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Awake-In-3D "Unveiling the Untold Secrets of Off Ledger Gold Trading Platforms"


Unveiling the Untold GCR Secrets of Off-Ledger Gold Trading Platforms

On June 2, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

It is no secret that Our GCR requires a lot of gold, actually Gold Certificates, to back the collapsing global fiat currency system. We hear terms like Trading Platforms, off-ledger gold accounts, and the repurposing of secret Elitist/Bankster funds and Trusts to bring Our GCR into reality. But is there actual evidence around all of this GCR history and lore? Yes there is.

I will be posting a variety of articles that dig deep into the evolution of Our GCR providing background and context around the greatest financial shift in human history. I’ll begin with “Project Hammer”.

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Welcome to the world of Project Hammer, where off-ledger trading platforms leverage gold as collateral to generate substantial profits. In this secretive realm of international banking, significant fortunes are made through hidden transactions.

Prepare to discover the lesser-known aspects of the western economy, where money creation operates with limited oversight and accountability. Explore the shadowy world of collateral trading programs and the vast amounts of money locked away in dormant bank accounts. This journey will undoubtedly reshape your understanding of the financial landscape.

Key Topics Explored:

Off-Ledger Trading Platforms

High Yield Investment Programs

Two Sets of Books

Collateral Trading Programs

Black Operations

Trillions of Dollars in Dormant Bank Accounts

Unlocking the Mystery of Off-Ledger Trading:

The never-never-land of international banking, obscured from public view, operates through the careful manipulation of two sets of books. Countless cases of fraud and scam artists serve as distractions, leading many to believe that real trading programs do not exist. The hidden truth is shielded by the powers that be, enabling the continuation of these clandestine activities.

Trading programs are conducted off-ledger, meaning banks and central banks maintain separate books for public scrutiny and private viewing. This duality allows authorized programs to generate staggering profits with minimal risk, while the privileged few invited to participate accumulate wealth at an astonishing pace. The ever-widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor is a byproduct of this obscured financial landscape.

Project Hammer and Collateral Trading Programs:

Project Hammer thrived in the financial, banking, and economic shadow-world, conjuring money seemingly “out of thin air.” Collateral Trading Programs, the lifeblood of Project Hammer and similar ventures, create vast pools of earmarked money for authorized operations and projects. While many beneficial initiatives receive funding, there is also a murky side that involves shadowy black operations.

Dormant Bank Accounts and Trillions of Dollars:

Insiders reveal that the consolidated funds residing in dormant and orphaned bank accounts amount to trillions of dollars. Conservative estimates suggest there is enough to pay off the entire US national debt, with considerable change to spare. On the other end of the spectrum, some believe the cumulative value reaches hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Delve into the mesmerizing realm of off-ledger trading platforms, where gold collateralizes extraordinary profits. Unveil the intricate mechanisms behind Project Hammer and other ventures, exposing a financial world concealed from public scrutiny.

The staggering sums of money held in dormant bank accounts paint a picture of unimaginable wealth. As you navigate the hidden corridors of the western economy, prepare to question the boundaries of oversight and accountability. Brace yourself for the revelation that will forever change your perception of how money is created and manipulated.

To be continued in Part 1 of Project Hammer…


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