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10 Enjoyable Experiences Ruined by Wealthy People

10 Enjoyable Experiences Ruined by Wealthy People

July 8, 2023 by Claire Conway

Throughout history, the actions of the wealthy have often had a profound impact on society, both positive and negative. While many wealthy individuals and corporations have used their resources to benefit society, others have contributed to the degradation of systems and resources that should benefit everyone.

From the exploitation of natural resources and the rising cost of education to the influence of money in politics and the lack of affordable housing, the actions of the rich have had far-reaching consequences.

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1. Affordable Housing

Rich people buying up multiple properties as investments and leaving them empty or using them as vacation homes drives up the price of housing for everyone else. The lack of affordable housing is a major issue in many cities around the world, and the actions of wealthy property owners only exacerbate the problem.

2. Natural Resources

The extraction and exploitation of natural resources like oil, gas, and minerals have often been driven by wealthy corporations and individuals seeking to maximize profits. This has led to environmental destruction and exploitation of indigenous communities, as well as the exacerbation of climate change.

3. Art and Cultural Heritage

Wealthy collectors and institutions have been known to purchase priceless works of art and artifacts from around the world, only to keep them locked away in private collections or museums inaccessible to the public. This deprives people of the opportunity to appreciate and learn from these cultural treasures.

4. Politics

The influence of money in politics has long been a contentious issue. Wealthy individuals and corporations can donate large sums of money to political campaigns and lobbying efforts, giving them outsized influence over the decision-making process and leading to policies that often favor the wealthy at the expense of the rest of society.

5. Public Transportation

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