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6 Causes of Financial Problems and How You Can Solve Them

6 Causes of Financial Problems and How You Can Solve Them

Nicole Spector   Thu, August 25, 2022

So many Americans are trapped in debt and underfunded for retirement that one has to ask, “What is going on? Why are so many of us in such financial trouble?”

A lot of it isn’t our fault and is beyond our control, but we do need to get to the root of the money problems that we can control. So, it’s important to understand the causes of financial problems. What are they and how do they manifest? More importantly, how can we solve them?

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Let’s figure it out.

Financial Illiteracy

Financial literacy is gravely lacking in our society, and it’s causing big trouble in our financial lives.

“Remaining in the dark about certain financial factors will eventually lead you to be more exposed to countless financial problems,” said Clint Proctor, editor-in-chief of Investor Junkie.

It may not be your fault that you lack financial literacy, but it is your responsibility to resolve it. You might want to hire a financial advisor for intensive one-on-one help, but you can also check out a growing list of books and podcasts to learn more.

Having a Negative Mindset

Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses won’t solely guide you to financial success, but the reverse mindset can outright hurt you.

“Behind a lot of common financial issues is a disabling money mindset,” said Kelley Holland, a financial empowerment coach. “This can manifest as negative self-talk, like, ‘I’m hopeless with money’ or ‘I’ll never be able to retire.’ It can also show up as avoidance: Not opening bills that arrive, failing to track spending, or missing payment deadlines.”

There are a few ways to tackle a negative money mindset including to challenge your beliefs and recognize your own strengths and past achievements.

“Consider whether your belief is accurate — or whether you really have strengths or experiences you can draw on to take charge of your finances,” Holland said. “For example, if you have had success adopting a fitness regimen, you can think about the reminders and motivators you drew on to make that happen.”

Getting Bad Advice From So-Called ‘Experts’

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