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Awake-In-3D: Historical Proof That All Fiat Currencies Collapse


Ever wondered why your money seems to buy less and less over time? The culprit could be the system of fiat currencies we're all hooked on. Let's dive into a quick history lesson on the rise and fall of fiat currencies.

Inflation is a nasty side effect of fiat currencies. When governments print more money, it can lead to inflation. This erodes the value of your hard-earned cash. 

The history of fiat currencies is a graveyard of failures. For instance, the Roman Empire's Denarius started as pure silver but ended up as just 0.02% silver. Talk about a downgrade!

Let's not forget China's Jiaozi, one of the earliest forms of paper money It began as a receipt for iron deposits but rampant inflation led to its abandonment. 

In 18th century France, John Law introduced paper money. After a speculative bubble, the currency collapsed, losing 99% of its value in just five years. 

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Closer to home, Zimbabwe saw hyperinflation peak at a whopping 79,600,000,000% in the 21st century. The local currency was abandoned for the US Dollar. 

The fate of the global reserve currency, the US Dollar, is uncertain. Once backed by gold and silver, it's now a fiat currency, susceptible to the same pitfalls.

History shows us that fiat currencies inevitably collapse. So next time you look at your money, remember, its value isn't as solid as you might think. 

As we journey through the evolving financial landscape, it's crucial to stay informed and prepared. Stay vigilant.


Awake-In-3D | GCR Real-Time News

Historical Proof That All Fiat Currencies Collapse

On September 27, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Continued from Part 1: The Peril of Fiat Currencies

Today, the world operates on a failing system of fiat currencies system, where currencies are not backed by tangible assets like gold but rely on humanity’s trust and confidence in governments.

Governments are drawn to fiat currencies like moths to a flame. They provide a seemingly expedient means of financing present-day expenditures by simply creating new units of currency, unburdened by the constraints of taxation and borrowing. This financial shortcut, however, has historically proven to be a treacherous path.

Throughout history, governments have consistently yielded to the temptation of excessive money printing. As the supply of fiat currency swells, its intrinsic value steadily erodes, leading to a phenomenon we know all too well – inflation. When a fiat currency loses its status as a reliable store of value and medium of exchange, citizens lose faith in it, often seeking refuge in hard assets like gold and silver, or in more stable fiat currencies, such as the US Dollar.

  • Unprecedented Money Supply Expansion: Central banks have engaged in extensive money printing, leading to concerns about potential inflation and currency devaluation.

  • Debt Accumulation: Governments have amassed substantial debts, and the ability to service these debts hinges on economic stability and a continuing belief in the currency’s value.

  • Erosion of Trust: Public trust in fiat currencies depends on responsible fiscal and monetary policies. Political polarization and economic uncertainty have led to questions about the sustainability of these policies.

Inflation and Its Connection to Fiat Currencies

Inflation, defined as an increase in the supply of money, is a critical factor in the history and operation of fiat currencies.

  • The Role of Inflation: Rising prices, while not guaranteed, often result from an increased money supply. Governments may print more money during crises, and if this new money circulates, it can lead to inflation.

  • Deflation and Inflation: Fiat money can lead to both inflation and deflation. In times of economic contraction, unpaid debts reduce the money supply, prompting the printing of more money to maintain economic stability.

In our historical journey through the evolution of money, we’ve witnessed the transition from tangible assets to fiat currencies. While the current global fiat currency system offers flexibility and adaptability, it is not without its challenges. The key to its stability lies in responsible governance, prudent fiscal policies, and the preservation of public trust. Understanding the past informs our approach to shaping the future of currencies in an ever-evolving financial landscape.

The Uncertain Fate of the Global Reserve Currency

Even the US Dollar, once anchored by gold and silver, now stands as a fiat currency without such backing. While it has been deployed to stabilize hyperinflation in other nations, its own status remains susceptible to the pitfalls of fiat currency systems.

The Inevitable End of Fiat Currencies

In closing, history imparts a sobering lesson: fiat currencies are invariably characterized by a cycle of ascent and descent, punctuated by episodes of hyperinflation, economic turbulence, and eroding public trust. Governments may initially turn to fiat currency as a quick fix, but the allure of unchecked money printing almost invariably prevails. We would be wise to prepare for the eventual debasement of fiat currencies by safeguarding their wealth through hard assets like gold and silver. The dangers of our current global fiat currency system are real, and our financial well-being may ultimately hinge on our ability to discern these perilous signs and respond judiciously.

Reference: A History of Fiat Currency Failures

Fiat currencies, a government-issued legal tender without intrinsic value, has been an alluring tool for governments throughout history. It offers the tempting ability to transfer wealth from the future to the present, allowing governments to spend beyond their means. Unlike taxation and borrowing, creating new currency seems like an easier route to financing government activities. However, the history of fiat currency is fraught with failures, often linked to government mismanagement and debasement.

1st Century: The Roman Empire

  • Currency: Denarius

  • Depreciation: From pure silver to a mere 0.02% silver content.

  • The denarius, widely used in ancient Rome, serves as one of the earliest examples of fiat currency. Initially made of pure silver, its silver content steadily declined over time. By the time of the Roman collapse, the denarius contained minuscule traces of silver, losing its value as a store of wealth and medium of exchange.

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8th Century: Imperial China

  • Currency: Jiaozi

  • Depreciation: From a receipt for iron money to hyperinflation and abandonment.

  • The Chinese invented paper money, with the jiaozi being one of the earliest forms. Initially a receipt for iron money deposits, it was later exchanged among the population as currency. When the government expanded its supply and triggered inflation, the jiaozi was replaced by the qianyin. Subsequent Chinese dynasties experienced similar issues with fiat currencies, leading to a preference for silver.

18th Century: France (John Law’s Experiment)

  • Currency: Assignat

  • Depreciation: A loss of 99% of its value within five years.

  • John Law, a Scotsman, introduced paper money to France in 1716. Initially, it was limited in supply and convertible to gold and silver. However, Law’s Mississippi Company speculative bubble led to excessive money printing, inflation, and the eventual collapse of both the stock price and the paper currency. France returned to a gold and silver-based monetary system.

  • The Assignat of the French Revolution: During the French Revolution, the National Assembly turned to fiat currency, introducing the assignat. It quickly suffered hyperinflation, losing 99% of its value within five years. This crisis played a role in the rise of Napoleon, who later restored financial order by backing the currency with hard assets.

19th Century: Weimar Germany

  • Currency: Papiermark

  • Depreciation: Hyperinflation peaked at 79,600,000,000%.

  • After abandoning the gold standard during World War I, Germany experienced hyperinflation, with prices doubling every month. The collapse of the German mark created economic turmoil, leading to the introduction of the rentenmark and later the Reichsmark, backed by hard assets.

19th Century: Republic of China

  • Currency: Fabi

  • Depreciation: Hyperinflation, economic chaos and eventual replacement.

  • The Republic of China attempted to transition from a silver standard to fiat currency. Inflation followed, and citizens reverted to using silver, eventually leading to the abandonment of fiat currency.

21st Century: Zimbabwe

  • Currency: Zimbabwean Dollar

  • Depreciation: Hyperinflation peaked at 79,600,000,000%.

  • Land reforms, economic sanctions, and excessive money printing led to hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. Citizens abandoned the local currency for foreign currencies like the US dollar, and the government eventually allowed foreign currency usage.

21st Century: Venezuela

  • Currency: Bolivar

  • Depreciation: Hyperinflation and a loss of trust.

  • Venezuela’s economy, heavily dependent on oil, suffered when oil prices dropped. To combat economic challenges, the government printed more money, leading to hyperinflation. The US dollar became the dominant currency for transactions.

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