"A New Gold Standard? Sound Money Caucus Formed in Congress to Advance Silver and Gold Legislation" by SRU
A New Gold Standard? Sound Money Caucus Formed In Congress To Advance Silver And Gold Legislation
Silver Report Uncut: Aug 16, 2020
Most of our nation's economic problems derive from the fact that we do not use sound money.
Fiat currencies punish workers and savers and inflate the assets of the Fed and it's enablers it's quite simple the so-called money we use today actually has no value it's paper to which they create endless volumes of it they also compensate us for actual work done in this valueless paper.
Fiat currencies depend entirely on faith or I'm people's acceptance of them. when we enter unprecedented stages of money printing it has a way of breaking the confidence of the people and it's value.
It's no coincidence that. Of unfettered Central Banking and money creation coincide with the. Of the decline of the US middle class. the people in charge of the money printer they seem to get richer and richer and yet in this nation people are losing everything small businesses are failing and it's all directly tied to the Fateful moment in 1971 when the u.s. departed from the Bretton Woods agreement.
That's actually the exact moment when compensation for hours worked began to decline it's also the moment when many asset prices begin to rise that was thing is asset prices aren't really Rising the value of the underlined currency is in Decline some people think they make more today on their paychecks or that they're doing better than their parents but they own less and they have more debt and that's because the currency is falling constantly.
One of the stated goals of the Federal Reserve is the constant devaluation of our currency their goal is a rate of 2% per year but it's quite clear that inflation is running much hotter than that except on the feds data. that's also the time when the national debt began to spiral out of control and they pretend every once in awhile that they will be able to pay off our national debt but that's a joke they will never pay off the national debt.
We also cover a cable that was revealed between the state department and an ambassador in London which detailed the creation of the gold Futures market and its purpose which was to destabilise the price of gold after the u.s. departed from the Bretton Woods agreement.
They anticipated that there would be very strong physical gold investment and they wanted to stop at least American citizens from purchasing gold after we left the gold standard this was the only way to secure the Fiat Federal Reserve note or the US dollar. they said it would increase investment into the gold Futures market and detract from actual investment in physical gold.
Very frequently whenever you see times where people begin to look towards sound money once again like gold or silver you see sudden price smashes that are instituted by the bullion Banks this is because they don't want people to purchase gold or silver go it is money before 1971 the US had in part a gold standard and since then we watched the collapse of our economy that is not prosperity and you cannot print your way 12 the Sabres and the responsible people in our society or punished while the ones who take the greatest risk are rewarded by the Central Bank policies.
That's why it's significant they have formed the sound money caucus with the goal of advancing legislation to bring back gold and silver into our monetary system the deck is out of control it will never be paid sound money like a new gold standard would be the solution to big government the FED is the enemy of gold that's why they never refer to it in positive language anymore.
Every time we get runaway money printing the price of gold begins to rise but what you're actually witnessing is the collapse of the value of the dollar.
It's a small star but we finally have some people in Washington Working to restore the United States to the use of sound money like silver and gold.