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Awake-In-3D: The Global Financial System is Being Restructured to Create a New Asset-Backed Currency System


The Global Financial System is Being Restructured to Create a New Asset-Backed Currency System

On June 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The evidence is all around us. We are witnessing a real-time transition towards an orchestrated global currency reset (GCR) as the world’s financial system is being restructured to create a new asset-backed currency system. But is this Our GCR or the final phase of total Elitist control? In the later scenario, resistance is never futile!

New Monetary and Currency Activities on a Global Scale

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development advocated abandoning the U.S. dollar as the primary reserve currency, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is now working on a platform for central bank digital currencies to enable instant, 24/7 transactions between countries. These are specifically Project Ice-breaker and the UniCoin Universal Monetary Unit (see links below for details).

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With the new reserve currency expected to be backed with gold and other assets with intrinsic value, it is safe to say that hard money is coming back into the equation in the global financial system – in one form or another. Every Central Bank and country on earth know that the Global Fiat Currency experiment is coming to its logical conclusion as it collapses in on itself under mountains of unsustainable public and private debt. Of course, the BRICS has it’s plans for a new currency system as well.

As I have previously stated, the world is moving towards a global currency reset, and it seems like we are closer to that reality than ever before. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s report in 2010 advocated for a global reserve system based on a “basket” of currencies, which would create a more stable and predictable international monetary system. This was the catalyst for what we termed Our GCR over 13 years ago. A currency and monetary system reset beyond the RV of a few currencies and historical bonds.

Today, we are witnessing the swift development of central bank digital currencies as central banks stockpile gold at an unprecedented pace.

Asset-backed CBDCs and SDRs?

One hundred fourteen countries, representing 95% of global GDP, are exploring a CBDC. The International Monetary Fund is working on a PLATFORM for central bank digital currencies to enable transactions between countries, stressing that CBDCs should be backed by assets. This is an indication that the current financial system is reorganizing and moving towards a new asset-backed currency system.

The International Monetary Fund recently made $100 billion in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) accessible to vulnerable countries. As countries worldwide experience debt issues, the dollar’s strength has been crushing many countries economically, leading to internal unrest. The United States has been exporting inflation worldwide, forcing numerous countries to deplete their foreign-exchange reserves. Some countries, such as Pakistan and Egypt, have even resorted to barter in desperation due to the economy beginning to break down.

The upcoming BRICS summit in August is expected to centre around the new reserve currency the trading block has been working on. The BRICS group is already advocating for utilizing local currencies in global trade, and the upcoming reserve currency could be a way for nations to navigate and protect themselves from sanctions. With the new reserve currency expected to be backed with gold and other metals with intrinsic value, it is safe to say that hard money is coming back into the equation in the global financial system.

Janet Yellen warned a few weeks ago that there would be a “slow decline” in the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency. The greenback’s share in global reserves dropped last year at ten times the average speed of the past two decades. That does not seem like a slow decline. That seems dramatic. It is safe to say that the United States is aware of this situation, even though they will never telegraph it in a big way.

Good Guy or Bad Guy Reset

As the world moves towards a new asset-backed currency system, it will be interesting to see how the Western world adapts to these changes. It is time to embrace hard money and move away from fiat currencies. The global financial system is being restructured, and change is inevitable. It is time to focus on gold, as it will eventually crush the dollar. Time is on the side of gold, and we must prepare ourselves for an inevitable global currency and monetary system reset in one form or another.

The question remains, is this the architecture for Our GCR, or is it all part of the Elitist Bankster financial system reset? Honestly, it can go either way at this time. The new infrastructure being laid is simply a tool. Those who wield this new tool will determine its ultimate purpose. Will it be used to liberate humanity from financial debt enslavement? Or, will it further tighten the noose of total control under a new, global world order of programmable currencies utilized to enforce compliance with the policies of the few onto the lives of the many?

We must be prepared to act if things go the wrong way. The choice will ultimately be ours to make. Resistance is NOT futile…

Reference Links: BIS Project Ice-Breaker | IMF UniCoin Universal Monetary Unit


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