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5 Steps I Now Take To Protect My Money

5 Steps I Now Take To Protect My Money

I Recovered Financially From Identity Theft: 5 Steps I Now Take To Protect My Money

Cynthia Measom  Mon, Aug 12, 2024  GOBankingRates

When Marissa was a single woman in her 40s, she was going through some medical challenges that required several surgeries and treatments.

“Between procedures, consultations and follow-ups, I found myself writing checks more often, mainly to hospital billing departments, specialist offices and pharmacies,” she explained. “I had trusted that my financial transactions were secure and stayed focused on my recovery, wanting to get back to a normal life.”

Little did she know that she was about to experience a new challenge: a stolen identity.

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How the Identity Theft Happened

Marissa said that she was glancing through her bank statements — something she had been putting off for a couple of months — and noticed a check that didn’t look familiar. It was written at a retail store in a state she had never even visited.

“I had so many medical payments going out, and my mind was often scattered with everything going on, but this stood out like a red flag, because I had only written checks connected to my medical expenses,” Marissa said. “I panicked and began combing through my statements, checking every line, every check and every payment. I found out checks in my name were being written all over the country — some at retail stores, others at restaurants, even a few at high-end boutiques.”

That’s when she realized her worst fears: her identity had been stolen.

“I immediately contacted my bank, and they confirmed it,” Marissa said. “Someone had somehow gained access to my checking account and was forging checks they had created in my name with my account number. I thought I had always been cautious and careful with my information, but it hadn’t been enough.”

After reporting the theft to the authorities and closing her compromised accounts, Marissa  began to piece together what might have happened. She concluded it had to be from the checks she had written in connection with her medical bills.

Later, the person responsible was arrested by authorities, and it was determined it was an employee of the hospital billing department where Marissa had received treatment.

How Marissa Protects Her Money Now

After her identity was stolen, here are the steps Marissa has taken to help protect her money.

To Read More:  https://finance.yahoo.com/news/recovered-financially-identity-theft-5-160005704.html

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