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Some “BRICS New’s” Tuesday 10-8-2024

BRICS Announces 2025 Plans! What Happens to US Dollar Now?

GeoFlux:  10-7-2024

BRICS nations have announced ambitious plans for 2025, potentially reshaping the global financial landscape. Saudi Arabia's joining BRICS and allowing its dollar-oil agreement to expire marks a significant shift.

Russia's chairmanship is pushing for increased use of national currencies in trade settlements. The BRICS Bridge payment system aims to rival SWIFT, while member countries are developing their own alternatives.

Digital currencies, including CBDCs, are gaining traction. These moves could challenge the US dollar's dominance, potentially weakening its role in global trade and sanctions.

Geopolitical implications are vast, with BRICS positioning itself as an alternative to Western-led financial institutions. The expansion impacts global commodity markets, given BRICS+ countries' resource wealth.

 However, challenges remain, including maintaining BRICS unity and overcoming technical hurdles. The future likely holds a more diversified monetary landscape, affecting international trade, investments, and everyday financial transactions. While the dollar won't disappear, its supremacy may gradually erode.


Saudi Arabia to Adopt Petroyuan for Oil Settlements, Ditch Petrodollar?

Geopolitical Analyst:  10-8-2024

In recent months, the geopolitical landscape has witnessed tremendous shifts, particularly surrounding the BRICS bloc—comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. As these nations continue their pursuit of de-dollarization, particularly in terms of global trade, one prominent player is considering a significant pivot: Saudi Arabia. With the Kingdom reportedly contemplating the adoption of the petroyuan for oil settlements, the world is poised to watch how this potential transition could reshape global economic dynamics.

For decades, the petrodollar system, which mandates that crude oil sales be conducted solely in U.S. dollars, has granted the United States considerable influence over global economic policies. This system has promoted the dollar’s status as the world’s primary reserve currency, allowing the U.S. to maintain an upper hand in international finance. However, evolving global dynamics beckon a reconsideration of this long-standing structure.

The BRICS bloc, in particular, has aggressively pursued de-dollarization, encouraging member nations and global partners to transition to using their own currencies for trade. This move challenges the U.S. dollar’s supremacy and aims to foster greater economic sovereignty for BRICS countries amidst a world increasingly wary of U.S. economic policies.

Saudi Arabia’s relationship with the BRICS bloc has been anything but straightforward. Earlier this year, despite being invited to join the 2023 BRICS expansion, the Kingdom held back from full membership. Instead, it appears to be adopting a more cautious approach while simultaneously navigating its longstanding ties with Western powers, particularly the United States.

However, recent statements from Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Industry underscore a readiness to explore new avenues of collaboration, particularly with China. The Minister noted, “We are open to trying new things,” which hints at the Kingdom’s willingness to adapt to the changing tides of international trade and finance. This sentiment aligns with rising discussions regarding the potential of using the Chinese yuan for oil settlements—a mechanism colloquially termed the “petroyuan.”

As Saudi Arabia contemplates the future of its oil settlements, the global economic order stands at a crucial crossroads. The potential shift toward the petroyuan—while still uncertain—reflects a growing trend among BRICS nations to redefine their financial relationships in a rapidly evolving world. As Riyadh continues to navigate its intricate roles of tradition and modernization, its decisions will not only impact its coffers but also pose significant questions for the future coherence of international economic structures and the longstanding dominance of the U.S. dollar.

The global economic community will be watching closely, not just for Saudi Arabia’s next move, but also for the ripples it could send through the current monetary system. Will we witness the dawn of a new era, or will the petrodollar continue to reign supreme? Only time will tell.

Watch the video below from Geopolitical Analyst for more information.
