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Bix Weir, X22 Reports and Pimpy Monday Evening 10-26-2020

Bix Weir

ALERT! Stocks Falling as Our World is Breaks FREE from Controllers!!

Oct 26, 2020

I am very hopeful for the future KNOWING that it's mankind's turn to take care of ourselves....but getting there will be VERY, VERY messy and it's best to just sit on the sidelines and WATCH THE SHOW!


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Monday Night X22 Reports

The {CB} needs the US for their reset, Trump already responded. Episode 2312a

The [CB] establishment are pushing their agenda. They have told us for a long time that the world will be much different after the reset. The World Economic Forum gave us this message back in 2016. Trump countered the message at the UN. The [CB]/Globalist have no future. The [CB] cannot pull off the reset without the US. They are trapped.



Pientka On Deck, Bidens Are The Pre-Show, [HRC] Emails Shows How They Cashed In – Episode 2312b

The [DS]/MSM are fighting for their lives. The people see the truth and they see how corrupt the Bidens are. But this is just the beginning, its the pre-show, get ready the next act is coming. Flynn’s case is front and center, get ready Pientka is about to make an entrance, remember the original 302, let’s see what happens. The people are no longer believe the MSM.



NESARA / GESARA people around the world are waiting to find out what happens

Pimpy’s Investment ChatOct 26, 2020


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