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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-15-23   

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-15-23   

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call. It is Thursday, June 15th and you're listening to the Big Call. Welcome, everybody. Glad you're tuning in all over the globe to us tonight - Whether you're listening live or replay numbers or links. Anyway you're getting here - We're pleased to have you here

Intel wise.   Now listen guys, the 15th which is today - 15th  of June was supposedly our end all be all day to be notified - to get the toll free numbers and set appointments we  had  a window from Tuesday morning to Thursday morning.

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Guess what - the window closed and we don't have that window today - ain't happening - but there is some light at the end of the tunnel - Because we did hear that things that need to be complete - need to be done - are being done.

But let's figure this out first. We thought we were through with Iraq. They had done everything they passed their budget, but guess what? The new President of Iraq has not yet signed off on it. At least that's what we heard today. You're not signing off on it. And they need to put that in the Gazette.

Now, most of us go - so what - what does that have to do with us? The budget has passed – Oh but it has not been signed off by the President -

Oh, by the way. Oh, oh, this is guys is grandstanding. All this is is one step forward and two steps back between the US / Iraq and the US holding Iraq back until the US is ready for everything to go. That's what all this is - I call it grandstanding – that’s what all those maneuvers are

Now we have heard that the President of Iraq will sign off sign the budget off on Saturday. And maybe they'll put it in the Gazette on that normal day, which is a printed day, normally for Iraq to put it in the gazette in printed form on Saturday. And maybe that's when it happens.

Maybe it's already signed off and we just don't know about it. It's hard to know. We're looking for direct response back from our contacts in Iraq to answer that question. All right. so that's where we stand on Iraq right now. let's set that aside.

What we are hearing is the checks and cross checks on the quantum financial system have been performed. That means the QF system is ready to go. It's been tested, checked and cross checked . It's good to go. And that's supposed to happen by today. So they did that right. They've got the QFS fully integrated with the banks. And it's been tested and it's all good to go. That's good. We can set that aside.

And with that, the US N our new asset backed currency is to be presented not really announced but presented as part of NESARA - well, that kickoff date or activation date for NESARA is supposed to be tomorrow, June 16. We'll see if anything comes forward about NESARA and GESARA.

Let's see if that holds up. If those date if the date of the 16th of June holds up for NESARA and GESARA – and listen it's not supposed to be the entire kit and caboodle. It's more likely to be some discussion about increases in Social Security and also the restitutional and reclamation allowance that's the birth certificate money, the tax money paid in the interest paid on credit cards, interest paid on bank loans, interest on mortgages, all of that rolled into one, restitution and reclamation allowance that we should get quite possibly in the last week of June.

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Okay, let's see if that's when it happens. I think that's when they like to have it go out.

That's gonna make a big difference in a lot of people's lives. There's the lump sum, if you're 62 years and older.  Especially if you're on social security, because you're supposed to get it as far as we know.

We're supposed to get it deposited into the bank account where you receive your Social Security now

If you're not on Social Security, they'll have to figure out another way to communicate with you and put that into an account of your choice. All right. So that's kind of another world of its own right now .

So right there.  On Social Security increase, we have one example of somebody who was supposed to we thought you had an increase in Social Security yesterday. – that didn’t -   And we had another individual that reportedly did get an increase in Social Security and it was significant - Yesterday

 So you know, it's not definitive. It's not definitive right now we're going to have to see what else happens.

Now - When it comes to everything else - What we have heard is that tier one and tier two has started. Those have been processed and are starting to move. We also believe that the tier three and tier four, which represents the largest group,  the combination of accounts that need to be hydrated and have access to funds. Those we understand are going to be  processed for us in the next couple of days.

Well, the other thing that we're hearing from one of our highest Paymaster bondholders is that tier 4A and 4B are to be notified with those emails we talked about either Friday, or Saturday

And of course based on the time that we will be notified, we probably decide whether we're exchanging on that day or the next day. Typically, if you get if we get notified in the morning, let's say before 10 o'clock in the morning, we could set appointments and go that afternoon.

They may notify us in the afternoon which would mean that we would set appointments and start exchanges on Saturday. Now if we can order by Saturday, I don't know we could possibly start Saturday and just power right through Sunday the rest of the week. But I know this much - they want to get all the exchanges done and the Zim redeemed by the end of June

They want to do is give us at least 12 days to 14 days to do those exchanges – the redemption center  that we're aware - of one of three, but one of the redemption centers has all of their staff in today for the next 14 days, ready to receive our calls to set our appointments at the redemption center. And in that particular locale.

So what we're trying to figure out is of course, when is it our turn? And we all know by now they don't really want us to know when -  we do well to get what information. I was able to obtain today.

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But it's really, it's to call it a moving target is an understatement. Because we have heard of walls and backwalls. We've heard of things and they've come and gone - even this last one now, to be fair Yeah, they had movement going today with the top tier one and tier two groups. Yeah, that did go today. But we were told we would get notified today, and it hasn't happened. So I'm gonna say let's see what happens tomorrow and Saturday and hopefully will come in for us and we will have a chance to get those emails and get started with our exchanges.

Alright guys, so we are looking forward to getting something over the weekend which starts tomorrow, tomorrow or Saturday. We'll see what happens and we'll plan our exchanges.

So I want to say one more comment before we close and that I know this issue about these exotic currencies. That's what they're called - exotic currencies. Now obviously, a lot of these are they go up about 29 or more are going up in value significantly. And we know the ones that of course that are going up high -

Okay, and that's what we're involved in - But here's the thing, I know this subject – it has separated families  - it has separated  husband and wife,-  one has currency and the other  doesn't believe in it. You know, whatever - that saddens me - and I hope that when this goes through, and one spouse is vindicated because no one didn't believe it and all of a sudden, they have more money than they know what to do with it. It's interesting that I hope the spouse that stuck with this does not say I told you so not in a vindictive way.

That more or less says well - God knew this would happen. We stayed in faith for it. It came through we’re all that glad we did. And hopefully those separations will come together.

The difference of opinion of one spouse and the other are children, not believing mom or dad on this thing or whatever - Whatever the dynamic was in the family - I hope the families will come together. They have to be quiet. We're going to be under NDA - they are not going to be able to discuss this.

You have to keep it on the down low.

Here’s the thing - Let's believe that husband and wife will come back and have attitude of unity and stay together and build out the family of their dreams together.

You know what God has put together  let no man put asunder. Let's see if we can keep that.

Okay, let's see if we can keep that. Let's do that. Those were the values of the wedding. The wedding ceremony. Let's see if we can maintain that. Alright guys, that's what I've got for you tonight.

Let's see what the weekend  can bring - starting tomorrow. And then we will talk to you or not. But we will communicate with you by email... Well, let's pray the call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 6-8-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:12:45


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