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Awake-In-3D: The Need for Asset-backed Currencies and a Revaluation (RV)


The Need for Asset-backed Currencies and a Revaluation (RV)

On October 10, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap: Level 3 Events, RV/GCR

Chapter 3 of The End of the Fiat Financial System and the Global Financial Reset – A Complete Guide

In the preceding chapters, we elucidated the historical flaws and contemporary vulnerabilities of the fiat currency debt system.

I underscored the urgent need for a comprehensive global financial reset to address unsustainable debt levels, mitigate inflationary pressures, and reduce systemic risks.

In this chapter, I pivot from analysis to prescription, explaining the benefits and structure for a global transition into tangible asset-backed currencies.

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3.1 Rethinking Currency Backing

The notion of currencies backed by tangible assets is not novel.

Throughout history, currencies were often anchored to physical commodities such as gold or silver. This backing ensured that currencies held intrinsic value, serving as a reliable store of wealth.

In contrast, modern fiat currencies are divorced from tangible assets, deriving their value from the trust and confidence placed in the issuing governments.

Gold has long been revered as a store of value, resistant to inflationary pressures and government manipulation. Reintroducing gold as a standard for currency valuation provides stability and confidence to the financial system.

 3.1.1 The Power of Tangibility

Tangible asset backing for currencies has several distinct advantages. Firstly, it provides a safeguard against uncontrolled monetary expansion.

When currencies are tied to finite resources like gold or precious metals, governments are constrained in their ability to print money recklessly. This limitation curtails the risk of hyperinflation, ensuring the preservation of purchasing power.

 3.2 Gold as a Standard

One of the most potent embodiments of tangible asset backing is the return to a gold standard.

Gold has long been revered as a store of value, resistant to inflationary pressures and government manipulation.

Reintroducing gold as a standard for currency valuation provides stability and confidence to the financial system.

 3.2.1 Rebuilding Confidence

In an era where trust in fiat currencies has waned, a gold-backed standard can rebuild confidence.

Investors, savers, and nations alike find solace in knowing that their holdings are anchored to a tangible and finite asset. This renewed trust fosters economic stability and enhances global trade.

Strategic resources such as rare minerals, oil, and renewable energy assets can complement gold in backing currencies. These resources possess intrinsic value and serve as pivotal components of modern economies.

 3.3 Diversification of Asset Backing

While gold undoubtedly holds a preeminent position among tangible assets, diversification of asset backing presents a compelling case.

By broadening the range of assets supporting currencies, risks associated with fluctuations in a single commodity are mitigated.

 3.3.1 Strategic Resources and Renewable Energy

Strategic resources such as rare minerals, oil, and renewable energy assets can complement gold in backing currencies.

These resources possess intrinsic value and serve as pivotal components of modern economies. Inclusion of these assets in the backing of currencies not only enhances stability but also aligns with the imperatives of a sustainable future.

The advantages of such a transition are manifold, from safeguarding against inflationary pressures to rebuilding confidence in the financial system.

 3.4 The Practical Implementation

The transition to tangible asset-backed currencies necessitates careful planning and coordination among nations.

Diplomatic negotiations and international agreements will be paramount to ensure a smooth transition and minimize disruptions.

 3.4.1 Multilateral Cooperation

Multilateral cooperation is imperative, as nations recognize the shared benefits of anchoring currencies to tangible assets. Collaborative efforts will be vital in establishing a framework for this transformative shift.

 3.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have outlined the rationale for tangible asset-backed currencies as a reset and revaluation for the global financial system.

The advantages of such a transition are manifold, from safeguarding against inflationary pressures to rebuilding confidence in the financial system.

Gold stands as a symbol of stability and trust, capable of underpinning a new era of economic equilibrium.

The subsequent chapter will delve into the implications and challenges of implementing tangible asset-backed currencies on a global scale, setting the stage for a thorough examination of the way forward.

An RV/GCR Thesis: The End of the Fiat Currency Debt System and the Financial Reset – A Complete Guide

GO TO CHAPTER 1: The Stage is Set for Our RV/GCR

GO TO CHAPTER 2: The Imperative for a Global Financial Reset (GCR)

GO TO CHAPTER 3: A Currency Revaluation (RV) with Tangible Asset Backing

GO TO CHAPTER 4: How Asset-backed Currencies will be Implemented on the QFS

GO TO THE SUPPLEMENT: A Technical Overview of the Quantum Financial Network System (QFS)

GO TO CHAPTER 5: The Implications and Outcomes of the RV/GCR

My primary thesis is that the Global Fiat Currency Debt System must come to its logical conclusion before Our GCR will be introduced – which includes the release of the “General Redemptions” funding for RV/GCR exchanges.

But how do you track the connected events and progress of the logical conclusion of the Fiat Financial System?

It’s easy when you follow my unique RV/GCR Roadmap right here at GCR Real-Time News


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