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Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Saturday Night 2-27-2021


Don961:  First video footage of the landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars


 {International: Euphrates News} On Monday, the US Space Agency (NASA) published the first video showing the landing of the Perseverance rover on the surface of Mars.

A video of three minutes and 25 seconds showed the parachute spreading and the rover landing on the surface of the Red Planet.

"These are really cool video footage. ... It's the first time we've been able to film an event like the landing on Mars," said Michael Watkins, director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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The video also shows a vortex of dust and pebbles blowing off as the spacecraft that carried the probe was lowered onto the back of a rocket bag that landed on an area of ​​Mars surface known as Jerezo Crater.

The probe was provided with a large number of cameras, seven of which were designated to record the moment of its landing on the Red Planet.

The snapshots benefit engineers and researchers seeking to develop technologies to land sensors on Mars in the future, while observers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the US Space Agency continue to work on operating the robot.

The navigation mast of the robot was raised at the end of last week, after it had been flat since leaving Earth.

This allowed the cameras installed on the robot to begin to perform panoramic imaging of the area around the Jerezo Carter and of the surface of the robot vehicle itself, which is important in knowing if there is any confusing damage caused by flying stones from the surface of Mars.

This week, observers are set to undertake the crucial task of moving the robot’s work from the program that brought it safely to the surface of Mars to a program that would enable it to roam and use equipment such as its robotic arms.

Wafa Al-Fatlawi   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...Iraq becoming international, Article 140, HCL, the reconstruction reforms - all that is hinged upon the physical rate changing.  Once the rate changes they become international and then all those secondary dominoes will fall right into place...

Frank26     Question:  [Do I need a receipt to go in to exchange my dinars?  ...I lost my receipt so I'm afraid to go to a bank without my receipt. Maybe they'll think I stole it.  Maybe they'll question me. Maybe they'll ask who bought this - Who does it belong to?     I'm worried about it.]  No...just my option...You're going to walk into a bank and you're going to present your dinars or you're going to have a representative do that for you.  The bank is in the business of exchanging that currency so they can make a profit off of you...They also want to keep you as a customer because once you exchange they want you to keep that money in their bank.  The bank has no interest in who bought that dinar...The bank is only there to exchange it and to follow through with their banking services.  So when do you need your receipt?  IMO you need it for your taxes...if you're ever audited... [Note:  Consult your financial advisors at the appropriate time]


X22 Report Spotlight

Collin Kettle – The Economic Policies Of [JB] Will Destroy The [CB] Economy, Watch Gold, Big Moves Coming

Collin is the Founder & Executive Chairman of New Found Gold. He comes from a family with deep ties to the mining, including co-founding AuEx Ventures, the company responsible for discovering the Long Canyon deposit, a project ultimately acquired by Newmont for $2.3B. Collin begins the conversation with how the economy is doing under [JB], the economy will most likely head into a recession or depression. Gold and cryptos will start to rise and break out as the stimulus is pushed out into the public realm. The countdown to the implosion of fiat currency has started.


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Once upon a time, there was a rich and very beloved king, who used to visit the neighboring kingdoms regularly to maintain good relations with the other monarchs. During the meetings between the kings, it was customary to exchange gifts, and the kindly king always arrived with full hands and returned to his kingdom with even fuller hands.

During a visit to a neighboring kingdom, the King was given two beautiful parrots, which had come from faraway magical forests, or so he was told. "These parrots need a natural environment to grow and flourish," they explained to the king, so when he returned to his kingdom he set up a huge garden with landscaped vegetation, clear lakes, and high waterfalls. As the time passed, the parrots grew, and one of them even began to fly around the garden regularly, but the other parrot remained on the branch on which he had stood from his first day in the garden, refusing to leave it.

The King had invited thousands of professional parrot trainers from all over the kingdom and the neighboring kingdoms, and they had done their best to make the lazy parrot fly, but no matter what they tried, the parrot would not budge. The King's advisers advised him to publish an advert, promising one thousand gold coins to whoever managed to make the lazy parrot fly. The King agreed, and that's exactly what he did.

The next morning a farmer arrived at the King's palace and claimed he could make the parrot leave his branch and fly. The King was very wary, he did not understand what a peasant could know about parrot training that the royal parrot trainers did not know. However, on that day, while the King was walking in the garden, he saw two parrots fly through the air, one of them being the lazy parrot who had not previously left its branch.

The King summoned the farmer immediately and asked him, "How did you make my lazy parrot leave its branch and fly?"

The farmer replied, "It was very easy, Your Excellency, I just cut the branch on which it sat."

This parable teaches us that, like the parrot, we all have the ability to succeed and reach new heights, but it takes courage to deal with things that are unfamiliar to us or that frighten us. We must free ourselves from our branch - our comfort zone - to explore new possibilities for success and discover what our true capabilities are. Until that happens, we will not be able to spread our wings and fly.


Mot:  This Does Make Ya Wonder WHY!! they Had to Print This!!! ~~~

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Mot:  More Things to Keep Me Awake at Night!! siighghgghhhhh ! ~~~

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