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Awake-In-3D: Rationally Explaining the RV/GCR to Friends and Family (Part 3) – Debt Jubilees


Rationally Explaining the RV/GCR to Friends and Family (Part 3) – Debt Jubilees

On October 7, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In GCR Roadmap: Level 3 Events, RV/GCR

How to Explain Debt Jubilees and the Elimination of Personal and Public Debt

The current fiat debt-based currency system has led to an unsustainable burden of personal and public debt worldwide. To alleviate this economic strain and provide a fresh start, Debt Jubilees can be implemented as part of a comprehensive reset.

In Part 1 of this article series, we learned how to rationally frame the GCR by understanding the driving financial forces behind it.

In Part 2 of the series, we discussed how to reasonably talk about the Currency Revaluation (RV) in context of the challenges and shortcomings of the current fiat debt-based currency system.

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Here in Part 3, we will layout a rational case for a Debt Jubilee and the elimination of personal and public debt.

This is a big RV/GCR topic so this article is lengthy. Yet the knowledge is crucial.

What You Will Learn:

  1. Discover what Debt Jubilees are and their historical significance in ancient civilizations.

  • Explore the mechanics of Debt Jubilees, including debt forgiveness and legal frameworks, and their role in preventing financial crises.

  • Understand the challenges and feasibility of implementing Debt Jubilees in today’s complex financial systems and political environments.

  • Examine alternative strategies governments and central banks may use to address mounting debt challenges while maintaining economic stability.

  • Envision a bold scenario where a Global Currency Reset (GCR) transforms into a modern Debt Jubilee, reshaping the financial landscape and offering debt relief on a global scale.

This powerful measure aims to alleviate the burden of debt, stimulate economic growth, and promote social justice. Drawing upon real-world examples, we will demonstrate how a Debt Jubilee can be a catalyst for a fresh start and a more sustainable financial future.

This measure would involve the comprehensive forgiveness of personal and public debts incurred under the old financial system.

Here are the Key Talking Points for Debt Jubilees

What Are Debt Jubilees?

Imagine a world where your debts could be forgiven, and you could breathe easier without the burden of financial obligations. This concept might seem like a distant dream, but throughout history, societies have embraced the idea of a Debt Jubilee to provide individuals and communities with a financial clean slate.

So, what exactly is a Debt Jubilee? In simple terms, it’s a deliberate and often periodic forgiveness of debt, offering relief to individuals who find themselves trapped under the weight of loans and financial obligations. It’s like hitting “refresh” on your financial life.

But why would societies consider such a radical move?

Debt Jubilees have historically been introduced in response to excessive household debts that threaten economic stability and social harmony. When people accumulate debts they can’t repay, it can lead to the loss of their homes, livelihoods, and even their freedom.

Debt Jubilees, therefore, serve as a solution to prevent these dire consequences and restore balance.

Think of it as a collective sigh of relief for those struggling with debt. In ancient times, rulers recognized the need for such measures to avoid widespread financial turmoil.

Debt Jubilees, often encoded in laws or decrees, provide individuals with a fresh start, allowing them to regain their financial footing and contribute positively to the economy.

Historical Examples of Debt Jubilees

Debt Jubilees Through the Ages: Lessons from History

The concept of a Debt Jubilee isn’t a new one; it’s a practice deeply rooted in the annals of history.

Ancient Civilizations

Going back thousands of years, civilizations such as ancient Babylon, Egypt, and China faced a recurring problem – excessive household debt. Debt, much like it does today, played a crucial role in facilitating trade, paying for labor, and bridging the gap between planting and harvesting seasons.

However, it also had its dark side. Families in these societies sometimes found themselves trapped in a cycle of debt, risking the loss of their land, livelihood, and even their freedom.

To prevent societal collapse, ancient rulers devised the idea of debt forgiveness or amnesty. They recognized that excessive private indebtedness could lead to dire consequences.

For instance, in ancient Israel, debt relief was not just a royal whim; it was enshrined in their laws as a recurring event known as the Jubilee. This event, marked by the sounding of the ram’s horn, brought freedom from the burden of debt and provided individuals with a fresh start.

Solon and Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, Solon, a lawmaker in the sixth century BC, introduced a partial Debt Jubilee to avoid class conflict.

Solon, (born c. 630 BCE—died c. 560 BCE), Athenian statesman, known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece

His measures helped alleviate the financial strain on debtors, preventing a catastrophic social upheaval. Solon’s actions not only contributed to economic stability but also laid the foundations for elements of Greek democracy.

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Modern Era

Fast forward to more recent history, and we find examples like the 1930s, where the U.S. government devalued the dollar against gold.

While not a traditional Debt Jubilee, this event illustrates how governments and central banks have utilized financial mechanisms to address economic challenges.

These historical examples emphasize that Debt Jubilees have been a recurring response to the burden of debt on individuals and societies. They show that societies have recognized the need to provide relief to those struggling with debt and to restore economic balance.

The next section shows how Debt Jubilees work and the mechanisms behind them.

How Debt Jubilees Work

Unlocking the Mechanics of Debt Jubilees

Now that we’ve explored the historical precedents of Debt Jubilees, let’s go deeper into how these remarkable mechanisms actually work.

Understanding the inner workings of Debt Jubilees sheds light on their potential benefits and implications for individuals and societies.

1. Debt Forgiveness

At its core, a Debt Jubilee involves the deliberate and systematic forgiveness of certain types of debt. It’s akin to erasing a financial burden, allowing borrowers to start with a clean slate.

This forgiveness can extend to various forms of debt, such as loans, mortgages, and other financial obligations.

2. Legal Framework

In many historical cases, Debt Jubilees were not arbitrary acts but were enshrined in laws and decrees. These legal frameworks ensured that the forgiveness of debt was not left to the whims of rulers but became a structural aspect of the economy.

The ancient Israelites, for instance, codified debt relief into their laws, ensuring it occurred at regular intervals.

3. Timing and Cycles

Debt Jubilees often followed specific timing or cyclical patterns.

For instance, the Israelite Jubilee occurred every fifty years, providing individuals with a predictable opportunity to escape the clutches of debt.

These predetermined cycles helped maintain economic stability and encouraged responsible lending practices.

4. Economic and Social Stability

The primary goal of Debt Jubilees is to promote economic and social stability.

By forgiving debt, individuals who were on the brink of financial ruin can regain their financial footing.

This, in turn, contributes to a healthier economy, as debt-free individuals are more likely to invest, spend, and participate actively in economic activities.

5. Preventing Social Discontent

Debt Jubilees have historically served as a preventative measure against social discontent and upheaval.

Excessive debt burdens, if left unaddressed, can lead to protests, revolts, and political instability.

By forgiving debt, rulers and governments aim to pacify the discontented and maintain order within their societies.

6. Economic Reset

Think of a Debt Jubilee as a reset button for an economy burdened by debt.

It wipes out some of the instabilities and inequalities that have built up over time, offering a fresh start for individuals and communities.

In the next section, we’ll explore whether today’s governments and central banks have the capacity and willingness to declare a Debt Jubilee in the face of mounting debt challenges.

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Can Today’s Governments and Central Banks Declare a Debt Jubilee?

Modern Challenges and the Feasibility of Debt Jubilees

As we examine the subject of Debt Jubilees, it’s natural to wonder whether today’s governments and central banks have the capacity and willingness to implement such a bold financial maneuver.

Let’s review the challenges and possibilities of declaring a Debt Jubilee in today’s fiat currency world.

1. Complex Financial Systems

One of the primary challenges lies in the complexity of modern financial systems.

Unlike ancient societies, our economies are intricately interconnected with global financial markets, complex banking systems, and intricate debt structures.

Implementing a Debt Jubilee today would require navigating this intricate web of financial institutions and transactions.

2. Political Will

The political will to declare a Debt Jubilee is another critical factor.

In democracies and modern governance structures, decisions regarding debt relief and financial policies are subject to extensive debates, negotiations, and public scrutiny.

Political will is often nonexistent.

3. Impact on Financial Institutions

Debt Jubilees could have significant implications for financial institutions, particularly banks and lenders.

Forgiving debts on a large scale could affect the stability of these institutions, potentially leading to disruptions in the financial sector.

4. Balancing Economic Stability

While Debt Jubilees aim to promote economic stability by relieving debt burdens, they must strike a delicate balance.

Excessive debt relief could lead to inflation, currency devaluation, and other economic challenges that could offset the intended benefits.

5. Alternatives to Debt Relief

Governments and central banks may explore alternative measures to address mounting debt challenges.

These alternatives could include fiscal policies, stimulus packages, and economic reforms aimed at alleviating financial burdens without resorting to a Debt Jubilee.

6. Global Coordination

In an interconnected world, any large-scale financial intervention, such as a Debt Jubilee, would likely require global coordination. Coordinated efforts among countries and international financial institutions might be necessary to mitigate potential disruptions and ensure a harmonious transition.

7. Future Possibilities

While a Debt Jubilee may seem challenging to implement in our fiat currency financial landscape, history has shown that societies adapt to economic challenges and develop innovative approaches to debt relief.

As the global financial landscape evolves, so too may the possibilities for addressing debt-related issues.

In the next section, we’ll explore an intriguing scenario where a modern Debt Jubilee could take the form of a global currency reset (GCR), backed by valuable assets like gold.

How a Modern Debt Jubilee Would Look When a Global Currency Reset (GCR) Occurs

A Bold Vision for the Future: A Modern Debt Jubilee through a Global Currency Reset

Imagine a world where nations come together to address the growing burden of debt on a global scale.

In this visionary financial system shift, a modern Debt Jubilee takes the form of a Global Currency Reset (GCR), reshaping the financial landscape and offering a fresh start for humanity and economies worldwide.

1. Backing Currencies with Valuable Assets

In a GCR-driven Debt Jubilee, currencies would be backed by valuable assets, such as gold or other precious resources.

This move would provide a more stable foundation for global economies, reducing the risks associated with unbridled debt expansion.

2. Debt Forgiveness on a Global Scale

Governments and central banks from across the globe would collaborate to forgive a significant portion of outstanding debts.

This debt forgiveness would extend to various forms of debt, including national debts, corporate debts, and individual debts.

3. Economic Rejuvenation

The primary goal of such a modern Debt Jubilee would be to rejuvenate economies burdened by debt.

Individuals and businesses would experience immediate relief from financial obligations, allowing them to invest, spend, and contribute positively to economic growth.

4. Addressing Wealth Disparities

One of the benefits of a GCR-driven Debt Jubilee is the opportunity to address wealth disparities.

By forgiving debt, wealth could be redistributed more equitably, reducing the gap between the wealthy and the less fortunate.

5. Global Coordination and Governance

Implementing a GCR and Debt Jubilee of this magnitude would require unprecedented global coordination and governance. International institutions and agreements would play a crucial role in facilitating the transition and ensuring fair and equitable debt relief.

6. A New Financial Landscape

If successful, a GCR-based Debt Jubilee could usher in a new era of financial stability and cooperation. It would be a testament to the ability of nations to come together to address pressing global challenges and provide individuals and societies with a fresh start.


In the intricate tapestry of finance and history, the concept of a Debt Jubilee stands as a beacon of hope and resilience.

It harks back to ancient civilizations that recognized the need for debt forgiveness to prevent societal collapse.

Whether through historical examples or the approaching scenario of a Global Currency Reset (GCR), the idea of relieving debt burdens and fostering economic stability endures.

As today’s Global Fiat Currency Debt System draws closer to its logical conclusion, the implementation of a Debt Jubilee, ancient yet ever relevant, serves as a reminder that, even in the face of financial challenges, there is always room for a fresh start and a brighter economic future.

My primary belief is that the Global Fiat Currency Debt System must come to its logical conclusion before Our GCR will be introduced – which includes the release of the “General Redemptions” funding for RV/GCR exchanges.

But how do you track the connected events and progress of the logical conclusion of the Fiat Financial System?

It’s easy when you follow my unique RV/GCR Roadmap right here at GCR Real-Time News


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