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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-29-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 12-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight  it is Thursday December 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – whether you’re listening live or on the replay numbers we’re glad to have you – and just remember this – this “starts” and hopefully ends our 12th year of the Big Call tonight – Our 12th year and I don’t think we’re going to get very far – hopefully not past this call -

All right, we've got some pretty cool Intel to give out tonight. I'm going to give you a couple of things and then I'm going to tell you where we are. Okay.

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I believe I've mentioned to you guys the concept of us getting our restitution money. This is money that comes from trading of our birth certificates as bonds, trading of our death certificates, marriage licenses and divorce decrees. Those are all tradable commodities that were traded on us as bonds.

So those have been calculated to be paid back to us in the form of restitution. In addition to that, we've got this is all part of the NESARA all under NESARA

You have taxes that you paid in. You could go all the way to World War II probably yourself for that - this is interest that you paid on loans, car loans, bank loans, credit card interest as well as mortgage interest. Basically any bank loan -not personal loans borrowed from somebody personally, but this is institutional through the banking system.

That is all payable back to you under this form of restitution, which is supposed to start for age group 61 and older. That group is supposed to start between the 16th and 20th of January

Now the other age groups – which would be the next age group down 48 to 60 - That group would be paid a couple or three weeks later, so sometime in February.

Where does it start? It starts with the age of 24 to 48 - will get a lesser smaller amount of money. And I would say that might even be in the month of March. I don't know that – I’m projecting that it could be that - 28 to 40 or 24 to 48 rather - 24 to 48 year olds.

Now with that would also be a requirement for you not to quit your job or drop your time because you get a chunk of change in the form of this restitution. It'll be interesting to see what happens it's going to really be interesting.

People that haven't had any any money are going to get some real money. Now I know I'm preaching to the choir when I'm talking about, you know our currencies that are currency revaluation – the GCR and all that. Right. But this is going to everybody in the United States that is a citizen - A citizen of the United States.

So that's something for let's call it the rest of the people to look forward to. We're not going to care all that much about that. We'll see it it'll come in - it will be a direct deposit - if  you’re on Social Security  - in the age group 61 and older  - it will probably come to you that way – as a direct deposit to your account – but realize this has nothing to do with social security – it is totally  outside of that – that’s going to be interesting  - we’ll keep an eye on the 16th through the 20th – see how that works out – and beyond  - the other months beyond –

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Now – here’s the thing  - here’s the kicker – the amount – and let’s just say it’s an amount that averages a 100,000 dollars – that would be an amount payable per year for 11 years  - so you could see how – now that’s in the age group that I talked about 61 and above – that is average -  a rough average – of what somebody in that age group could expect – in 11 years of payments – starting with approximately mid January

Okay, now the lesser age group the 48 to 60. I can't really project what that would be. And the 24 -48 I don't know what that would be. Okay, I only heard a number that's considered an average for those in the 61 and above category.  Chances are the older you are you are, the more you'll get

Okay, that just kind of make sense based on the time that they've had to trade, your birth certificate, and your marriages and your divorces and all that. Okay?

So that's just something that's not so much for us, but it is I mean, it will, it will affect us too, but it's going to be sort of small potatoes compared to what we're looking at with our currencies, right. All right, so we got that piece out of the way.

Let's talk about bondholders. There are monies moving into bond holders accounts as we speak. Those accounts are being activated. Now the amount that I've heard, that's going for the bond holders is only not us - for the bondholders - is  quatro septillion dollars. Quatro.

quarto septillion dollars ends up I believe - put a number in front of 33 zeros. I think that's the actual amount. It's a big chunk. It's a big it's a big tranche of funds that's taking place Thursday, that's today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday into the bondholders accounts.

Now they've already received some emails, telling them that they will receive another email and they were on call – even today - with their paymasters that said that they would receive access to those funds on Monday at noon, and some were up 2:30 and other times.

The Monday after noon essentially, is when they should be able to gain access to those funds and certainly by Tuesday, they're supposed to be good to go to gain access and utilize their bond funds.

Now remember this is their 1% of their total, which is still substantial and in the billions of the bondholders, okay, so don't feel bad about 1% They're gonna do fine with that. Now that bond holder monies are paid out as a structured payout. And please don't get this wrong, Judy, or anybody else that's listening to this.

This is for the bondholders, not for us that are dealing in 4B with currencies, bondholders will get their first payment and access to the 1%. After that they'll get availability of funds in a structure of I believe it's 11 different payments of their total. Whatever their total is, it'll be divided up into even amounts and they'll get that much for maybe per 90 days for 60 days. I'm not quite sure what the timeline is on it.

But it's interesting because the timing we talked about a shotgun start for a long time. And it appears that we are going to be seeing this on a shotgun start for the bondholders to gain access to their funds and have their accounts activated - and then for us to set our appointments to be gaining access to our funds for the first 90 days.

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Okay, especially for those of us that have projects, companies or LLC already set up to do our projects and I've told you last time I believe how much we could put in each one of those LLC accounts for the first 90 days - and then through the quantum financial system - They'll be monitoring how we use the money - who we pay what we do.

And remember the 55 page book that says we were not allowed to give money to - that will be interesting to go through and read - and better memorize that thing to - just kidding - but take a good look at it - and keep in mind that if you do give to any of these organizations that are on the naughty list, then your accounts will be frozen - and those monies could be called back from you.

Okay, so don't be one of those people that tries to give to some of these nefarious groups. Okay, whether it's corporations, whether it's whatever it is, whatever it is that they book, and maybe they're more pages and 55. Now, I don't know. That's what there were.

Alright, let's talk about where we are right now. In tier four B, that was tier three, the bondholders, the bondholders are looking to get access Monday or Tuesday.

We have a situation where the banks and we've got people that are going to the banks and talking with them about exchanges, because the banks screens have been showing active rates on the dinar for a few days on the front screens.

Now if they're on the back screens, that means that they're not for us to be used for exchange right, just more or less for the bank people to see that. But on the front screens, it means they are theoretically unless there's a pending or a flashing ray or something like that - It means that they're good to go.

And they have been good to go for a few days - If you got there when the rates were not one of those deals right. Well, the rates were up they knew down at noon, and down for the rest of the day, that kind of thing. But it gave some of our contacts – our sources - an opportunity to go and talk about you know when they exchange - and Wells Fargo person who was this was not a redemption center.

This was at a at a regular branch of Wells Fargo - person said well, you could come in Thursday or Friday morning and you could see what you can do on your exchange but to be perfectly honest with you - You should come back Tuesday when the contract rate on the dinar is up - WOW!

When I got that story and realize that they are acknowledging not only the exchange of the dinar, but that there was a contract rate - And that in my understanding guys is they're willing to give that to us. They're willing to offer it to us, Even if we are a zim holder. Even if we are a zim holder! Now, are we going to need the extra? It’s up to you. I'm just saying it's really cool to think that that happens.

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All right today. One of our sources went to another bank. That was a Chase Bank. And they were told almost the same thing. But we can't really exchange you today. But come back Tuesday and we'll be able to help you and the contract rate will be available.

Now we never talked about the contract rate on the Big Call. We don't really do rates right we really kind of walk around them and give you some idea. You guys know where the front screen rate on the dinar was? Roughly because it exceeded what Dr Shabibi said the dinar would support that 10 years ago at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting and in DC.

But now, I'll tell you about the contract rate is check to see what North Sea Brent crude oil is per barrel, because the rate is tied to that commodity within $2 above or $2 below North Sea Brent crude oil price.

So that gives you an idea of what that's worth.

So what I'm about to say is my belief is based on that and based on other people that we've talked to, we've got four basic confirmations that they are going to roll for us on Tuesday, which is the third of January with our notifications coming either Monday in the afternoon or Tuesday before noon.

Monday afternoon to Tuesday before noon - So that indicates our first exchanges should be or could be Tuesday afternoon / evening - and then we go from there. Right?

Some redemption centers will be open for nine days. Some all the way up to 11 or 12 days depending on your demographics. So many Zim holders there are in those particular cities and towns especially Florida, as the most in total of them but the most Zim holders - that really gives us an idea that yes, did we go in 2022? No.

Part of the reason that we didn’t go this year is because the - several things - the Starlink system needed to be completely integrated with last countrie. Any surprise here, North Korea, Syria and Libya.

Those three countries are the last ones in - we're gonna slam the door behind them.

Those countries are the last to come in and be completely integrated with the Starlink satellite system.

In addition to that, all banks globally - all banks need to be Basel IV compliance by January one which is Sunday.  any banks that are not Basel IV compliant  on or by January first Sunday, their doors will be shuttered and their electricity will be turned off - and they'll be SOL because they are not going to be part of the new banking system - period.

Okay. They are all – so the push is on to make sure that the Basel IV compliance is met by as many banks as want to be part of and that's another hold up that we did was a for compliance - in a sense on a financial system, fully integrated Starlink system with these other countries, these three countries that are coming in, essentially last - barely getting the door before we slam on the door.

So -- you got the concept -- is -- that in, let's call it mid March - We're gonna have all the currencies of the world on par. Now on par means the same rate as let's say the US dollar would be.

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That's a major move. You guys think of all the currencies worldwide. They're equivalent of the dollar being on par or equal to in value to our dollar.

You can make your country this thickness Swiss franc, you can take the French franc, the German Deutsche Mark, you can bring you can bring the Canadian dollar which is always less than us, almost always. And the Aussie dollar which is always less, those guys would be raised up.

We're talking about Indian rupee. All of these currencies would be on par. That creates a total level playing, playing field in terms of trade globally, around the world.

And this is part of GESARA  - Now who's in charge of announcing GESARA – Charlie Ward - he's over GESARA and we're expecting that announcement between now - I'm gonna say probably more like it could get announced by New Year's Eve. But in any event, it should get bought out and we don't know who's going to bring out NESARA for our country in the United States. It could be Steve Mnuchin. It could be who knows? Who knows who is going to be to bring that out.

But Charlie Ward is over GESARA internationally and he's appointed Simon Parkes to be over South America might take that away from Central and South America and he’s over Africa.

And you guys should know that Zimbabwe has been chosen to be regional currency for all of Africa under the Zimbabwe dollar and the Zimbabwe dollar for two years has been on par. Now that's not the the notes that we have - not the bonds, the bearer bonds that we buy, but it’s the regular everyday currency that they're going to be getting out of on par already.

But Zimbabwe is going to be basically the richest country in the world. They have oil - they've got diamonds out the Yang. They've got precious metals, precious gems. extremely wealthy, extremely rich. We'll see how that shakes out.

But all of Africa - guys you can see how all of Africa, is going to be brought up to a really much higher standard with water with proper drainage and sewer systems, with housing with infrastructure, rail, highways. I mean, guys, It's gonna be wild

Now. how about free Tesla Free Energy is not far away. We should have some announcement about that. Pretty soon after the new year. We already have 80% of the cell towers retrofitted to receive Tesla Energy. I don't know it's gonna be cool guys - gonna really be cool.

This is a lot of what Sue was talking, even Bob was talking about earlier today in terms of this quantum world we're stepping into now.

So that's why I'm excited. I'm excited because I could see that there's light at the end of the tunnel. You know, God knows the end of the beginning. And we're in this time phase but looking forward, I see really strong things for us coming very soon.

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I mean, New Year Eve is only a few days away Right, right - 2 days away really. And then New Year's, on Sunday. I am excited about the timing of this

We're going to be sending out an email when we get the toll free numbers, and your email will contain that number.  And you'll receive that number, most of the Zim holders unless them has been gifted, they know who they are. They've already sort of vetted you if you're a Zim holder.

They already know who you are, and all that stuff. So the Know Your Customer parts, we bring in your ID, you bring in a power bill or any bill, you know, where you live. You know, when you do that, and when they see, you know, when you go through the various steps at the redemption center. They already know who you are, but they want to know what do you plan to do with the zim? And that's when you tell him about your projects. That's when you go through your five to eight minute product presentation.

No more live free conference calls. Okay, this is something that's private is going to your email and it might even go set for a period of time the email by the podcast.

I don't know exactly what we're going to do on that yet but we'll get there. So I'm excited guys. Remember, today starts the 12th year of the big call, and I hope it ends the 20 of the big goal. We got started and stopped on the same call. So thanks, everybody, for listening to me tonight and to all of us tonight.

Thank you for tuning into the big call tonight. Whatever way you're listening, and for those that are catching this on the replay thank you for those that are catching on the replay numbers. Thank you.

We're moving forward. I want everybody to have a totally safe New Year's Eve day. Don't do anything crazy. Just remember, keep your celebration kind of internal. Celebrate, but we're really going to celebrate after we get started in the numbers come out we set our appointments and get started looking at it right now as it is now.

It'll be the third of January which is Tuesday. All right. Why not? Why not Monday, because Monday is a federal holiday for the new year. Just like it was a Christmas time versus on a Sunday. Celebration was the next day for Christmas, the holiday. And then here same things true for New Year's, New Year's Day.

Yeah, they'll be closed on the second. But there'll be open Tuesday, the third of January. Okay in United States, and I don't know if Canada's following along with that you probably but you guys I appreciate this. It's been a really long ride. But I've enjoyed the ride and I hope you have to and I have learned a lot over the last 11 years of the Big Call and I hope that we will be in touch with after this goes

Now take the first couple of weeks to chill. Pay off any debts you've got. And you know and enjoy. Maybe do a little vacay and check out a new home if you want a new home a new ride whatever it is. Check it out. Look into it. And we'll be in touch and in a couple of weeks, two or three weeks. We'll definitely be in touch with you by email. So please pay attention to that if you see one from big call universe. All right. So thanks everybody, again.  Exciting so I'm excited for the new year for us


Thursday Dec 29 2022 Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:20:40


Tuesday Dec 27 2022 Replay LINK:


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