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IQDCalls Chat Friday Evening  8-16-19  

IQDCalls Chat Friday Evening  8-16-19  

Post From IQDCalls Chat Room

 Sparky Andre_front how are you my friend ? Glad you postponed going silent...but, I think the ice breaking off is because of the carbon footprint created by burning fossil fuels... ..sort of like the " greenhouse effect "... ;$$$ ... burning oil, gas, and coal makes the rich, richer...but has the opposite effect on the environment...

Dave   really?

Dave   Faux news......lol

Sparky   Dave jmo bro... along with undisputable research...

Dave   hope this pops before they ban oil....

Sparky   Dave ...me too...but hey, China will use whatever resources they need to float their boat...

Dave   10 yrs ago china had a few cars .....now they all want one

Baxter   I saw on the weather channel the other night where Greenland has lost 11 billion tons of ice this year..

Sparky   Dave ...but then again, .. how can the super rich take joyrides into space without burning ch3... I think we have a few minutes for our thing to pop...

Dave   Baxter the athabasca ice shield feeds 5 major rivers including the Columbia......they say in 50 yrs it will be gone

Baxter   I wouldnt doubt it      Florida will be under water again someday

Dave   it will be a war for water

Sparky   Dave yup...

Baxter   it practically is now here Dave... water is expensive

Baxter   House where I used to live here... my water bill averaged 150 a month

Dave   people pay more for bottled water than gas

Dave   150....ouch

Baxter   thats all we drink is bottled water

Baxter   my neighbor had 3 kids..his was always over 200 a month

Dave   we pay 10 a month

Sparky   Dave in the '70s, I thought buying water was a hoax...

Dave   I have 400 gallons of aquariums that i do weekly water changes .. fishies.....

Matt   Dave Wow 400 gallons

Sparky   Dave ...you live on the Pacific rim, correct ?

Dave   yep

Sparky   Dave ... I'd keep my boat in good repair...you may get more salt water than you need...

Dave   Sparky do fresh water tanks    they do not chlorinate or floridate our water....just ozone scrubbers


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Sparky   Dave ... I m thinking 4 more years of Trump,...and global warming...

Dave   Sparky I try not to think about Trump

Sparky   Dave ...trade war b* is hurting USA..., He doesn't even care...

Dave   he started it.....  with canada as well,apparently we support terrorism

Sparky  Dave ... obviously didn't think it through...

Dave   hence tariffs on us

Tebow   seems to me he made most of his money and made billions. Like it when others who have none say he's stupid. Maybe some would be better out trying to be like him.

Dave   Cant say much more Fox News banned in Canada,,,,,,,get just all the Faux news channels

Tebow   Sparky so you are for unfair trade practice which hurt American workers

Tebow   Sparky the other choice was worst

Dave   unfortunealy for us those in India China no longer wish to work for a buck a day.....

Dave   times a changing...

Tebow   but good 4 them

Dave   things just got more expensive  we have import from Mexico to pick our crops.......15/hr......

Dave   we have a 6% unemployment rate

Tebow   that's what happens when government gets involved in setting wages, price goes up

Matt   Tebow true

Sparky   Tebow worse ? ...we are laughed and feared throughout the world... who could be worse ?

Foxmulder   Tebow exactly

Tebow      we have more jobs than people

Matt   Taco Bell now has self order screen inside AI

Dave   Tebow my brother in law who watched a light for the last 30 yrs getting a 750,000 dollar pension

 Tebow   Sparky yes worst! just look at the remaining 19 who are running against him

Sparky   foxmulder ...short lived...if trade war continue s...

Dave   Same with our Good Morning auto workers

Matt   Dave he deserves it    Pension

Dave   750k.....

foxmulder   We sold and gave away most of our Industrial base, for what..we have been played for yrs . Unfortunately by companies here in the states

Sparky   Matt ...credit default swaps in the horizon...will be huge down turn...

Tebow   Dave made that off my pension the last 10 yrs with many more to come

Dave   Chase has forgiven all cc holders of their debit here     wish i had that card

 Sparky   foxmulder ...now they operate over seas...paying little taxes...

Matt   Canada

Dave   yep

foxmulder   And very low wages

Dave   foxmulder not here......90k to put on lug nuts at Good Morning

Dave   General MOtors   lol

Sparky   Dave ... Canadian build,... except for the windshield...

Dave        Sparky not for much longer moving to mexico

Dave   shutting down after tax payers bailed them out a few yrs ago 4.6 billion

Sparky   Dave ... either way...will be completed in the States...made in America... 

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foxmulder   Dave skilled trades maybe with massive overtime , folks on the line not even close . I have worked in hundreds of auto plants never seen that ... like I say maybe 7 days a week 12 hrs a day maybe ...

foxmulder   dang they didn't even make close to my wages

Dave   foxmulder uncle in oshawa made larger at Good Morning

foxmulder   Dave maybe ! Their wages are only around 28 to 30 hr

Dave   foxmulder yes ....benefits and huge pension worth much more

Sparky   foxmulder ...wage... cost...profit analysis...?

foxmulder   That's skilled trades , there is a new 2 tier pay scale among the new hires

Dave   foxmulder Average wage in oshawa 100k

Sparky   ...comes in pre built... except small install...profits thru the roof...

Dave   foxmulder could be

foxmulder   Dave Dave well maybe ... in Canada the people making big bucks are at the tar sands

Dave   foxmulder Used to be an oil Field Engineer

foxmulder   Dave well the pay is alot less across the board here in Detroit

Dave   foxmulder yep

foxmulder   Dave Iwas a steamfitter , been at the sands

Dave   foxmulder me tooo   hated the bugs lol  hated the cold

foxmulder   Dave they can have it ...been there done that one time ...   Dave unbearable

Dave   foxmulder could of retired yrs ago if i stuck at it

foxmulder   Great money but !! Theres no place like home lol

Dave   foxmulder bingo

foxmulder   Dave the money was outstanding...

Dave   Dave worked for Schlumbeger

Tebow   I was an Intelligence analyst, bugs of a different kind, good pension. Lol

Sparky   Dave ... I got an interview with them... mentioned shlum burger...never got a call back...

Dave   Tebow never experienced Miisuitos then.....

Dave   Sparky ran me ragged.....

Tebow   Dave we have a few here in FL

Dave   huge bucks though

Sparky   Dave top shelf, huge organization..

Dave   esp yrs ago   was in Dubai when it was nuttin

Tebow   just sand huh

Dave   not much......

Sparky   Dave ... I applied back in '97...

Dave   they put me through school   even for my masters

Sparky   Dave ...shhlumbergeahh (pronounced)...as I recall...

Dave   correct   eh....

foxmulder   Dave I didn't care for the requirements to work there , had to take the star exam . To work there .

 Dave   this was in the late80s for me   star exam?   70s sorry

foxmulder   Dave Dave canadian steamfitter qualified ..

Dave   i just pushed buttons.......

Sparky   foxmulder A+ computer certified for me...  ...PC Service and support...

Dave   Monkey could of done my job........

foxmulder   Unfortunately I didn't. , friggen pipe , dirty extremely heavy LOL

Dave   foxmulder no sleep at all for 24 or more hrs at a time.......

Sparky   foxmulder ...black oil... with cardboard under cutter / threader ?

Sparky   ...cutting fluid...   foxmulder ... sounds like sprinkler pipe...

Dave   Computers........got to go to schooll all the time to keep up with all the advancements

Sparky   Dave ...was a whiz back in '97... now, I suck...went to straight electrical...

Sparky   ...left the tech behind...

Dave   me too   and luv my job now  prefer to be happy rather than just making money

Dave   now watch news visit this place and do my paper work all at once 

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Sparky   ... anyone have anything to say... before I go into my diatribe ?

Dave   Sparky not on the note count or Kaps yadda i hope

Sparky   Dave ...well, it will be intertwined...lol

Sparky   Dave ...did I read 73 billion in reserve s... seems like a massive jump since Last reported...

Dave   Sparky cbi doing a good job racking in those dinar

Sparky   Dave ... just wondering about CBI reporting...and, when they report it...

Dave   CBI ......faux news according to Kap

Sparky   Dave ... not really trusting CBI...numbers...at this juncture...

Dave   Sparky check out cbi......they post plenty

Sparky   Dave ...plenty of faux news ?

Dave   Sparky from Kaps take YES

Sparky   Dave IMF is running CBI...

Dave   Sparky says who?   CBI?

Sparky   Dave no, the new " overseer", in this week's news...

Dave   SEER.....lol   and beyond......,

Sparky   Dave ... didn't you read...they are all up in arms , saying CBI is separate from gov...

Dave   Sparky because its true?    autonomous comes to mind

Sparky   Dave ... because the corruption will be dealt with...

Dave   Sparky need those federal court laws passed you mean?

Dave   Immunity runs the day currently

Sparky   Dave ...CBI is where dollars are funnel Ed to Iran...

Dave   Sparky not cbis fault

Sparky   Dave ...you sure ?...

Dave   the govts fault   doh!   DOH!     get you some reading glasses

Sparky   Dave CBI is, where , corruption is allowed...

Dave   Sparky Refridian bank   thats not cbi

Sparky   Dave ...Dinar goggles ?

Dave   fewer than 50 agencies are allowed in the auctions

Dave   including many from the govt........thats partially how Maliki et al been skimming

Sparky   Dave ...now, they are demanding legitimate bank accounts for auction traders...

Dave   Sparky we are talking cbi auction.......not the street traders

Sparky   Dave ... auction traders...

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Dave   FML laws help yes    money does get funnelled though

Sparky   Dave ...has been a rabbit hole... no tracking, or traceability...

Dave   changed now......  we hope

Sparky   Dave ... electronic transactions...only way to slow It down...imo

Dave   Sparky HARD CURRENCY EXCHANGE....does not mean digital.....

Sparky   Dave ...hard currency is cash... electronic currency leaves a trail...

Dave   Sparky hence cbi only allows certain groups to participate in the auctions

Sparky   Dave ... now, they are demanding legitimate bank accounts, to follow the trail...

Dave   thats been the bone of contention for yrs and yrs     now,,,,,,still hard currency

Sparky   Dave ...agree...

Dave   perfecto

 Sparky   Dave ...imo, corruption will only be curtailed by electronic banking...

Dave   laws would be more immediate

Sparky   Dave enacted, and implemented law's...yes...

Dave   the King Pins still enjoying their immunity

Sparky   Dave ...and... enforcement...

Sparky   Dave ... can't argue that point...

Dave   arrest warrants abundant..........  no teeth.......   not for the politicians

Sparky   Dave ... Mahdi has no balls... but, he probably loves his family...as, that is how they operate...do what we say, or, we'll kill your darlings...

Dave   Sparky should learn more in 3 weeks to see which path they choose......heard

Sparky   Dave ...Iraqi / Iranian mafia...

Dave   heard get it done in the next session for 10 yrs

Dave   Sparky Like the Clinton Mafia......

Dave   Sparky Mahdi was set up........he ran as an independant......

Sparky   Dave ...only if the current Iraqi mafia decides that they will get richer with currency revaluation...do we stand a chance of making money In this endeavor..imo...

Dave   ergo no support.....   Sparky OUCH.......Home land Security would not appreciate that......

Dave   Move here no problem.......

Sparky   Dave ... I I'll chance it...

Dave   not me.....

Andre_front   Sparky I see you still here yourself but still have no investments I guess right but I am silent like they say its my life its your life whether you protected or not hating or not when things happen 2 u only yourself u could blame its just funny got to go


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