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7 Wealth Building Tips Learned From Football

7 Wealth Building Tips Learned From Football

By Billy B  Mind, Money

I fell in love with NFL football 15 years ago, and it has inspired me in many ways on how to build wealth.  Once I understood the mentality, strategy, and toughness it takes to win games on Sundays, I was hooked.  A football game is much more than mindless buffalo-sized men running into each other.  It is a beautiful chess match with human beings that move like coordinated pieces. Building wealth, like football, is a thinking person’s game.  Here are seven secret wealth building tips I have found hidden inside the game of football: 

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1)      Wealth Building Tip #1:  Be Patient:  Life is long.  It’s Ok to make mistakes, and it takes a lot of plays to win the game and build your wealth.  There are 60 minutes in a football game, and there’s 60+ years in a normal life.  You don’t have to win or be perfect in the first quarter or half to win.  Great football teams and players take their time, feel out the challenges that are coming at them, and then when they know what they’re doing, they strike to put points on the board.

Great wealth builders have the same mentality.  They’re patient.  They’re always learning, preparing, and planning for what’s coming ahead, and when they see opportunities to build wealth, they strike.  Great NFL teams also make mistakes during a game, but they learn from them and come back to fight again.  Financial mistakes happen to all of us.  Learn from them.  Don’t let your perfectionism get in the way.  (Click here to read an article on overcoming perfectionism)  Then get back up, learn from the mistakes, and fight to do better next time.  

2)      Wealth Building Tip #2:  It takes a team to win a championship, not just individual effort.  Football teams win championships by using all 53 men that are on their rosters.  Each player contributes different skills to create a powerful team that rises above the sum of their parts.  Wealthy people think the same way.  They are always looking to expand their network of skilled people who push, teach, and inspire them. 

Happiness is not real unless shared with others.  People who build wealth know how valuable relationships are in their life. It’s not about how smart, skilled, or strong you are as an individual.  Building wealth is all about how smart, skilled, and strong your TEAM of friends around you is. 

Wealthy people invest a large portion of their time building teams of awesome relationships who help inspire them to be better.  Grow your network of friends to include incredible people who inspire you, and you will take a massive step forward on the path to build wealth.


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