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Awake-In-3D: PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty


PAPSS Payment System and AfreximBank Paving Way to Pan-African De-Dollarized Sovereignty

On July 19, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

In a transformative effort, Africa’s financial landscape is undergoing a revolutionary shift, spearheaded by the African Import-Export Bank (AfreximBank) and its groundbreaking Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). This visionary initiative is rapidly propelling the entire African continent away from its historical reliance on US dollars and towards a future where local African currencies take center stage in intra-continental payments and capital investments.

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More than just a financial system upgrade, PAPSS and AfreximBank are playing a crucial role in aligning Africa with the ambitious plans of the BRICS Alliance. The BRICS nations are determined to create a massive global trading block that operates independently of the Western Financial System and Monetary Institutions, thereby unlocking Africa’s vast economic potential and fostering genuine financial sovereignty.

With Africa losing an estimated $5 billion annually due to the absence of an intra-African payment system, the need for change has become undeniable. Fragmented payment systems and multiple currencies have hindered cross-border trade within the continent, leaving businesses facing considerable currency exchange challenges and lengthy payment processing times. However, AfreximBank’s PAPSS is a game-changer that seeks to eradicate these obstacles, empowering African nations to conduct instant and secure cross-border transactions in local currencies.

As the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement opens up unprecedented opportunities for intra-African trade, the timing of PAPSS’s arrival could not be more opportune. By providing a reliable and cost-effective platform for intra-continental payments, PAPSS is set to fuel economic growth, bolster regional cooperation, and create new avenues for prosperity throughout Africa.

From promoting financial inclusion and empowering small and medium size businesses, to reducing sovereign debts and driving economic growth, the transformative impact of AfreximBank and PAPSS sets the stage for Africa’s financial renaissance on the global stage.

As Africa moves steadily towards becoming an economic powerhouse with the backing of the BRICS alliance, the future holds immense promise for a continent that is finally stepping out from the shadows of foreign currency dominance and embracing its own financial destiny.

Africa’s Intra-African Trade: Challenges and Opportunities

In recent years, the potential for intra-African trade has become a topic of intense discussion among policymakers, economists, and businesses across the continent. Africa is a vast and resource-rich continent with diverse economies, yet its trade with other African countries has been hindered by various challenges, including fragmented payment systems and the reliance on foreign currencies. As a result, the continent has been losing an estimated $5 billion annually, making intra-African trade complex and time-consuming.

The Absence of a Unified Payment System

The lack of a unified payment system has been a significant obstacle to intra-African trade. Africa currently boasts around 42 currencies, each with its own regulatory framework and exchange rates, making cross-border transactions cumbersome and expensive. Business transactions often require conversion from one currency to another, resulting in unnecessary costs and delays.

The Role of AfreximBank: Driving Financial Sovereignty

Recognizing the urgency and importance of addressing these challenges, the African Import-Export Bank (AfreximBank) has taken a pioneering role in reshaping Africa’s financial landscape. Established in 1993, AfreximBank has steadily grown its presence in 52 member countries and has been instrumental in supporting trade finance activities across the continent. Its mission of stimulating African trade and development has driven its commitment to promoting a single payment infrastructure for the continent.

Introducing the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS)

AfreximBank’s vision culminated in the development and commercial launch of the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS). PAPSS is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enabling instant and secure cross-border payments in local African currencies, thereby reducing reliance on foreign currencies like the US dollar and Euro.

Yes, PAPSS uses the ISO20022 “messaging” standard for inter-bank transfer notifications.

Empowering Businesses with PAPSS

PAPSS provides a real-time payment infrastructure that connects Africa’s central banks, commercial banks, payment service providers, and fintech companies as participants. This revolutionary system allows for immediate validation, compliance checks, and near-instant payment processing within 120 seconds. With PAPSS, businesses can conduct cross-border transactions efficiently, securely, and at a reduced cost.

PAPSS and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

PAPSS could not have come at a more opportune time. With the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, which aims to create a single market for goods and services across the continent, the demand for seamless cross-border transactions is set to skyrocket. PAPSS is poised to play a vital role in facilitating the expected surge in intra-African trade and promoting economic growth.

Driving Financial Inclusion and Empowerment

Beyond enhancing intra-African trade, PAPSS also has significant implications for financial inclusion. As cross-border payments become more accessible, businesses of all sizes can participate in regional and continental trade, stimulating economic growth and job creation. Moreover, PAPSS fosters economic empowerment by reducing transaction costs and improving financial efficiency, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Africa’s Financial Renaissance Begins

Africa’s financial system is on the cusp of a transformative shift, one that will see it moving away from reliance on foreign currencies and embracing the power of its local currencies. AfreximBank’s Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS) is a critical step towards achieving this financial sovereignty, unlocking the continent’s vast economic potential, and driving intra-continental trade.

As businesses, governments, and individuals embrace this new era of financial empowerment, Africa’s financial renaissance will become a catalyst for economic growth and prosperity for all.

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