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“Coffee With MarkZ” Thursday Morning Chat 8-8-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: A Beautiful morning to you all

Member: Good morning all you future millionaires

Member: are we stinking close? lots of chatter? money moving?

Member: Is this our weekend??? 8.8.8 Incredible Financial Day -Angel Numbers

Member: I think we are in the middle of the Hunger games….

MZ: Look at DC…you may be right.

MZ: RV is mostly a nothing burger again….All we have is rumors of the HCL is in the Kurdish regions where they made a couple changes and sent it back to the parliament…so it is now with them. We heard parliament has agreed on it and now we are waitng for them to say Boom –it’s done.

MZ: So in Iraq they seem excited that Alaq is going to gone and the pending public approval of the HCL .

MZ: Quiet on the bond front, quiet on the RV front,quiet on farm claims, quiet on CMKX

Member: Consecutive nothing burgers is a good sign. More and more with NDAs.

Member: I heard we are days away NOT months just quiet due to NDAs. Pray it is so for everyone

Member: Mike Bara said yesterday that some farm claims checks…..black checks issued by the government are now being cashed by recipients…..hope that is true…if it is things are moving.

​​Member: Wolverine in telegram has been putting news that different platforms are moving from Brazil to Zurich to Japan- farm claims,

Member: today is my birthday 8-8. Was hoping for something good to happen.

MZ: Don’t give up hope. We could hear that HCL has been approved....and a rate change today. From a logistics prospective I would not be surprised.

Member: ( From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat   Article:  "PARLIAMENT RETURNS THE OIL AND GAS LAW TO THE GOVERNMENT: IT MUST ADD PARAGRAPHS THAT KEEP PACE WITH GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTS" Quote:  "the government must work on amending and adding new paragraphs to the law..."   WOW! This is excellent news. This article shows us the Oil and Gas Law is actually farther ahead than the news has been telling us. It actually did reach parliament and the readings were conducted so far... 

MZ: I am still hearing there is an opportunity for it to pass before the weekend is out.

Member: MM and PompeyPeter say this Al Alaq  news is “dodgy”

MZ: It is weird for sure. But it sure has some of the finance people in Iraq very excited.

Member: Mark, if it goes prior to NESARA and is taxed, when NESARA is enacted, would we get the taxes refunded?

Member: Hope springs eternal

Member: so all the hype about the market crash this week was for nothing?

Member: The current stock market makes no sense at all.

Member: It would be better if they let it all implode with an endgame. It would be easier to reset, adjust prices ect…if they let it all burn down . That would be better than trying to fix the broken foundation or fix the spots the termites ate…..They need to let it all burn down. Logistically that would be easier but billions of people will suffer….but be better in the long run.

MZ: “Dow Jones drops 230 points lower as Wallstreet comeback attempts fizzle out”

MZ: “ Zerohedge: “Is this the start of a crash? That is how Goldman is trading it. “  Whenever they have done this in the past it accompanies a heck of a bear market. If this is any indicator from history- this bear will be roaring for quite some weeks.

Membr: Anyone heard from Issac- he has quit posting.

MZ: He may be being leaned on like everyone else to stop sharing specifics.

Member: Mark. Quick question. How long do you think we have to see the effects of not being the petrodollar? It’s been 90 days since OPEC failed to sign the contract with the US

Member: I think the effects are happening…just MSM hides all the facts…..

Member: What are the current currencies supposed to be in the first basket?

Member: First Basket is a basket of currencies thought to be a min of 19 and as many as 30 currencies.

Member: From a year or so ago- this was posted:  1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan 20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan 23. Zimbabwe

Member: It’s getting excruciating and exciting. We definitely have to survive if we have made it this far! Praying for God to protect all those hurting in the community! Hang in there!

Member: It breaks my heart to see what is happening in the world and it needs a lot of prayers.

Member: To all of you have a blessed day and many wonders… fill your lives with hope, faith and love.


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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