's do this. Let's pray the call out and see what happens over our weekend here

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-13-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 1:01:51


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23  REPLAY LINK    Intel  Begins 56:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-29-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:05:05


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-27-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   53:13


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-22-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:03:50


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-20-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:25:00


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-15-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-13-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:37


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